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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Page 6346 is always shown and when I click on 6347, the page is as dead as SF right now.
  2. Why the fuck can't I read the posts on the latest page?!?
  3. Considering to quit it, if the admin doesn't fix the issues soon I told him in my PM. It's just a mess right now! I can't even edit my profile correctly. Have you also an issue with reading the latest posts in some threads?
  4. Best mage was referred to her caps. What are you meaning with "special"? She got a mediocre average, because she's mediocre for the most part, but not really bad. In 4-P her bases are still high enough neither get oneshotted nor get doubled. She needs a few level to keep it till 4-3. Paragon helps her. Light magic isn't too bad for her either due to her low base strength. In the endgame she'll be powerful, but a bit slow. However she's still a great chipper. By giving her spirit dusts to max her magic and goddess icons to her to max her luck, with bexp. you can still bring up her speed to 31. And she technically needs only 3 strength to use rexfire without AS penalty in the final map with 2x bloodtide. Calill's better in the longrun, but her low availibility and the fact that Sanaki's forced in the endgame screw her.
  5. I guess were talking abut non fictional girls: red or brown hair Idc for hairlength no tatoos and piercings sincere looking faces rather low weight Idc for height Impressions / Opinion about the new forum?
  6. Knows SF has probably the blackest day today since its existence.
  7. Since I can't see who said what anymore, I must make the replies generally. Fiona Unlike Lyre she has serious potential and doesn't cost a slot. In easy and even normal (if you give her a chance) she will turn out into a very promising unit. Her growths are really good, has two useful free skills and earth-affinity. Her only issues are her low base level and her awful availibility in part 1. Furthermore she suffers by the terrain so much. 1-7 is the chapter you have to feed her with kills. She needs at least 5-6 level ups to become useful later on what is very possible to do after training her. Then she'll have the stats you can work with her through the entire game. I even go so far to say that she's a better lance user than Aran just because of her higher speed and better affinity. Ena + Kurth They don't need Laguz gems because they only really exist as support. Just keep them out of any enemy attack ranges and they'll be fine. Sanaki I don't see why she's overrated with a score <5. She's not a bad unit in all because she has a good late game. She can some stuff against the dragons, is pretty much immune against the spirits and is able to double the aura. Technically she's the best mage in the game in your first playthrough. Her base level and stats are bleh but paragon can fix them. Zihark He's definitely better than Edward in 3-6, better than him in 3-13, if he has at least good biorhythm and A-support in earth. Otherwise both are equal because they'll attack with range swords from the central ledge. Zihark can do a bit more than Edward though because of adept. But I don't say that Zihark is so much better than Edward. Other units will be used on the front. In 3-12 I find both equally mediocre. They barely can take two hits (probably even rather Edward than Zihark). Zihark is only good, if his biorhythm is good at least. Also Volug, Jill and Nolan will be your units for the front.
  8. The burden to become HOT became much lower. 99 replies / 100 posts were required in the pevious version.
  9. Yeah, but only without entering a title for the spoiler, I assume.
  10. Idc for the colours. The layout became more confusing for me, at least when I check out my profile and want to edit it. But it's not real issue I have with the forum atm. Restoring all the HTML codes of all the posts and profiles would be quite nice.
  11. Honestly Lex, because vantage + wrath is a deadly combination and the children will get levels fast. With a magic ring they should be able to oneshot several enemies so the lack of pursuit wouldn't really matter.
  12. Hi! Just wanted to ask you if you want to vote in the tierlist?

  13. I see. Honestly I haven't even thought about the master crown because I usually give them to Jill and Zihark. But yeah, a master crown helps him. However it's a waste in my eyes to give it to an unit who will become pointless after two maps.
  14. As for 3-12 I have to agree with Levant. Tauro starts on a wrong place. He can block the climb, that's it. Unless you give him a speedwing he can't even double the sages and first tier soldiers. Leonardo would be even better there because he can oneshot the peggies and maybe double the sages (if he has 16 speed). Tauroneo is pretty good in 3-13 therefore, because he can tank decently. (take two hits by tigers) Furthermore he can restore some HP with inbue. Also Fiona is better than Lyre simply because she doesn't cost you a slot. Furthermore she can block a ledge in 3-13 and you could make a good support with her after 3-6.
  15. Volug with support isn't really worse than Skrimir in 4-3, though. Base Skrimir can oneround 1-2 slow dracos, that's it.
  16. Shanan should better use astra or adept because Ishtar has adept too. I think she has it in chapter 7 already too, right?
  17. That's how bossfights have to be - challenging! Seriously fucking Gattuso is an utter joke compared to him. Wolf bosses in Tales games... sigh...
  18. My major problem with Sothe is that he joins underleveled the tower. In my runs he never can reach level 20, much less cap speed before his promotion to third tier just becuase his performance isn't all that great in part 3. It's really hard to give him levels. He's a player phase unit like Edward. He can't tank easily unlike Volug, Jill or a Nolan and Zihark with support. His affinity gives him evasion, but not enough. In 3-12 I find him pretty bad actually. He needs 24 speed to double most of the enemies which isn't guaranteed. He has to reach level 9 after 3-6 which is hard enough to bring to tbh. And even if he can double, two steel axes can still kill him. In 3-13 he has a harder time with the laguz because they benefit from Ike's authority stats. Parity helps him though. At the end of part 3 he usually is ~ level 10. It's almost impossible to give him enough levels to bring him close to level 20 in 4-P unless you give him paragon, a skill other units definitely need more than him (Jill, Ike...). If you play 4-3 pretty much standard, he can get maybe one level. Most of the kills will go to Naesala, Skrimir and other fliers. Another problem is that his growths aren't good enough, even if you're still willing to train him. He normally will get land on the bench with Kurthnaga after E-3. (also I rarely find the baselard in 4-3 because I normally beat this chapter in 5-6 turns so Sothe normally can't reach this spot in time and the other fliers must be very lucky to find it) yeah, the thunder spirits
  19. Restarted to play Zestiria. I don't fucking know what I was thinking to do it. Just have beaten the first elite monster, a wolf, three levels higher than my team. I needed like ten attempts to beat it. In my successful attempt I needed: all my 15 life bottles all my 3 elixirs all my 4 sand clocks 10 apple and melange gels the item which halves the damage by both sides (we're talking about imported items) The boss took me 15 minutes. That's even more than I needed for each endboss in the series. Btw I'm talking about the lowest difficulty. Gattuso feels like cheesecake compared to him. For comparison: In Berseria I could beat a level 95 (extra) boss with level 60 units without much trouble.
  20. of the games with a displayed playtime in total: Devil Survivor 2 (~120 h) of the games without a displayed playtime in total: Radiant Dawn (> 3000 h) same question
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