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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Tauroneo Growthrates (%) HP: 55 Strength: 40 Magic: 5 Skill: 65 Speed: 50 Luck: 20 Defense: 45 Resistance: 50 Skill: resolve Affinity: thunder Tauroneo is a general with solid bases and good growthrates. His major problem is his availibility. In 1-6 he only sucks up the experience for being totally overleveled. However you can still use him as shield or panic button. After that he’s not available until 3-12, a chapter he can’t do all that much because he starts apart of the others. He can only be placed on the ledge to hinder the enemies to climb the mountain. With his base speed he’s not able to double any mages (only possible in easy mode). so he won’t get much experience in this chapter. In 3-13 he has much more uses because he can serve as a wall quite well. With his defense he can take two hits by S-strike tigers and can even double them. In part 4 he’s forced in Tibarn’s group, the best one probably. However 4-2 has awkward terrain for him, so he’ll be left behind fast. In 4-5 he can do some stuff if he’s promoted. As a general he wouldn’t take two hits by tigers anymore. Tauroneo’s very low availibility ruins his good growths. If he was playable in 3-6, he could become a serious contender for Gatrie as being the best general / marshall in FE10. At least he does his job decently in the chapters you’re forced to bring him. Resolve is a great skill but other people can make much better use of it than him. Therefore he's a very good contender of inbue in 3-13. 5 / 10 Fiona Growthrates (%) HP: 45 Strength: 40 Magic: 15 Skill: 40 Speed: 60 Luck: 55 Defense: 55 Resistance: 50 Skill: inbue, savior Affinity: earth Fiona has the same problem as Meg. She joins underleveled. However unlike Meg she has worse bases based on her level. 8 strength at level 9 is just awful. Even a forged iron lance won’t help her much. Also with her 10 base speed she’ll get doubled by everyone who isn’t a knight or mage. Soldiers, archers and fighters will oneround her. Since you don’t have any speedwings at this point you’d have to waste bexp. on her. Another issue is that she can make use of her entire movement one single time in the DB chapters in 3-12. In 3-6 she can do it too but she’s not able to cross the swamp. In 3-7 and 3-F she suffers on movement penalty. Awful signs to use her! It’s a shame since her growthrates are really good. She can become a fast and tanky cavalier. If her bases were better (>=10 strength, 12 speed), she would be usable even in hard mode. Furthermore she has two useful skills and earth-affinity. Theoretically you could establish two earth-earth-supports…….. theoretically… 2 / 10
  2. Jamka is the second best archer in FE for me close behind FE10 Shinon. (would be #1 if crossbows existed) He has excellent bases and good strength, speed and defense growth. Killer bow compensates his low skill. Pursuit, Adept, Charge and the killer bow is a deadly combination for quite a lot of enemies. He might be not the best dad; only really good for Ayra and Aideen. Still very good overall. 8,5 / 10
  3. 16. Your personal favorite fanart of a videogame character? 17. Favorite dungeon in the Tales of series? 18. Favorite mystic arte ^? 19. Favorite intro ^? 20. Character with the best voice ^? Wow, I guess 20 questions in one interview is my new personal record. Actually there even 22.
  4. Jill Growthrates (%) HP: 50 Strength: 45 Magic: 15 Skill: 45 Speed: 65 Luck: 60 Defense: 35 Resistance: 45 Skill: - Affinity: thunder Jill has the biggest potential of all FE10 characters for me. Her bases without boosts aren’t spectacular. Her base HP and strength are honestly rather poor for her base level. So you need to invest a bit in her (angelic robe, forged axe). However it’ll paid off well in about 95% of the cases. She has amazing growths and caps and she’s mounted. She’s the only first tier unit besides Edward who can double most of the opponents. And with the stats and the brave axe she can oneround all the Laguz in part 3 and take a couple of hits. Paragon on her can turn her into a monster and make it possible to promote her fast to have the chance to kill Ike in 3-13. She can pretty much solo the desert map. Thanks to her high resistance she's even able to dodge the sleep stave. In endgame I even rank her higher than Haar because of her higher speed cap. Her mobility and her growths make her to one of the most useful units in FE10. With boosts in the strength, speed and defense even the best unit in the game for me. 9.5 / 10 ____________________________________ Zihark Growthrates (%) HP: 55 Strength: 35 Magic: 10 Skill: 75 Speed: 70 Luck: 40 Defense: 25 Resistance: 35 Skill: adept Affinity: earth Zihark is another prepromoted unit and a welcome addition for your team. He has great bases, can double everyone and take a couple of hits in most cases in part 1. Adept is an excellent skill for him. Same goes for his affinity. Supporting him with Volug / Nolan will make him become a dodgetank. He really needs this support because he’s very fragile. Many people like to bench Edward when Zihark joins but both are absolute usable in their own way. Zihark with earth-support is an excellent dodgetank while Edward can wreck enemies with wrath-crits from the second line. Zihark beats Edward in terms of base level and affinity, but Edward beats Zihark in growths. Zihark’s growths are very myrmidon-like at cost of strength and defense. Bexp. might fix this issue, but nevertheless I prefer Mia and a trained Edward over him in endgame. From the point he joins till part 4 Zihark is still a really good unit and a great help for the DB. Zihark has a similar use as Volug for me so he gets the exact same rating (simply because Zihark is usable from the very beginning of a chapter and he can attack from range. He gets only a half point more than Edward just because of his earth-affinity. Edward is more than a match for Zihark at least in term of attackpower and defense and can do enough stuff in part 1 and part 3 (if you use him correctly). 8 / 10 Also I partially agree with that comment that Meg's movement isn't really a problem for most maps except in 1-E where reinforcements from behind will catch you very soon. Fiona is the one who's screwed the most by the terrain. 3-12 is the only chapter of the DB ones she can move freely. I don't count 3-6 because she'll stuck in the swamp. And the reason why I gave Meg three points at least is that she even can be used in hard mode in the long run. As it was mentioned she only needs one speed point in 1-4 to get out of double territory for this chapter and another one for the next chapter. However it requires too much babying and there are other units who need less investment than Meg to become useful early on.
  5. Idr remember their name. And then they were only named in the first part since the sequel was localized, and I guess an other name was used for them.
  6. Will know he didn't need to edit his post actually.
  7. Worse healer than Ethlyn because non mounted and no skills... which is not great for her kids either. However Aideen has higher magic base / growth and physic stave can compensate her inmobility somewhat. Midir is the best (and only) choice for her because of free brave bow, pursuit and charge for Lester. Lana only cares about Aideen's staves. 6 / 10
  8. Knows it's fact in terms of growths and experience gain... but not so much in usefulness.
  9. 11. What should do FE4 better to make you want to play this game? 12. Opinion of the direction of FE? 13. Opinion of status staves like Berserk or Sleep in FE? 14. Are you interested in Tales of Berseria? 15. Favorite RPG character to use in a battle?
  10. Might also think that 2-1 is the worst chapter in FE10.
  11. Might also wonder about the odd playwise in the FE10 LP he's following.
  12. Well, it might be... but it doesn't really answer my question. I'm just curious because I don't understand the playwise at the end. It's known that the soldiers close to Yeardley will move when they were attacked before. And neither Neph nor Heather can survive the steel greatlance soldier and Yeardley.
  13. 08:16 Umm... why didn't you kill the weaken steel greatlance soldier? It'd not change anything for Heather... but still...
  14. Are you going to crop your signature? (because it's too large) Never ate it... after searching what it is... I won't do it most likely.
  15. Meg HP: 60 Strength: 35 Magic: 15 Skill: 40 Speed: 65 Luck: 75 Defense: 35 Resistance: 50 Skill: fortune Affinity: heaven Meg has two main issues which disqualify her for me: She comes underleveled at a point where the enemies can oneround her. She’s Edward II with lower movement, bases and strength growth. In hard mode she’ll be killed by a 12 speed tiger. It’s so hard and effortful to give her levels. And it’s not worth the effort. Since you have Edward already who has the bases to do some stuff, you don’t need another sword user with limited movement and low bases. She’s absolute trainable in easy and normal and she can become pretty alright, but there’s no real argument in investing in her. The are better sword users and armor knights in FE10 who need by far less effort to become useful than Meg. Fortune is another pointless skill like Leonardo’s cancel since she has a rather high luck base and growth. Make money from it or give it to Ilyana. 3 / 10 _______________________________________ Volug Growthrates (%) HP: 95 Strength: 25 Magic: 15 Skill: 35 Speed: 40 Luck: 90 Defense: 15 Resistance: 10 Skill: halfshift (forced in part 1), howl Affinity: earth Volug is the most usable non-royal-Laguz in the game because he’s another lifesaver for the DB. When he joins he can oneround pretty much everyone except for myrm maybe. And even later he has the same function as Sothe for being a tank. However unlike Sothe he won’t be able to double everyone at the end of part 1 since Laguz get like no experience and he can’t get any levels unless you killed some bosses with him. Another issue is that he can only attack from close range. However when he can fulltransform in part 3, he’ll become much more useful than Sothe. With his high HP he can take two hits by the tigers and with S-strike he can oneround all the cats (with S+-strike even the tigers). He has earth-affinity, another major plus point for him. Combined with his high speed transformed he’ll become a great dodgetank / wall. Of course his growths are mediocre for being a Laguz but at least 40% speed isn’t too bad. Even in part 4 he’s still usable if he has a good support. With A-support in earth and being in Tibarn’s party the opponents have like no hit against him. Sure, he’s no endgame material because of his bad growths, but from the time he joins till part 4 Volug is unquestionable a very useful unit. I give Volug a higher rating then Sothe because he's still very usable in part 4 and because of his earth-affinity. 8.5 / 10
  16. He's good in the chapter when he joins and in the final part of part 3 against the bandits to steal money... and to get the wind sword. Combatwise the third worst unit in FE4 (if I even may call the dancers combat unit) and one of the worst in the entire series. But combat battles aren't really his job. His job is only to get money... what he can't do all that much I have to say. Seriously using Ayra or Holyn with the thief sword (I mention these two because they have the best hitrate due to their high skill) is way more useful than to send this squishy boy to steal the money and make sure that no one can attack him. He's a good potential father though... mainly for Ayra because of Sol or for Bridget because Bargain can fix the Ichival much cheaper. All in all he's not really necessary (except for giving money) since the thief sword can replace him. However I give him credits as a dad. 4,5 / 10
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