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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. If you replaced the last two letters with the letters m, a and n... seriously I would believe you... maybe.
  2. The tit problem is a Malek problem. Berseria gave Velvet and Seres fucking huge tits for no reason to represent their special race.
  3. Then how exactly do you define SMT's gameplay? As for me it's the battle system. Everyone has the elements physical guns / arrows fire ice wind thunder light dark If you attack the opponent's element weakness, you get an extra turn. If you attack with an element the opponents nullifies, absorbs or reflects, you lose one. The demon domains are pretty much similar to the floors in Persona 3's tartarus. We don't need to discuss about the story. It's obvious that the main games focus on different elements than the spin offs. But about the gameplay I've no idea what you tried to point out here, because SMTIV is pretty much the same as Persona for me (minus day organization). Also I haven't said that I didn't enjoy SMTIV, I just didn't find it as amazing as P3 was because of gameplay issues. I still would buy Apocalypse, if it's in a special offer.
  4. Zola I find him somehow amusing in a very weird way and he wears a witch hat.
  5. Well, it's not over yet. Have still do play two more paths... but I don't do it immediately. I'm a bit burnt out by this game. Guess I'll continue with Nep.
  6. As for my understanding a trainee starts one tier lower than the lord does and has to pass two class changes at least. It's not the case for her. Her promotion to a class which can use almost each weapon type doesn't really justfiy to call her a "trainee" in my eyes.
  7. May I ask how Raquesis is a trainee? Also, I voted for Ross because he joins first of the FE8 trainees and can turn into the best class of the three.
  8. I didn't choose SMT4 because of its story but because of its SMT gameplay. I had the choice between Soul Hackers and this game, and latter got better reviews and several people recommended me to play it. Of course I was aware that this game is different compared to DeSu since it's not round a based RPG but a classic RPG like the Persona series. The story was interesting but a bit confusing. I didn't really understand the connections between these three worlds. But the main issue for me was the poor balance. My ressources were really limited in the beginning and the bosses were simply OP. After a while it became easier but this shows how unbalanced the difficulty curve is. At the end I had to come out with my current ressources. In the final dungeon I couldn't recruit any new demons, which means I couldn't fuse any new demons.
  9. So, I've beaten SMTIV... after lots of overcoming and multiple breaks. People told me that I should finally play a "classic" SMT game. I come to this conclusion: It was nice... but it's not better than the spin-offs. Sure, the story might be better (deeper and more depressing) and features less anime like Persona, but gameplaywise it didn't have the gameplay quality the Devil Survivor games had. The final was even disappointing. Boring dungeon and boss design and I couldn't recruit and fuse anymore demons. In general demon recruiting is also one of the things I really disliked in this game. It was fun after all mainly because of its story (despite I didn't understand everything) but I can't see why this game shall be so much better than the spin-offs.
  10. Also for part 4, ok, I could ignore him because you can choose your groups, and 4-3 is exclusive terrain for fliers, mages and Skrimir. But for part 3 I have to rate to him since the number of usable units is still low. He's by far better than in part 4 because of beastkiller but still not slightly better than most others. (would give him 8.5 if I excluded part 4) Actually yeah, the fact that Edward is more needed than Mia justifies to give both a similar rating, although of course Mia is the obvious endgame choice because she's the easiest to rise. Also I don't like to screw up Nolan's support, even if his extra defense with Edward could require less effort to make him taking two tiger hits in part 3. The reasons why Nolan is so much better than most fighters in FE are his affinity and speed. Both combined makes him turn into a great dodgetank, and you really need dodging in part 3. Volug could take rather a worse support (=> Edward) because he can take two tigers anyways with his bases, and his base speed is already high enough to dodge more than Nolan does.
  11. Devil Survivor is a round-based-strategy series a bit similar to Fire Emblem. However unlike FE each ally and enemy has a certain number which tells you the turn order. There are two parts, but I recommend you to play the second one first. Their story are unrelated to each other so you'll have an easy to time to get into the game. Devil Survivor 2 features mechanics the first part does not like supports. Furthermore you have access to more playable characters in the beginning than in 1 and I also find this game a bit easier.
  12. It's because that the old spoiler tags broke after the update. He still has to set the "new" ones. Ah, it wasn't bad at all. I found it somehow funny that cats could cause a cut in an other way aside of nibbling cables. I just have to get better in the units placement to attack more often a / o getting attacked less.
  13. ^ Why not just checking out his profile, if you don't know him? Also I only know him from posting in Mafia too without ever bothering with this section yet.
  14. First of all I find her entire character just terrible. I have nothing against huge breasts of videogame characters, but how they were presented in Birthright (in her special cutscene before chapter 12 or 13) was just disgusting. Her story and base conversations with the avatar are even creepier than Tharja's. However her role in the story is the worst. She's as naive as her two stupid brothers and still believes in Garon's ideal till the bitter end. Elise, the youngest but also smartest sibling of the Nohr royal family, was the only one who opposed against the war after a while... and had to pay with her life for that (Leo and Camilla deserved). Camilla is just a egocentrical and naive whore for me. Nothing on her is anything somewhat close to the term "cute". However I still don't deny that she's probably the best unit in Conquest. Least favorite FE character?
  15. Grunge à la Nirvana? Then I say this. Most annoying music song of all time?
  16. Umm... sure... your idols I know. What would be your reaction, if someone volunteered to cosplay as Sanaki for you?
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