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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I-------- I I I_________ A _ _ _ _ _ _ Incorrect letters: M, N, R
  2. I I I I_________ A _ _ _ _ _ _ Incorrect letters: M, R
  3. Lumping weapon triangle and children is kinda odd. Weapon triangle is a classic feature of FE and one of the marks of this series. Also adding weapons and staves like long range magic and status staves (sleep, silence) are very possible. All the other elements mainly exist since the 3DS generation. There's really no point of adding children and marriages since the original game didn't have a second generation. Would be pretty stupid storywise if they really were added. Casual mode, however, seems to be very relastic to me to introduce newcomers.
  4. I'd like to see FE Princesses. A game only with the prettiest of the prettiest: Raquesis, Nanna, Linoan, Eirika, Tana, L'Arachel, Elincia, Lucina...
  5. _________ A _ _ _ _ _ _ Incorrect letters: R
  6. Sry, for not starting yesterday, but I had a technical problem with my laptop. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hint: chemistry
  7. Used the minimum of words to make a sentence.
  8. boring story (like all the other FE parts for the 3DS) same growthrates as in the original no improvement of the maps and no new mission objectives basically all the same game mechanics as in the original (no weapon triangle, weight, status staves...) that Robin still will be bad same question
  9. K Again a total random guess because Wilfork sounds plausible for me as last name.
  10. Thracia 776, because it's lacking on good translation patches and some mechanics like fatgiue could be fixed and some others like guaranteed hits / misses and that status affects last the entire chapter could be removed. Things which should be improved / changed in the upcoming FE2 remake?
  11. Another FE game for the 3DS is quite nice, especially if it's a remake of a game I didn't like its original and so maybe I still have a chance to get into it. Nevertheless I still prefer a FE4 a / o FE5 remake. Do you think that the other only JP FE games should be remade as well?
  12. I thought you were talking about FE10 since this topic is in its forum. Also you won't have access to all the earned coins from FE9 until part 3, to be more precise the third map of part 3.
  13. It'd scare me because I can't dance. Favorite videogame intro?
  14. I didn't see Tonton's post either. On the forum main page it was only visible that he posted in HHH, but inside the thread his post was nowhere to find. Also I still get led to the third latest page instead to the newest. And where's source text? It makes things easier to edit for me.
  15. My vote went to the prettiest of pretty princesses, Linoan.
  16. Honestly I really hope the growthrates become better and the trainees, especially Robin, are more useful. I played FE2 till the second map... the moment Robin died... and then I got bored and quitted. The remake is the perfect alternative still to enjoy the story and gameplay of this continent. Hopefully I'm right...
  17. Wow! I'm feeling much more identified with this forum right now. If I only could be led to the latest page by clicking on the latest post and source text returned, I'd be a really happy.
  18. About which chapter(s) are you exactly talking? In 3-7 Zihark can oneround pretty much everyone except for knights too. In 3-8 both can't because some brigands are very bulky. Brave sword can oneround though. Also Sothe might not even have the speed to double all the brigands, because they have 17-18 speed in HM. However Sothe is less affected by the swamp than everyone else aside of the laguz. In 3-F I'm highly sure that Zihark can oneround most of the enemies with a forged steel sword. With his base speed he can even double Jarod and maybe need only speed point to double everyone. Of course his HP and defense are worse, so he can't take two hits by everyone. Furthermore wind edge is the worse range weapon, especially combined with the higher evasion of the opponents. Sothe with a forged knife is better against range weapon users. Also Jill should be promoted till 1-F, so she can do fine as well. Of course you can't forge for her range weapon either, but in close combat she does fine, even better than Sothe against physical units. However if we're talking about a no transfer Jill, she might need a speed point to double all the generics except for the myrms and Jarod. As for 1-2 it depends a bit on Nolan's performance. The two soldiers next to Sothe can be a real threat, if Nolan's AS is so low that he gets doubled by the iron lance soldier. (I added this chapter after thinking about it, buy yeah, Sothe's not really necessary, if you want to turtle with Nolan.) In 1-5 he's also pretty helpful, if you want to kill all the enemies fast on the ledge. Edward can only oneround all the mages with the wind edge without a crit. added added Some units like Volug, Janaff and Ulkie are missing. Also, I saw your UN in the poll once or twice, so you voted actually. However of course I can't check out for which units you voted, so I have to take possible double votes.
  19. I'm honest the only chapters Sothe is really godly are 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4. 1-3 is one of the hardest chapters in the game, so Sothe is absolute appreciated who can (almost) oneround most of the generics or weak them enough to give the kills to other units. In 1-4 he's the only one, unless you have Nolan who leveled HP and defense twice, who can take two hits by the tigers. However later on you'll have other comparable units like Zihark, Volug, Jill, Nolan and maybe even Edward who can oneround enemies a / o take mulitple hits in part 1. It's not a Sothe-solo anymore. The early chapters of part 1 are the ones which give him the most credits. At the end of part 1 Sothe's still good, but not godly anymore since you'll have other good units besides him. In 3-6 and 3-13 he's a great player phase unit, but that's it. He's nothing special anymore. Ike's earlygame without speed boost is not great. But unlike Sothe he has opposing curve of usefulness. With earth-affinity and Ragnell he'll turn out into a beast. At least in 3-11 he's way better than Sothe. Sure he's never really needed in his own team unlike Sothe, but at the end you're still happy about his perfomance in endgame.
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