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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. In my first FE7 run she maxed out her strength super early and so became MVP. She had even better strength than speed growth. Therefore her defense left to be desired. Didn't really matter since she dodged most anyways. Edit: Oh... this isn't about FE7. My bad!
  2. I never ask someone for their work. If I did it, I'd be either jealous or just depressed that someone did sth. of their life unlike me... yet.
  3. Tbf they're the main characters of this game so it's not too surprising.
  4. Yeah, no friends and depressions suck.
  5. *pats* Hopefully you will get a new and good job soon. Seeing videogame only as a hobby is absolute fine unless your job is related to that. The important things are family, friends, health and work. If you can separate these things and prioritize them appropriately, you'll enjoy your life. I know a life without work. It wasn't a nice time at all. Casued me depressions and isolation.
  6. I have done a run with the worst rated units of this tierlist, and I have to say I noticed a huge difference in terms of usefulness of certain units. Astrid and Fiona turned out fantastic just by powerleveling them in 2-2 + 3-9 / part 3. I didn't even have to give them any status items. Parablossom on Astrid work perfectly. Maxed everything in level 15 already. Kyze is really good, if you just give him a speedwing. Even in HM he can double everyone with his 26 base speed. He just needs S strike quickly and maybe an energy drop to oneround stuff. In 4-P he fulfilled exact the same role Skrimir normally does: Wrecked most of the paladins. Meg could technically solo part 3 because laguz do 5-7 less damage in NM. Tormod is not too painful to train, if you forge him a fire tome. Even in HM I could train him several times without wasting too much effort. Just had to weak the enemies enough to give him the kills. He just needs a couple of speed points not to get doubled by every physical opponent. He can easily get 20 levels even without paragon. Lyre is so weak despite she got a perfect level up. She can only serve as a dodgetank, but only if her biorhythm is good. She only oneround physical enemies with double adept. That means how weak she is. Even magic users can't be onerounded. Vika is totally useless if she couldn't get a rank upgrade in part 3. She does like 6-8 to damage and is always in danger to get oneshotted by a crit. Definitely the worst unit of my picked team. Her only useful chapters are all the chapters in part 1. Well, this was only in NM, so I won't change any of my votes (except maybe Kyze's). Will try it in HM again now.
  7. Well, that might be true depending on the job. However you must see it from this view: No work => no pleasure... simply because you don't have the money to invest it in the things you like.
  8. Ah, ok. Yeah, that's sth. It's a pretty good job (as official in the city government) so consequently the demand was huge. Getting invited for an interview for a job like this is a success already, that's true.
  9. Don't worry, I won't give up! Will get the game sooner or later.. Also why the congratulation? I don't have the job yet...
  10. Too bad... I was surpassed with my bid for TocS. Was sold for 44 €, even more than it costs in a store. Job interview went well, but it says nothing. Have a 1/15 chance to get the job...
  11. ^ That's true. The lacking of units forced me to use Mist in 4-1 and Muarim in 4-4. Lyre isn't tanky enough to be a front unit against the reinforcement waves in 4-4. Furthermore one crit kills her. Meg's fortune skill would be very handy against them. So I had to use Muarim for quite a bit. Laguz don't need blossom at all. 4-3 - 4-5 Stats before engame 1
  12. too adorable I really should replay this game to get more customes because I missed tons of good ones. Well, I'm really nervous today: job interview getting TocS I'm already sure latter won't end positively because I'm highly sure people will top my bid of 30€. (It shouldn't really bother if I got the job. work > pleasure)
  13. I think there are like three characters from FE13 and 14 I sympathize a bit: Donnel, Sakura and Scarlet
  14. She was probably the prettiest and kindest non fictional princess on earth.
  15. Sure, he doesn't need wrath, if you want to beat BK and especially Berserk Assnard on the hard way.
  16. This gave me the certainty that I was right ignoring him in my two FE7 runs. I have to say FE7 is one of the few games I don't like any sages for different reasons. Went for Priscilla who never could surpass weapon level C in tomes.
  17. Ike x Marcia C B A Thanks to Glaceon Mage who was so kind and corrected all my errors for me.
  18. I deleted all levels except for Meg's, Fiona's and Astrid's. Stats after 4-2
  19. Eh... does Kirby's Dreamland 3 for the west count? Otherwise nothing comes in mind atm. Scariest videogame you've played yet?
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