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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Thought the same when I saw your signature.
  2. ... and of course listening to this a dozen of times:
  3. Playing Persona 3's final boss again atm just to listen to the theme for the next 30-40 minutes. I'm such a freak.
  4. I'm not interested in the Switch since I changed to Sony consoles, but I never would make fun of someone who wants to buy sth. unpopular or unbeloved. I really don't know why to be ashamed in any way. People can buy whatever they want.
  5. Why shall we laugh at you? probably better
  6. I got to know a character in NEP I haven't even heared of yet: Nisa For some reason I almost even thought it's a guy, because her voice sounds like a male teenager. Anyways she joined a bossfight... and died in the first enemy phase. Fantastic! :/
  7. As for me there exist less memorable characters in FE than Glade. He fulfills an important role in one chapter at least, the chapter he joins. Some other characters from FE5 like Trewd or Ralph are less memorable than him because they never play a role. (haven't even recruited Trewd in my FE5 runs yet because he's so meaningless)
  8. As I stated earlier I will watch a LP first to get a more precise impression. Words can't convince me for now. Have to see the gameplay of a few missions with my own eyes.
  9. Brady is a just a cool dude who's suffering of getting babied by a snobby mom. Noire is adorable cute (and has the same name like an other great videogame character), but I voted for Lucy because she's cute too and I like her appearance in Project X Zone 2.
  10. This series brings back good childhood memories for me. When I read the post about the useless brain I only thought it went about him because how can the brain as organ be useless?
  11. Soul is a gain for this forest. Seriously I don't know... and don't want to know what SF would be without him. He literally brings enlightment through this jungle.
  12. Avatar looks like Micaiah with spiky ears. (meant in a positive way because Micky is beautiful)
  13. Yeah, that's what I somewhat mentioned. Each class has like two class skills and all the other skills can be set manual to make some great skill combos. However I find that you can swap your skills among units like you can in FE10, or replacing them by other skills if you want to change the skill setup. All in all it should be still flexible. So these are improved support suggestions from FE13 + 14? Also I like the idea of debuffed stats (aside of HP) for an unit who had to handle a tragedy. If laguz (or sth. like that) return, then they should be buffed. Letting learning them formshift is sth. but it takes forever till they reach level 40. There's still more to do to improve them. Higher exp. gain for transformed laguz. If they transform, they'll become automatically ten levels higher (and not 20 as in FE10). Getting rid of weapon strikes. Each laguz improves its strike automatically after reaching a certain level. Dodging gives / costs 50% less of the gauge than (counter-)attacking. More ideas: sand stave: Decreases the skill of the opponent to zero for five turns. bann stave: Opponent close to you can be banned to place farer away from you (doesn't work on bosses). flame stave: Opponent suffers on burning for five turns. It loses ten HP at the beginning of each turn.
  14. I can't give you much hope to find FE10 for a low price. Even on ebay the price is at least 70$. Well... I found FE10 at Gamestop for like 30$ (one of the best investments in my entire life)... but it has been almost five years ago. The Gamestop stores in my country rarely sell Wii games anymore nowadays, and the very few are only very common games like Mario platformers and parties, Donkey Country Returns, Wii party.
  15. Very most of Soul's threads are so enlightening. You gain so much knowledge about the bizarrest things you can't even imagine even if most of it is for the rubbish pin.
  16. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ I just realized in the rules that the word must be eight letters at least. This one has only seven. Shall I make a new one?
  17. F-Zero (without having the possibility to play any potential future parts since I won't buy anymore Nintendo consoles) Favorite videogame / cartoon dog?
  18. fine... whatever... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ geography
  19. Why is it my turn if the previous puzzle hasn't been solved correctly? I don't know if it's matching with rules, but I find it only fair if the person whose last riddle wasn't solved, may do the next turn until the word is solved correctly by someone.
  20. Why is it my turn if the previous puzzle hasn't been solved correctly? I don't know if it's matching with rules, but I find it only fair if the person whose last riddles wasn't solved, may do the next turn... until someone else guess his riddle correclty.
  21. Ah...I've learned sth. from a Soul thread again. My hunger for knowledge is satisfied... for now.
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