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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Let's Play Gheb FE Welcome to... ugh... the probably worst FE romhack in existence after what I've read and heared, Gheb FE. I watched a bit of two LPs, so I know a bit about the character, "story" and gameplay. But now it's time to "enjoy" this hack for myself! I don't know, if I'll beat this hack because it's super hard... but one of my targets is to beat the third map at least because then I'd surpass the great Markyjoe who dropped his LP in chapter 2. One warning in advance: This LP will include lots of inpropirate language! (sexism, blow ups and stupid jokes...) Keep this in mind before you really want to take this! Well, then let's begin the road to hell: Prolog
  2. As a little child I dreamed to have a role in ALF... but not anymore... thankfully. Have you ever thought of becoming a candidate in a quiz show?
  3. Second this, although I don't believe it's an unpopular opinion to say that Flynn > Yuri gameplaywise for everyone who played the PS3 version. Flynn is similar to Guy who's probably the most favored character to use in Abyss. Judith is the worst character gameplaywise in Vesperia (don't think it's unpopular) and my least favorite to use in the entire series yet. (tied with Colette; even worse than Anise) Patty Fleur has the best moveset in the entire Tales of series. Xillia 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Xillia 1 One of very few good things in Zestiria was to improve the holy bottle. Symphonia is the hardest Tales of game I've played yet.
  4. At the first moment I found it a bit confusing because of the large number of different chat threads. Same goes for changing settings which was easier to find and do on Skype. I think I'll like when I used to it. Is there any TV series you would like to have an acting role?
  5. Favorite TV show / series in general? I like some like Wheel or Fortune or Deal or no Deal and quiz shows like Who wants to be a Millionaire.
  6. I'd come to Australian Halloween if they gave away koalas... or wombats.
  7. That's true, like in public authorities. (police ,hospital...) Rather meant uncommon working places for video control.
  8. #87: What would you do if there was a petition for establishing video cameras in your personal working area (office...) and school classes?
  9. Favorite TV game show? I watch the news and a bit sports sometimes, that's it. With the spamming of advertisement and bad shows I lost the interest in watching TV.
  10. I still don't watch animes... never have done... and won't do it in the next 50 years (if I should be alive until that). Opinion of the TV program of today?
  11. Favorite sort of nut? barons or generals who can use each physical weapon at least
  12. A sidenote: You'll get the elite ring in chapter 2. If an unit has 40000 gold, pass it to the unit before it will enter the arena to get doubled experience there. Idr if the elite ring could be combined with Lex's elite. (don't think so)
  13. Favorite animal picture? hawaii with a bit garlic and spinach
  14. Never heared of it. Do you prefer pizzas with thin or big dough?
  15. After seeing that he's unharmed, it does mean that you needed like 20-30 turns for him already. How fun.
  16. pasta with ham, cheese, eggs and spinach Do you prefer to eat pizzas from the pizza store or self made pizzas?
  17. time between Worldwar I and Worldwar II A past historical event you wished you could witness?
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