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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Would like to change a few of my votes again: Ayra: from 8.5 to 8 Jamke: ^ Holyn: from 7.5 to 7 Beowulf: from 5.5 to 4.5. He joins later than Alec and Noish and isn't better than them, so. Lewyn: from 8.5 to 7.5. His performance before he gets Forseti isn't too epic without pursuit. Tiltyu: from 8 to 6.5. She's still pretty good - honestly even better than Lewyn with the right skill setup before he gets Forseti - but she has a rough start for joining so late with low level.
  2. I found her rather cute... never hot. Also prefer her art in Project X Zone 2.
  3. Need suggestions for the teams in part 4: Silver Army: Micaiah Sothe Sanaki Leanne ... Greil's Mercenaries Ike Tormod Vika Oliver ... Hawk Army: Pelleas Bastian ... Left units: Meg Fiona Astrid Lyre Kyze
  4. Seriously there are only very few situations you might lack of money: in 1-4 to forge a weapon in 3-6 to buy all the special weapons (storm sword) and staves (physics) in 3-3 and 3-5 to buy the draco shield and secret book Otherwise you have more than enough at latest when the money of the CKs and the GM's is merged. There are so many weapons and items (vulneraries, skills, keys, olivi grass, lagiuz stones...) you can make money out of them. Random note: I added my final rate to all my comments. I noticed that I haven't done it yet.
  5. I only know these from Project Zone, and Ingrid is my favorite of them. Do you also dislike belated added Mario characters like Rosalina?
  6. Oh right... the first paragraph is exactly sth. what exists in this game. I came up with this idea from an other franchise which features exactly this weapon system. Of course you would be able to use S weapons in the beginning theoretically, but you could prevent it, if you made them available much later in the game. It's not very common to have access to silver weapons in FE early.
  7. => PS3 version is BEST version I didn't have any crashes or freezings during the entire game.
  8. Made me wondering. When and where did I say this?
  9. More active in FTTF again after a quite while.
  10. I know like two or three, and Lyn's art is my favorite of the ones I know. Favorite art of your favorite VG character?
  11. Well, I'll try it tomorrow again and change the payment, but I'm highly sure it still requires my bank account, and I highly doubt that a miracle happens and it will work tomorrow. I really would like to buy this game for this price on this site. It costs <50% than everywhere else.
  12. I changed the credit institution this year, but it can't be the reason. I entered my bank account with my online pin correctly but the portal didn't recognize it for some reason. Entered it three times and always got the same failure message. Now I can't order anything for the next 24 h because my account is blocked.
  13. I was going to order TocS... but sth. didn't work with the payment. Entered the account data of my bank and the correct pin number... but got an error message for some fricking reason.
  14. Zestiria still costs 60 $ in the PS store... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  15. Why am I watching three Berseria LPs at the same time? Planned to sell the FE14 special edition soon. With the gained money I could buy a few good games.
  16. https://preisvergleich.check24.de/ps3-games/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-ps3.html?utm_medium=cpc&wpset=google_pla_shopping_01&gclid=CjwKEAiAlNbEBRCv9uy4j4SWrgwSJAB5MqJFO9WRW54Ncrl3DSP_j7Qn2G0sF1H2mh6EW0Wkvaqi9hoCV3Lw_wcB ... I think I should order it as quickly as I can.
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