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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Knows it would take like one minute to add all the Berseria ladies to the list.
  2. Hasn't added his claim list with characters from Tales of Berseria.
  3. ... I can't give an opinion of something I don't know. Is it embarrassing not to know of it? (I assume it's a videogame series)
  4. Seriously the idea of constitution as weapon weight buffer never ever worked in my eyes. In the GBA series and some hacks some units are automatically disqualified because of their low con and their speed reduction as the result. The reason is that the weight of most weapons is way too high. It can't be that a mage can't even use a fire tome (Lute) without speed reduction. Iron weapons, flux and fire have to be used by EVERYONE without speed penalty. Otherwise this system kills the point of existence of certain units, and so we have the same result like in FE10 in a different way. If I could change the weapon weight system, then I'd do it like here. FE14's idea of speed (de)buffing as fairer since it affects everyone. However it'd be nicer if double attacks with some weapons still were possible.
  5. Apparently I wasn't the only one who was thinking about the band. lol Anyways Baby Spice... although she's so lucky and is married with one of my absolute favorite sport idols of my childhood... and I still like Becks.
  6. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest 22 Donkey Kong 64 16 Donkey Kong Country Returns 17
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zw2oVRr3Mshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zw2oVRr3Ms Once more Bamco is in the mood to censor things for the west. I don't think armatization is a thing there. I think I have played it long enough yet (~5h) to can confirm yet. Otherwise it should have been introduced already. Velvet can transform all alone without using another party member in battles which gives her special attacks / artes. I guess, this replaces the armatization.
  8. Low movement kills him. His only usefulnesses are to get the pursuit ring and to guard in chapter 2 against Fury's squad. 2/10
  9. [spoiler=Chapter 5 part 2] The axe knights are coming. Although they attack multiple people of my team, all their attacks are unsuccessful. At least the boss survives... even if barely. Ugh... I hope I didn't overrestimate Holyn... Well, I expected this tbf. The brave axe general still can attack him... first attack hits... ... AND SECOND DOES TOO! FANTASTIC!!!!! Are you fucking kidding me!? Facepalmcount: 3 Well, this death doesn't bother me much. Claude will use the Valkyria Stave to revive him, and the world will be fine. I hoped I never ever would come into this situation to use this... but oh well... The end of the first miniboss. Even my unpromoted units have no problems with these cavs. If you killed the first miniboss or reached a certain spot of this map (Idk), this happens: The bow knight army will start to move. I'm pretty sure Erin will do a better job against these dudes. This village is also saved Lewyn will attract the first one. ... I don't expect she'll get hit. wrecked For using the Valkyria Stave Claude has to do it in the home castle. Holyn is back and still has the same equipped before his death. Also repairing the Valkyria Stave costs "only" 30000 gold, as much as repairing a silence and sleep stave. It's not that expensive. If Dew grabs lots of money to give it to Claude you can play badly often (as I do) without getting punished too hard. However make sure to revive all paired units before you end the final castle of this chapter because otherwise they'll become generic kids and won't inherit the growths and skills of their parents. If Arden, Alec or Midir died, it wouldn't affect Gen. 2 badly at all. Since the mage is taken out it's impossible for him to die again. Dew visits the village in the south-west: Woman: Heared the news? Grannvale's army just swept in and seized Lubeck Castle! Oh... I fear for Silesse's future... Obtains 3000 gold. Andre's end. I'm pretty sure he'd have a special conversation with Aideen and Bridget... but unfortunately I fucked up right here by sending them to the western side. All the other bow knights follow André's fate and die in the same turn. delicious, nice and Idc For visiting this village you get information about Eldigan's son Ares. He'll play a role in Gen. 2. Obtains 2500 gold. OMG! He got twice by the brave axe again. WTF is wrong with you? Time to wipe out Langbalt's guards. Good. Maybe he can still be promoted before the end of Gen. 1. meh Erin takes out the nasty brave axe general with the bolt sword. Oh right, east and north-east of Castle Lubeck are four ballistas placed. You see how terrifying they are. A crit would do it. Langbalt still has 1% hit against Forseti. Respect! bla, bla, bla He attacks twice but Great Shield is activated once. After Sylvia's dance: neither Adept nor a crit ... Then he just has to die in enemy phase. Before Sigurd seizes everyone has to catch up. It'll take a few turns. Meanwhile Sigurd uses the time and visits the two remaining villages to get gold to repair the Tyrfing. Village 1: Man: It's terrifying just how far Grannvale has fallen from the peaceful nation it used to be! All they ever do these days is set their army on every country they can get their hands on. Prince Kurth'd be utterly ashamed to know what's become of his beloved Grannvale... You have to do something! I'm begging you... Go to Grannvale! Take the country back from the wicked folk who are perverting all it holds dear! Obtains 5000 gold. Village 2: Young man: 'S been a while since Grannvale beat Isaach in the war, but they're strugglin' to put down resistance out in its farthest corners. But the people of Isaach ain't givin' up hope. Prince Shanan's still out there, an' they know someday he'll lead 'em to freedom! Obtains 5000 gold. excellent ... After a quite while time to seize: Oifey: That was quite the fierce bout, sire. Sigurd: Mm. And to think, none of them were Grannvale's elite! Listen, Oifey, I need to ask something of you. Oifey: Of course, sire. What is it? Sigurd: As I recall, the territory of Isaach should be very close to the north-east of Lubeck. From what I've heared, ever since Grannvale won the war, Isaach has been governed by Dannan, Langbalt's eldest son. But I'd wafer his influence has yet to reach much of the country's span, so... Oifey: I beg your pardon, sire?! Are you seriously asking me to abandon you for safety, now of all times? No! I refuse! I will not leave you, sire! I'm here fr you no matter what, till I draw my last breath! Sigurd: Oifey, listen... I know this is a huge imposition, but please. Just hear me out. I... I don't want to lose Seliph. He isn't even two years old yet! I can hardly fight with an infant in tow. Please, Oifey. Take care of Seliph. Take him and find refuge from this blasted war. I know I can trust you, Oifey. You are my only hope. Oifey: Sire... I... Very well. I'll take Lord Seliph. I'll protect him, no matter what happens. That said, you have to promise me. Promise me that you'll come for us as soon as this war is over. I won't leave you if you can't promise that. Sigurd: Of course. I swear I'll come for the two of you. Oifey: Thank you... Shanan: Hold it! I promised Deidre that I'll look after Seliph no matter what! I won't hand him over to anyone, not even Oifey until Deidre says I can! Sigurd: Calm down, Shanan... I know you're still hurt about losing Deidre, but this isn't helping. It's okay. He'll be fine with Oifey. Shanan: No! I need to protect Seliph! And you're forgetting that the people of Isaach won't eaxctly be happy to see more Grannvaleans! Oifey alone won't last a minute there, but if I'm here there it'll be okay. Who better to protect Seliph in Isaach than the prince of Isaach? Please... I promised her... Oifey: Now that he mentions it, sire, I would be a tad more at ease if Shanan was there as well. I know you're reluctant to involve one as young as Shanan in something so dangerous. But I think we can agree he's become a talented warrior. Not to mention, I'll need Shanan to secure the people's support. Sigurd: Hm... I'm sorry to burden you more, Shanan, but please... Take care of Seliph for me. Shanan: Okay! Leave it to me! I'm gonna keep getting stronger, and nobody'll ever hurt Seliph! I'll teach him about Deidre, but I wonder how he'll take what happened... Oifey: I suppose we should get going, then. Farewell, sire. Take care of yourself. I pray victory and clemency find you as soon as possible. Sigurd: Thank you, Oifey. Be careful out there. Oifey: Yes, sir! Shanan and Oifey leave with little Seliph.
  10. [spoiler=Chapter 5 part 1] Map story The Silessian civil war is over, and the Grannvale army awaits Sigurd. Zaxon Castle has barely fallen, yet before Sigurd can so much as rest, the orders of Grannvale stand before him at the captured Lubeck Castle. Time to fight this masterdouche. For Sigurd, to challenge Langbalt is an opportunity to avenge his father, Byron, framed by Langbalt for his crimes. Beyond Lubeck, the desert town Phinora, Lord Arvis's elite warriors stand guard under the command of the war-mage Vaha. Velthomer Castle, on Grannvale's border with the Yied Desert, and in Belhalla, the royal capital of Grannvale, Lord Arvis serves to aid the bedridden King Azmur, while Chancellor Reptor of Freege maintains peace and order of the city. The final trial awaits. Finally time to kick all their ass. Sigurd refuses to endanger the people of Silesse any further in this conflict. He is determined to fight to the end. The year in Grann 760, early spring. The fields of Silesse peacefully rest beneath a deep blanket of snow... Chapter 5: Threshold of Fate Sigurd's father Lord Byran Langbalt: My ambush may have put an end to Chalpy's paladin brigade, the Grünen Ritter, but the survival of Byron alone leaves that utterly meaningless! ???: Y-yes, sir... But you see, milord, Byron is still gravely wounded. Surely, he has very little time left... Langbalt: I've never heared such naive drivel! That's the reason why Bryon has to be elimanted at once. They're afraid that Tyrfing will fall in Sigurd's hands. For a very good reason... as you will see later. ???: Y-yes, sir! Consider it done! Fucking André is back. Langbalt is Lex's father and the Duke of Dozel. Langbalt: I suppose you're right, André. Be sure that your men are ready to join the fray at a moment's notice. André: It would be my pleasure, sir... Same will go for you. much horse shit They don't know yet it's Sigurd's dad. Oifey: I don't believe so. The Lubeck occupation seems to be pursuing him, so they're most likely not with them. Sigurd: I don't believe so. Let's give them a hand. We'll be clashing with Langbalt's army sooner or later, so why not make the first move? Move out! Our target is their front lines. Today's victory hinges on this first strike! Arena Lex reaches his maximum level. I'm very satisfied with him. Great strength and defense and surprisingly good speed for his level. not bad Even if he hasn't leveled speed, this Noish is by far above average. Not bad considering that she capped skill and speed already. He doesn't really need stats anymore tbf. Seven stats in total in five levels - a little bit disappointing ok meh I really should have started a no stat level count for her. I guess it's the fourth of fifth time already. Thankfully she can't get anymore level ups. Thankfully he was paired with Lachesis already so she could give him the money to buy the Paragon band. This made it possible to promote him. His strength boosts sucks but look at his skil and speed! Don't get confused by his 30 speed. The Speed band he has equipped for the arena is included. Amazing levels! Also Sigurd is maxed. He's a bit below average I have to say. I can take it! Again, not the stats she really need except for skill. Map Before you fight all the paladins and Langbart you have to make your way through this little group. A small group of axe knights including a general with a brave axe and a few mages. No big deal. West from Zaxon the exact same group of enemies is on the way to reconquer your home castle. Have a guard there against them. You have to fight them anyways if you want to visit the villages in the south-west. Here are the other enemies you have to fight, The great knights including the miniboss are really pathetic. Just send a semi trained sword user in their attack range and you'll be fine. The bow knights and André are a bit more annoying because they carry brave bows. Just let them come to you and take the squad out in one player phase. Langbalt's three guards aren't special at all except for having Great Shield. Langbalt is the mainboss of the first part. He carries another holy weapon he doesn't drop: Helswath. An extreme powerful hand axe which gives him boost in defense and resistance. However he's cheseecake with Holsety or Tiltyu's Wrath crits. He also has Great Shield. Lord Byron is chasen by the cavaliers and rides towards Castle Zaxon. Sigurd has to talk to him to get the Tyrfing. It's another holy weapon. However it's broken so Sigurd has to repair it in any castle first. This means he shall have a bit money... The twins know that they have to fight their brother. Aideen: I did. I've heared how he murdered our father, and later Mahnya in Silesse as well... I can barely imagine the evil which would have possessed him to do such monstrous things. Bridget: ... I'm going to kill André. There's no other way. Whatever evil is, he has to be stopped. Right here, right now. You get what I'm saying, right, Aideen? Aideen: Bridget... Bridget: Andre's crimes are House Jungby's crimes. Thery're our crimes, too. They reflect badly on us, even though they really shouldn't. I know I'll have his blood on my hands for the rest of my life, but... Aideen, I want you to understand. Aideen: Of couese I do, Bridget... meanwhile in Arvis isn't worried about Sigurd's invasion. If he's succesful against Langbalt... Arvis still doesn't care... because... you'll see... ???: Even so... Even now, it is almost beyond belief, is it not? That Lord Byron would slay Kurth... Or that Sigurd would incite a rebellion... Arvis: Your Majesty, if I may explain once more... Lord Byron was plotting against the crown in concert with the late Lord Ring of Jungby. His Highness fell afoul of their assault, an act to which our very own Dukes Reptor and Langbalt bore witness. His Highness learned of their schemes to seize the throne from the royal family too late, and paid for it with his life. Naturally, Lord Sigurd had a hand in his father's revolt. What clearer proof is there than how he still harbors an enemy, the Isaachian prince? There is no question. Their treason against the state is grave. I, too, feel this pain as my own, having lost only a prince but a father-in-law... And in the name of my beloved wife, Princess Deidre, I never allow Sigurd's traitorous to stand! Even if Duke Langbalt fails to defeat him, that is not the end! The elite fire mages of House Velthomer, the Roten Ritter, stand ready to suppress this rebellion, once and for all! ???: I see... If you say it is so, then perhaps... Perhaps this could never have been avoided.... It's Deidre's grandfather and Prince Kurth's father. I don't know if his name was mentioned before. If so Idr. Grandpa: Even if I have little time left, you give me hope for Grannvale's future... I can scarcely imagine when Kurth would have had as fine daughter as you... But there is no doubt in my mind. None outside the royal House Belhalla possesses the same Brand that graces your brow. Manfloy brainwashed her so hard that she lost all memories. Arvis: All she knew was her own name. The rest of her past is lost to her. At first I sought only to aid her out of sympathy, as any decent man would do, but before long love took root within me... With all due respect, Deidre, not once did I suspect that you could possibly be the daughter of our late Prince Kurth. Grandpa: I remember well the day you introduced her as the woman you wished to marry... I simply could not believe what I saw! At first sight... I knew, perhaps as only family can. Precisely as I thought, beneath your circlet lies the Brand of Naga. Lord Arvis, I trust your understand. If Arvis gets a girl: She can use the Book of Naga. If Arvis gets a boy: He can use Loptyr. Latter has to happen for Arvis because Book of Naga is the tome which has the equal might as Loptyr and can endanger the Dark Lord line. Of course it'd be interesting to see what happened if Arvis got a boy and a girl... Grandpa: And should your son be so fortunate as to inherit Naga's power... He shall be the Prince of Grannvale, and shall claim the throne I am no more. Lord Arvis... until your son has grown into a man, you shall be his regent. Guide him well to adulthood. ... his last coughs... Dew gets money from this bandit and Bridget saves the village. Dew and Bridget is the only remained pairing I have to establish. Lachesis and Holyn shall duo the western group. While the major part shall take out the eastern group. Eris has to save this village. Crap! Byron rides in enemies's attack ranges. Hopefully they won't attack him for some reason. REALLY?!? 12%? Well, at least no one died... yet... The enemies don't attack Byron. Also all the axe and bow cavaliers don't make use of their full movement. Holyn shall solo this group of knights. He has the thief sword equipped to gain some money from them. Lachesis retreats because she'd only suck up exp. Dew visits the village south of Castle Zaxon: Younger man: To think, Silesse remained such a peaceful place for generations and generations! Argh, how did this world turn into such a savage place... Obtains 4500 gold. The eastern group of axe knights and mages is defeated. Beowulf kills a bandit and visits another village after that: Woman: That Langbalt's got his thugs going around and clearing out every village they can find! Good thing we somehow kept a little bit of gold hidden away from those brutes! Go on, take it. We knw you need it more than us. Obtains 4000 gold. Sigurd talks to Byron: He can't believe him that he still could see him... alive. Sigurd: Father! Come on, you mustn't give in now! Byron: No... There's no hope for me left now... Listen well, my son. Langbalt was Prince Kurth's true killer. And Reptor is the one holding his leash... His Majesty must know the truth! I... Death holds no fear for me. But I cannot die peace not knowing if our honor shall be cleansed of these lies. Sigurd: It's just as I thought all along... Rest assured, Father. Our good name will be cleared. I promise. Byron: Sigurd, I... I beg your forgiveness... 'Tis is my negligence which condemned you to these torments... The weapon which will make him 10/10. Sigurd: Tyrfing... But, Father! Surely you'll still need this... Byron: Take it, Sigurd. Use it to... restore our... honor... This great man fufilled his last duty. He told Sigurd the truth of Prince Kurth's death and gave him the holy sword to make it happen to defeat the murders. Sigurd's most emotional moment. Obtains Broken Sword. Must be repaired in any castle for money. She gets a great level of for killing this bandit. She's going to visit the village after that: Elder: It seems that stregnths and abilities are passed down from parents to children. You'll often find that boys'll take up their father's traits more dominantly, while girls'll be more influenced by their mother's. Obtains 4000 gold. That's important to know for the planing of Gen. 2 children. Only pair up units who don't have the same skill(s) and share strengths in certain stats. The children will inherit the skill(s) of both parents so they can become pretty broken. Good examples: Pairing up Tiltyu with Azel or Lewyn because both will inhert much magic to their children. Pairings which add strengths to each other like Ayra's speed and Noish's strength will help their children. Bad examples: Pairing up Claude with Aideen because both have no skills. Or Lex with Tiltyu because both total differents strengths.
  11. Knows she's not only cute but also really pretty.
  12. I'm wondering that so many people voted Alec better than Noish. Sure in earlygame Alec's pursuit comes handy... but at the latest in chapter 2 his skill doesn't help him anymore because statwise (mainly strength) he falls behind the others. Noish's strength combined with critical skill works better than if Alec does like 2x8 damage to an opponent.
  13. Will know I wish him good luck to find out. ;)
  14. Smiling. What? I was referring that no stat level ups don't exist in FE10.
  15. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest 20 Donkey Kong 64 17 Donkey Kong Country Returns 22
  16. first half of 20th century (until the end of WWII) (also with "favorite" I meant most interesting epoque) What will be your first PS4 game?
  17. Knows it's impossible for each FE10 unit too (unless each stat is capped yet). So much I hate it to say but I have to agree.
  18. Knows he proved it with a no stat level up.
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