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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. FE10 Honestly each FE part which didn't make it for the GBA or (3)DS. Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft person?
  2. Handheld consoles because of its flexibility... although the better games came out for home consoles. ... And no. Which game for a home console needs to be released for a handheld console the most?
  3. Do you prefer handheld or stationary videogame consoles? collecting lewd fanart
  4. #85: What would you do if other road users bully and endanger you? Examples: swarming, ignoring your right of way, blocking the road
  5. How often have you ever visited the hot spring (or whatever it's called) in FE14? It's a sausage with onion right? If yes, I like them. Also when you have them at home... at night!? I guess you'll have a different opinion then. ;)
  6. MARCIA :) Oh, I see now what this hack is about: Ray brought all his favorite characters together in one game. So far I like it, because Linoan and Marcia are great! I hope Olwen made it in too.
  7. A hack with Linoan as main character?! How the hell haven't I heared of it yet? Linoan is reason enough for me to play this one. Ok, this hack looks like FE7 with a few changed ingame dialogues. Gameplaywise I can't really see any differences to the original unless the lord is a magic user. I'll let me surprise how Lin will do her job. Just a little thing: Would it mind you to put the images and text commentary in spoiler tags? It'd make it easier to read all the comments and updates in this thread.
  8. Do you rather eat in a pizza store, or do you rather call a pizza taxi to let the pizzas bring home? Nothing, especially if it's a weekday and I have to do work. If it's in a weekend, I might go out. (cycling, boat trip, visiting museum...)
  9. Asks me a lot of questions and even multiple times. ninja'd but still applies My badge seems to have pink hair. That's actually it. The hair of my avatar is magenta red. Same goes for my text colour.
  10. Have fun with this maze! The final boss was one of the better ones in the series tbh. However his second last phase has a gimmick requires a good reaction time from you, so be prepared!
  11. The Olympic games are such a freaking mess right now since the latest happenings (tolerating state doping; IOC president didn't visit the Paralympics). I'm feeling sorry for the clean athletes who worked so hard for this event... but I don't believe in the Olympic Committee and the cleanness of these games anymore. Unfortunately it's quite the common thing in the world of sports. The latest Olympic games took place in "problematic" countries. (Rio, Russia) Same goes for football too. (WC in Qatar) The money will be invested in the games to be in the good spotlight in the publicity and cover the social problems. And literally nothing of the received money will be invested to decrease the issues.
  12. I'm feeling sorry for most people who have to suffer under the government. They don't have only to suffer with limited rights, but also with a huge economic crisis currently. Independent of politics I'd like to travel there because it has an interesting history and lots of interesting places, especially Moscow. How do you like to celebrate your birthdays?
  13. Did you mean period of free days or vacation trip? as for the period: summer as for vacation trip: Turkey Do you like to do boat trips on rivers or small lakes?
  14. Real name starts with the first four letters of his UN.
  15. [spoiler=Finished Requiem] It was fun. The map design was good for the most part.. My favorite chapter was the escape mission when Shel appeared after a certain time. It's one of very few FE games / hacks I enjoyed using a pirate. Hawke literally broke the game for me. He was an axe myrmidon with amazing strength and speed growth. His skill wasn't bad either. He could oneround Legato and the final boss (with dancer). Of the lords honestly I only found Valentine usable at the end. She started squishy but with a bit investment in form of stat boosts she became amazing, maxed strength, skill, speed and defense. The mage lords were outclassed unfortunately. Ash was alright, but Alicia became pretty mediocre at the end with low magic and speed. Also I kinda wished that some characters had better bases / growthrates. Nala's strength and defense were awful and she was totally lost when Ordanze joined. Edward was pretty bad too... but I had to use him because he was the only thief I got. Also Andrei was a complete disappointment I promoted him at level 12 to a hero with 9 (!!!) speed. Thankfully he wasn't forced later on anymore. After playing the early chapters... I thought it would turn into a really hard hack because especially the prolog and chapter 1 were tough. But at least after the reunion it became easier and easier... tbh a bit too easy at the end. Though it was only normal mode, so I hope for a bit more challenge in hard mode. Of the two completed hacks I enjoyed Requiem more than The Last Promise,.despite latter added some non-FE themes. But gameplaywise Requiem was more enjoyable all in all.
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