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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. 21. What makes you dislike FE5 despite of Leif's level ups? 22. How was your interview for you?
  2. V Whoever it is, I don't know this person.
  3. Theming a cute looking girl with a "butterfly" on her head.
  4. Knows I'm a bit too lazy in doing all of Xillia 2's sidequests.
  5. Ran away in Tales of Xillia 2 and returned in SF.
  6. Who or what is Mara? The only Mara I've heared of it's a demon from Shin Megami Tensei. An easy lategame boss in SMTIV which looks a bit crappy.
  7. I voted for Constantine I. because he's the prodecessor of
  8. XCOM Age of Empires Civilization Die Siedler any economic simulation like Sim City (if I may call it strategy) However I can only play XCOM right now since I don't own a good a PC. Do you go to doctors for primar prevention (flu injection...) or only for after preventation (if you're sick already)?
  9. ^ Did you refer to my comment? I even said that a 7 is too low. I gave him a 8, so the gap between him and Titania is fixed. Also the only difference between Oscar and Titania is that her output damage is higher than Oscar's. No really reason for me to make a huge difference between these two.
  10. ... Then I don't understand why you ranked Muarim lower than the other two although he's the only one who can deal with several enemies and can use tons of skills to negate his weaknesses (nullify, adept, resolve...) I think only a few warriors have >26 speed. Halberdiers, snipers and the stationary generals next to Oliver have 25-26.
  11. Seriously Vika was such pain to train in my trash tier run, even harder than Lyre. Sure, she's good in part 1 because she can oneround stuff, but she needs at least strike level S to become slightly useful in 4-4, NO seriously she needs S+. Her major problem is that she can't get many levels in part 1 due to her low exp. gain. In part 4 she'll be totally underleveled and you can't fix her with bexp. easily due to her bad strength growth. With A strike she does like 2x3 damage to physical enemies who have a high critchance against her - fantastic ;/ Seriously she was the worst, simply because you can't fix her low stats in 4-4 unlike Tormod's by giving him a forged tome. Muarim can well tank enough in 4-4 despite he gets doubled by several enemies. Without him, Vika and Tormod would be swiss cheese at the end of turn 1. Tormod is better than Vika in part 1, and even in 4-4 it's by far not as tedious to train him as Vika. Base Tormod with resolve can even double everyone except for swordmasters. Haven't given to him yet, but it's an interesting skill for him combined with a forged thunder tome.
  12. As for the original voting I excluded transfer boosts. Even without them, a 7 is still too low for him. Oscar without transfers can still oneround the exact same enemies as Titania can. Titania has a higher output damage but she can't kill more than base Oscar can (except for giving her Boyd's killer axe). Indeed Oscar with strength + speed boost can oneround everyone except for swordmasters. He needs only one speed point to make use of bexp. so strength and defense can be fixed. If you give Titania the speed wing in 3-2, she'd be better than Oscar but only very slightly. Oscar still can oneround all the halberdiers, cavaliers and snipers while Titania migth oneround the dragon masters furthermore. Seriously the speed wing is better on Haar, if he has 21 speed at least to make him constantly double the enemies. However in the longrun Titania is better than Oscar, simply because axes are a better weapon type and female gold knights have slightly better weapon types and caps than male silver knights, but worse speed cap than female silver knights. Only Astrid and Fiona can reach the magical 34 speed cap for the endgame. At the end 0.5 points pro Titania seems to be fair. (if I would rank with transfers, then I'd rank him even higher than her simply because of his onerounding potential in part 3's earlygame) Also the enemies in 3-1 have pretty much the same level and speed as in 3-P. Never really saw that they became worse. snipers: 19 swordmasters: 23 halberdiers: 19-20 warriors: 20 lance generals: 17 axe generals: 16 sword generals: 18 fire sages: 17-18 thunder sages: 16 Edit: In 3-P the horseslayer general and the stl. great lance halberdier next to the boss are a bit higher leveled, but all the other enemies are the same as you fight in 3-1. PS: Still haven't fixed my votes yet. Will think about it now.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NenE9DESEMw&list=PLoHwgN18iMQYLg0Nmz7oxTLK7Z36czg8A&index=54
  14. I guess Persona 3 made me to like Hip Hop for the very first time. Edit: Actually it wasn't the first time. I totally forgot about the one stage them from Yoshi's story (Idr the name) and the DK RAP from Donkey Kong 64.
  15. I wouldn't discredit Astrid at any price. Strength + speed boost make it a bit more bearable to use her. Also in 3-11 you can seriously power level up her with silencer and parablossom, even in HM.
  16. Looking at my votes and noticed a difference of 1.5 points between Oscar and Titania. I don't know what I was thinking right there. Seriously T Oscar > NT Titania because he can double every generic except for swordmasters and can even oneround snipers with the steel great lance. I overrated Titania a bit (I mean she can't double anyone except for axe and maybe lance generals and thunder sages) and underrated Oscar. A difference of 0.5 pro Titania would be justified if I exclude HM boosts. only the males
  17. Ambush spawn unless it's justified storywise. same question
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