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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Priestess Natalia FTW! So I guess I won't see maid Cheria... but it's ok! Anyways good luck!
  2. I find Mordecai way more helpful in 2-2 than Lethe because he can be attacked by quite a lot of enemies since his gauge falls way slower. In each turn he just needs to use an olivi grass and he'll be fine. Lethe might transform back after one single enemy phase (5-6 battles) already what can seriously happen in the very first turns in this chapter. In 2-E isn't not so much a problem since she can be attacked by 1-2 enemies in an enemy phase, if you place correctly. Also, I might overrated Heather a little bit. Sure, her combat is bad, but her stealing ability is very welcome for some chapters. If I want to buy the draco shield and secret book in 3-3 and 3-5, I need all the money I can get. I guess a 6 would be more justified...
  3. Seriously 2016 can go now. Terror attacks everywhere and so many great artists died.
  4. Shoot... I meant TocS actually. TitS wasn't released for the PS3 aside in JP I have no impression of TocS yet, so that's why I came up with the comparison to FF. But I'm really relieved that random encounters aren't a thing there. Hopefully GameStop still has this game since it's not the newest anymore.
  5. 1. Favorite thing about FE4? 2. Least favorite thing about FE4? 3. Opinion about the direction of FE? 4. Favorite videogame theme? 5. Any other (tactical) RPGs you play a / o like?
  6. When I heared about her sudden illness in the news... I was prepared for the worst. ... And unfortunately my worst predictions became true. So many great people died in 2016. I'm really glad when this shitty year is over.
  7. Xillia 1 was the hardest Tales game I've play yet because I couldn't get into the playstyle of any of the characters. Mainly played as Leia, a healer. Also the bosses became frustrating after Nachtigal. Thankfully 2 gave me Ludger. ;)
  8. yeah, pretty much If you click on the !-icon in the menu screen, you get to know the exact place of the sidequest.
  9. Tbf the talking was an issue only this time because I couldn't understand it.
  10. Hmm... I got money from Christmas... but I don't know if I shall buy Trails of Cold Steel or wait for Persona 5's release. I heared TitS is good... but I'm worried that it's similar to Final Fantasy. I'm a bit picky with non-action-RPGs. I didn't have fun with most of them. Persona, Nep and Mother 3 are the only exceptions so far. I guess the reason, why I don't like anime all that much.
  11. [spoiler=Tales of Berseria] storywise: I guess it's really good. It's the most talkative Tales game I've played it. Unfortunately I couldn't understand them (for having no JP knowledge). gameplaywise: I had mixed feelings. The battle system reminds me more on older parts which I find good. Armaitzation was replaced by Velvet's transformation. You can change your party members (unless they're k.o.) while the battles. A very nice feature. As for the overworld and dungeons: The overworld isn't as empty as in Zestiria thankfully. Grinding is really useful. In encounter-links you don't only fight two groups of enemies, but like four groups. They give you quite a bunch of exp. and it's a great way to level your units without wasting too much time. However the dungeons aren't very creatively designed. Only very few of them had challenging puzzles. That's the only major downer I found. All in all it was a good game, although not the best Tales game for me.
  12. Spends more time for a playthtough of a Tales game than I usually do.
  13. Also at the end I left out the sidequests. (Honestly I entered the final dungeon by accident. Was so curious that didn't want leave anymore :P) As for Berseria you'll directly instructed where you have to do all the sidequests. Normally I don't play all the sidequests (because I don't know how to do them for the most part) so I usually need only 35-40 h for a playthrough. Abyss and Vesperia were an exception (needed 70 h) because I stuck multiple times.
  14. A dancer who can refresh four units everytime is always great. Give her knight and leg ring and she'll be super useful. 9 / 10
  15. Heather Growthrates (%) HP: 40 Strength: 25 Magic: 20 Skill: 50 Speed: 70 Luck: 75 Defense: 30 Resistance: 40 Skill: pass Affinity: fire Heather is a thief with very high base speed but low base strength. With her 15 base strength she can’t steal every weapon (steel axe…). Also in combat don’t expect from her to oneround anything except magic users maybe. However she has some uses: In 2-E she can steal the dracoshield from the general, in 3-2 and 3-3 she can steal some nice stuff (storm sword, statue frog) and the energy drop from Lombroso in 3-5. Also there are few chapters she can steal some staves, if you really need them. Pass can be helpful sometimes. Combatwise Heather’s not great, but for stealing she fulfills her purpose. 5 / 10 _____________ Lucia Growthrates (%) HP: 50 Strength: 25 Magic: 20 Skill: 70 Speed: 60 Luck: 30 Defense: 15 Resistance: 50 Skill: parity Affinity: earth Lucia is playable in 2-2 and fulfills more or less the role of a „Jeigen“. She can take a few hits but more likely she’ll dodge everything. After that you won’t see her until part 4. With her bases she won’t do all that much anymore. She’s still usable in 4-2, if you forge her a silver sword, but honestly there’s absolute no point to invest in her. She’s the worst swordmaster in the game growthwise. Her strength and defense are awful. Her earth-affinity doesn’t change anything since Zihark has this affinity too who’ll turn out much better than her. Parity is great in endgame but only screws her in 2-2 since she has three authority stars. If she was playable in more chapters and her strength and defense grew as well as her breasts, I’d give her much more credits.. 4 / 10 _________________ Lethe Growthrates (%) HP: 85 Strength: 35 Magic: 5 Skill: 30 Speed: 50 Luck: 45 Defense: 35 Resistance: 20 Skill: - Affinity: heaven Lethe suffers from all the problems each Laguz has: like no experience gain. Furthermore she’s a cat. She’s only usable in part 2. She can take a few hits and double pretty much everyone. After that she’s useless with her stats. Her damageoutput is bad and she won’t be able to double anymore. At least she’s usable… unlike her little sister… 3.5 / 10 _________________________ Mordecai Growthrates (%) HP: 90 Strength: 35 Magic: 10 Skill: 25 Speed: 15 Luck: 80 Defense: 45 Resistance: 15 Skill: smite Affinity: thunder He's way more usable than Lethe because of his better strength and defense base and for being a tiger. In part 2 he’s the wall because physical enemies can’t hurt him at all. In part 3 he’s still usable but you don’t need him anymore because you have tons of better units than him. Of all the tigers he's the best one. 5.5 / 10 __________________ Geoffrey Growthrates (%) HP: 60 Strength: 50 Magic: 10 Skill: 60 Speed: 35 Luck: 30 Defense: 30 Resistance: 55 Skill: paragon Affinity: fire Geoffrey could be a great silver paladin because he joins with high level and accroding high bases and has free paragon… if he wouldn’t be another victim of the availibility issues in FE10. He’s usable in 2-3 where he gains like no exp. except for killing the boss. In 2-E he joins after you normally have beaten Ludveck already. After that he joins in one more chapter (3-9), before he’ll disappear till the last map before the endgame. It’s possible to train him in 4-4 but it’s extremly painful (similar to Tormod). He does his job well in the chapters you get him but it's very hard to make him usable in endgame. 5 / 10
  16. It's out since this summer. This is game is a bit longer than most other Tales parts because of the tons of conversations. >= 40 h
  17. I'll do Ayra x Lex in my next run because I don't think sol in necessary for Ulster and Larcei, much less bargain. (I don't tend to pair up anyone with Dew) I think her children can benefit way more from paragon to catch up fast.
  18. Beaten Berseria. [spoiler=my thoughts] It's the most talkative Tales of game I've played yet. This game had a lot of conversations. Since I can't understand JP I don't know their content. But I highly guess this game focusses more on story and characters. Gameplay: Read my post #41. Better than Zestiria for me. Dungeons and overworld: I have to say the design of the dungeons is the only real disappointment for me. This game had very few interesting and creatively designed dungeons. There were like two dungeons which challenging puzzle, but even Zestiria had more gimmicks in them. At least the overworld isn't as empty as it was in Zestiria. Also encounter-links became more interesting and challenging in ToB. Final boss is pretty good. This game is rather easy. It's even made for people for me like who don't understand JP. This game tells you directly which place to travel next, if you click on the target (star). Also if you play as Velvet (who's totally OP) you can get into the battles pretty fast. In general I found this game easier than other parts I've played yet. Unlike in Zestiria I didn't have to lower the mode. Normal was a fair deal, maybe a bit too easy in the first half. But I just barely could beat the final boss. If you focus on story, characters a / o gameplay more than on dungeons, then you will have defintiely fun with this game. If you want to have a Tales of game with tough puzzles, then this game might disappoint you. All in all it wasn't the best Tales of game I've played, but it was fine in total. More enjoyable than Zestiria.
  19. Beaten Tales of Berseria. It's really good if you focus on story and characters. It's the probably the most talkative Tales game. Gameplaywise I like the battle system... but this game had only like 2-3 semi-decent dungeons which weren't all that creatively designed. At least the final dungeon and boss were good actually. It's also one of the easiest parts... because Velvet OP.
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