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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I prefer wrath + vantage for Neph because Mia might not oneshot everyone with a crit. (even if Neph's HP is harder to bring down to wrath zone) Also Ike wants wrath in chapter 27, at the latest in the final chapter. I always give vantage + cancel to Mia to try preventing any taken damage since her defense isn't the best. I think sol is the best master skill behind aether in this game so I always give occult to Oscar and Kieran. Counter is recommended on Boyd because he's one of the more fragile front units and could do quite nice counterdamage. Vantage + adept + forged tome for Soren works quite well too. Smite to a laguz or Boyd. Corrosion on someone who has capacity left. Savior on Jill or Marcia. Nihil on Ike just because of chapter 27.
  2. I'm still going to rate the children after going for the optimal pairings. As for Ayra it's Dew to me: Larcei: 7 Ulster: 6.5
  3. Sorry, it sounded a bit confusing for me. I had almost a bad conscience that I annoyed you when I brought up the word depressions.
  4. Ugh... using an app emulator is quite the challenge I have to say. I'm totally overwhelmed in using Nox. Don't even know how to come back to the main menu when the game is started.
  5. no You meant the account I use to download stuff from the e-shop, right? Well, if it helps, I could do it. Just have to figure it out how to do it. Alright. I'll try out what you guys told me.
  6. I'd simply say increasing my general knowledge, and maybe learning to understand myself to become a better person. Are you rather happy or rather depressed whenever you read or hear the news lately?
  7. Now my main question is: Will the savestats be kept? If not, it wouldn't make much sense for me to do it. Aww... I never ever will learn to post without one single fault.
  8. Did you refer to this: Otherwise I have no idea what you meant. Anyways I didn't do what was adviced here because I didn't feel like to burn more time for fixing this without the knowing the result. I have accepted that Heroes doesn't work on my laptop. I still have other things to do I'm looking forward to right now.
  9. I had an issue with app emulators too in the beginning. Not each app site is compatible with the emulators. For example if you plan to download this game from the google app store, it's very likely that the download won't work. Beware: You will enjoy this game only once... because when you restart, you'll get an communication error message. I guess you can only get rid of it, if you reinstall the emulator or game.
  10. Would like to submit Ike x Marcia. Working on them already. Edit: Before I submit I need someone who would proofread them.
  11. Personally I find Lucy rather cute than hot. However her JP voice in Project X Zone 2 sounds kinda attracting.
  12. Any Tales game Super Smash Bros Brawl Kirby's Return Dreamland (at the time when I owned it) That's all because all the other games I own are single player games iirc. Any only single player game you wished that had a multiplayer feature?
  13. Well, does any of these images meet your expectations? http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=61101580 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=60096205 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59774740 I don't like blonde hair. Red and blue or a combination of both are way more adorable.
  14. Did you refer to Ein or my post? Also yes, I don't need to add anything what Letty said. Talking about depressions only to get pity by the fellows is the wrong way to get rid of them. After a while you feel so comfortable in this situation that you don't what to change yourself anymore. And yes, I'll do it because I HAVE TO. Only I, myself, can make the change... and of course I'm willing to do it.
  15. Seriously like nothing. Never watched a LP of any game of this series. Only the characters are quite adorable iirc. Favorite minigame in the Mario Party series?
  16. Tbf Berseria's fanart kicks ass in general. All characters have tons of them. Eleanor could have a bit more, though. When I have started the topic Who's the most adorable staff of SF, then sure! Then you have voted for the first because Elise in an alternate spelling of Elize. Eh... Sakura is way more adorable for me.
  17. Mine has too. Tbh I never really paid attention on them. But yes, they're a help, although only a little. However when I have to type a Q or P, these bumps aren't enough as orientation because they're far apart of the two bump buttons.
  18. LOL I didn't want to be that lewd. Also for all the people (probably everyone) who don't know what I was talking about. It's a German area.
  19. If this question was Have you ever been in Wittgenstein, then I could answer with a yes. So no. I never ever heared of a person with this name. And even if the person comes / came from the same country I live in, he must be rather unpopular, because I have a certain knowledge of poets.
  20. As I mentioned earlier even after proofreading I still overlook the one or other thing. (please don't ask me why; I can't really explain it) It's totally different when I write on paper. I'm rather used to it since my schooltime. I have to admit I have a new notebook for more than a year, and its keyboad is large, REALLY large. The buttons are huge and the distance (free space) between them isn't small either. It happens too often that my finger slips away... and lands on the wrong button. Blind typing with my current keyboard is pretty hard actually. (with my previous smaller keyboard it was much easier)
  21. Heh... this brings me to the idea to write longer texts (like LP comments) on Word first to let them autocorrect, and then copypaste them in this forum.
  22. I see. In general I never point out any typos unless the context is so corrupted as a result that I have to ask the person what they tried to say. I'm literally the last person who would make fun of someone's faults. *Nobody's perfect!* same here Another thing is that I feel to have a certain time pressure in chats. I want to reply fast not to hold the other person(s) up, so I tend to do slips. Tbh it's horrible in my case. I have to edit like each second message. As for Youtube I can literally take my time to make comment unless it's a reply. Edit: Also whenever I have to write longer texts like LP text commentaries or essays, I tend to do tons of slips and overlook most of them. I really don't want to know how many faults my LP threads have.
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