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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. idk... I guess chili chocolate Favorite minigame in a RPG?
  2. being badass, fighting for a reasonable idology Do you think that the existence of videogame consoles in endangered in near future?
  3. It's an idea I came up in an other thread. In each base you have the possibility to create one ally (like an avatar). You can choose the class, but it's only allowed to create one unit of each class once at max. You pay the stats in form of money. The costs for the stats rise overproportional to the number of given stats. (like forging in Tellius). The issue is that these created units have no plot and supports in the game. It's a mechanic I saw in XCOM for the first time, and I have to say I really like it. It moderates the consequences of losing units. It could work as replacement for Phoenix Mode in the latest parts.
  4. Lucilus technically too. Idk how an added L makes the name prettier, but ok...
  5. Doesn't know above poster... or rather doesn't want to know.
  6. I haven't played through Atelier all that much yet (have played Shallie for a bit; haven't started three other parts yet), but my first impession was that this game is more focussed on characters than on a real plot. It goes a bit in the same direction as Neptunia in term of cuteness. I didn't really mind because I normally play this genre for its gameplay, and Shallie has done it alright so far yet. I find synthesizing a bit complicated, but it's nothing you won't be able to learn.
  7. Favors my least favorite FE part gameplaywise.
  8. Quite the opposite, I wouldn't be able to sleep in with backround sound even if the music might be soft.
  9. I don't know what it is, so no. The US presedential election system is based on the presidential electors. They're voted in each state. Their number depends on the population (I believe). And this is the thing. For example: If you win a big state like Florida or California closely and lose a small state like Conneticut, you can still win the election although for not having the majority of votes (because the votes go indireclty over the states). It was exact the case for Trump's victory. He won FL closely while Clinton rather won the small states. Favorite present you got of all time?
  10. Knows I'm still waiting for a SF badge of her.
  11. Is happy about Sanaki's addition in FE Heroes.
  12. I have to admit I gave Midir female pronouns when I saw him the first time. Also if Lucius wasn't insulted enough by questioning his gender, he's also spelt wrong all the times. It's not Lucilus, but Lucius. Saw this misspelling in an other thread too.
  13. I fucking want a FE5 remake or a better translation patch. Also Olwen needs better bases.
  14. Fee Fee with Lex as her father was so damn good (I prefer physical weapons for her). I could promote her at the beginning of chapter 8 and it was easy to give her 50 kills with the brave lance to let her wreck everything. She became #2 after Forseti. 8.5 Sety Excellent stave level and great bases. but foot unit. 7 Hawk Like Sety, only more magical but a bit less tanky. 7 Femina Lacking of pursuit in first tier screws her to let her oneround long range mages, even early adept is no replacement for this. All in all not bad, but no match for Fee. 5
  15. Should play Berseria because it's a really good action RPG and one of the best parts of this series.
  16. It's a quite monday morning... still... till 11:11 AM. because carnival! Looking forward to wear a clown's mask and to grab some sweets.
  17. Mentioned an other character from Tales of Berseria.
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