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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Have played a bit Mother 3... and I must admit I really enjoy it so far. [spoiler=Actually I might found a huge bug in Xillia 2] It happened in Alvin's story chapter 2: It takes place in Duval. I have to go to the station to overhear a conversation between two men. After hearing it Leia starts to talk and Alvin gives the hint to get out to find Yurgen. He has to be in front of the station. ... But in my case he doesn't appear. I can't continue with his story. In my first playthrough I didn't have this problem. I watched a couple of LPs and I still don't know what I did wrong (if I did anything wrong). Idr which version it was. (it's been more than one year ago) I got an error message with an (error) code. My laptop has issues with some emulators for some reason: ZSNES also didn't work. Edit: Redownloaded ePSxe again. I can open the emulator... but I have no clue how to open the roms. (believe even the exact same problem like earlier) However I know someone who can help me for sure.
  2. Knows it's always sad, especially if it happens quite suddenly.
  3. Probably and hopefully just hasn't found and bury a dead kitty unlike me :.(.
  4. The weapon balance in FE4 is pretty awful as weird to let you know. Fire, thunder and wind have the same accuracy and might... only their weight is different. As for physical weapons: The only difference between iron and steel weapon is, that the steel weapon has more might. All the other stats are the same. Also slim weapons have more might than iron weapons for another reason I don't know. As for Azel: If you can buy a thunder tome in the item shop, then do it immediately! It weighs less than fire and will reduce his AS penalty. Same goes for steel weapons. They shall replace iron weapons. Deidre is horrible in the arena because of her hilarious negative speed but she's a great chipper at least.
  5. Posted a fact that feels like alien territory to me.
  6. [spoiler=These are the units I brought to the final chapter:] I'd say everyone except for Alicia and Ordanze was great. (didn't check out growthrates) I must admit I used a few status boots on Val (energy drop, draco shield, angelic robe) in part 1. I'm not sure, if she would have maxed defense without it. About the second iron rune: I found it a little bit weird too that I still got (a second) one after stealing it from the boss. After thinking about it I thought it was scripted for some reason. But apparently it wasn't. It doesn't mean that I don't like to see multiple iron runes. For example The Last Promise gave you two delphi shields (iirc one was stealable from a pegasus knight boss and one was dropped by an enemy)
  7. It's meaningless to me without having a window of temperatues. Low humidity with 20-30 °C at day and 15 °C at night would be perfect. Favorite board game?
  8. Regardless that I never ever will have kids probably, I'd send them to a public school because kids tend to get isolated in a private school.
  9. a bit strange tbh... but still amusing Favorite LP of Chugga?
  10. NintendoCapriSun I came to his channel by watching TheRunawayGuys. He shows impressively that even people in the 40s can have fun with videogames. Also I love his Mario paint remixes of pop and rock songs. What's your opinion of this ?
  11. Hopefully the price of PS3 Berseria will be reduced soon but I know it won't happen until the game is out everywhere. 80 € is still too much. It should become my self-made christmas present. ePSXe didn't work on my laptop (windows) I always got an error message whenever I opened it.
  12. Favorite Youtube LPer? each flying and spiky insect However wasps are the worst (since yesterday).
  13. Kelik, is one of the reasons why I liked and disliked The Last Promise. His edginess is annoying as hilarious. No seriously, I can't stand this dude... although he brakes this hack into half... so OP!
  14. Thanks! Also it seems to be that you lost or sold your favorite game, right? I can understand how someone must feel. I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah, I really hope for a re-release with maniac mode, but I'm 99% sure it won't happen, Also there are people in this world who really think that a videogame is more worth than a holiday trip or a used car: https://www.amazon.de/Fire-Emblem-Radiant-Dawn-FR/dp/B0014DA2NM/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1477610983&sr=8-5&keywords=radiant+dawn I know how hard it is to sell a rare game, even more if you really loved it. I almost did the mistake to sell FE10 at the begin of this year... but thankfully there are people here who rammed prudence down my throat. I'd have regretted till the end of my life, if I really had sold it. In FE9 I really felt like I have exhausted the game for 100%. I don't have any motivation to replay this game anymore. Of course it'll change after like two years.
  15. The problem is that I have to play the GBA version because PSX emulator doesn't work... or I had to dip deep into my pocket to get the PS1 version.
  16. Haven't played any of the nostalgic Tales of games yet. Oldest finished game was Abyss. Playing Symphonia atm... and not enjoying it tbh. As for Xillia 2: For someone like me who disliked 1, I was very happy with the improvements in 2. However if you really liked 1, 2 might disappoint you... because there are like three new dungeons and three new towns in the sequel. Many people see it just as an add-on.
  17. Least favorite animal? They're ok unlike the other flying spiky shit. Without them we wouldn't have honey, so I tolerate them automatically. (I'd have answered differently, if I posted directly)
  18. ~ 70 $ Of course there are offers for >90 $ but I didn't want be an ass here. I guess 70 $ is a fair price, still a massive win for me. Got it for less than the half at stupid Gamestop. Honestly I need the money for my future planing. But it doesn't mean that I will get rid of everything I admire. Yeah.
  19. Well... a big partnership has ended for more than three years today! Tomorrow FE9 will have a new owner. I really enjoyed this game. It had an amazing story with tons of interesting characters and villians. Ike had way more personality than in the sequel and BK and Ashnard belong to the most memorable villains in the entire series. Gameplaywise it was pretty good. It brought back mission objectives from the GBA games and escape missions returned (even if they were nerfed compared to FE5). Strength was the buffer for the weapon weight which nerfed magic users. But all in all it was still more balanced than constitution as buffer in the GBA series. FE9 was one of very few games where each unit was usable. I guess it's the only major downer of this game at the same time. This game is too easy without maniac mode. The enemies have really bad stats. Even magic users aren't frightening at all unlike in most other parts. You can duo or even solo this game easily. I missed the challenge a bit. Despite the amazing story I kinda felt bored after a time... and that's the reason why I decided to sell this game heavy-heartedly. I played it ~ 50 times... and all in all I had a wonderful time with this game... but it ends right here. :.( Of course I'll keep the sequel... because it's my favorite videogame of all time... and it shall still keep!
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