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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Jarod is my favorite because he followed his personal ideals till the bitter end. Even Numida's betrayal on him couldn't change his mind.
  2. Explained what the abbrevation sth. stands for.
  3. Would you adopt a homeless and tame cat if you could? Favorite fictional cat (TV, videogames, books...)? Opinion of Sylvester (the cat from Looney Tunes)? What has been the strangest or funniest situation for you involved with a cat? Which languages can you speak?
  4. Patty is bleh. She comes up with bad bases and is extremly hard to train. Sleep stave absuing in the arena is just painful. Unlike Dew she doesn't have the possibilty to dodgetank fighters to grab some money and exp. in the chapter she joins. Furthermore money isn't really required in Gen. 2 since you have access to a thief sword early on. The consequence is that she usually kisses the bench in my runs. 3 Faval can oneshot Ishtar... but that's pretty much it. Ichivial isn't a good holy weapon because of its high weight and low accuracy. However it's really easy to grind him in the arena. Still a much better combat unit than Patty but it doesn't make him automatically a great unit. 4
  5. This isn't a LP of the original FE6 but of a patch called redux hack. It fixed some issues from the main game like balancing the stats and growthrates of most units and improving axes, lances and bows and make them as accurate as in other games. That means that no one should be disqualified in this game anymore. Units like Gonzales, Sophia and Wendy should be seriously usable now. However I have to say it's also the first time that I ever will play this hack; it's just what I expect. I'll mention some differences of the party members between the original game and this patch. Difficulty: hard These units have to be used in each chapter after they joined and must be kept alive. Maggy Lewd: Fae, Gonzales Glaceon Mage: Wolt, Tate FrostyFireMage: Sue, Zeiss Sophia: Sophia, Cecilia Claimed supports: A: Roy x Wolt B: Roy x Cecilia A: Elphin x Cecilia A: Fae x Sophia B: Sue x Wolt (if possible)
  6. Idk about a special edition. Anyways it's only obtainable in the e-shop in EU nowadays.
  7. SMTIV wasn't released in the EU and in US either iirc. Only was obtainable in the 3DS e-shop.
  8. Physical unless it's a game only available digital like Shin Megami Tensei IV or much cheaper than the physical copy.
  9. Head of the man in his signature is cut. XD
  10. Third tier Jill is your ticket to beat this chapter quickly.
  11. I spent about eight hours for Berseria's boring and stupidly designed extra dungeon (FUCK time limit battles!) just to see six people and a normid in the hot spring for like three minutes. It was it totally worth. / totally not
  12. Has one of the more lewd images of Edna as her avatar.
  13. Will know she's the most interesting character in the game for me and all her dresses are just beautiful.
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