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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Idk it, so no opinion. What would be the next FE game / hack you would LP?
  2. because most story based maps in FE best game mechanics in FE largest variety of different mission objectives perfect difficulty for me I don't know how often I answered this question already. But I think I gave a different answer every time. ;) The Last Promise (but I'd call it rather least favorite; it wasn't too bad) Best looking demon in the SMT series for you?
  3. It's a question I find pretty difficult to answer actually. FE13 had lots of onedimensional characters but they were made to identify with them easily. But it also applied to 14 in most cases. There weren't many interesting characters in FE14 tbh. The most memorable characters were Beruka and Elise. Beruka's backstory was very interesting. Elise is the only one of the Nohrian royals I do like because in BR she was the only one who saw Garon's true intention and turned back on him. Her tragic death was the saddest moment in FE14 (besides Scarlet's). She seems to be the typical loli: young, blond, noble and cheerful but at least BR made her a arisen and smart character. It was one of very characters I could see such character development. Opposite examples were Siegfried and Takumi who were naive enough to justify their acts till the bitter end. (tbf I can't judge very well since I haven't unlocked all characters and supports yet) I know I haven't really answered the question but it's kinda hard to answer to for myself since I don't like both casts. Most characters have become too onedimensional to me in the latest parts.
  4. Moh Shuvuu looks way too adorable. Nice job! The second last image is a demon from the Shin Megami Tensei series. About the others: Idk either.
  5. There's a popular historic park about the Roman Empire like ten miles away from me. My hometown is the largest pilgrim place of my country but it doesn't mean anything to me. It has a huge church but all in all I find the town very boring. Also there's lots of nature. same question (but I'm afraid that I asked you this already)
  6. 4 Dreamland 10 Dreamland 2 10 Dreamland 3 14 Adventure 12 Super Star 10 Amazing Mirror 3 64 10 Super Star Ultra 3 Squeak Squad 18 Return to Dreamland / Adventure Wii 7 Triple Deluxe 7 Robobot
  7. I just played Neptunia MK2 and I already stuck against the second boss (green haired girl in the bear costume). I have a new unit (Goddess unit or whatever) but she can't do anything except for using items. I have no idea what to do now.
  8. As for Devil Survivor I'd recommend to play 2 first. The story is unrelated to 1. It only brings back some maps from the prequel. It has some improvements compared to 1. You have access to more characters early on. social links exist (similar to Persona) It's easier than 1 Imo. 1 has a few bosses with gimmicks which can piss you off. more maps
  9. That's the reason why I like Rita. I like tsundere. Idk. It'd be that first time that I searched for a composer. It's a shame that I never ever have been interested to look up the people who made this great piece of music. [spoiler=About the dungeons in Zesty] More of the half are empty ruins with similar gimmicks. The shrines tend to be annoying because there's indefinite monster respawning,so here you want to use the holy bottles. Holy bottles last till you rest. They have no time limit anymore. In the caves you need like ten minutes of just walking to face a giganto. Another thing: Grinding is pointless since the generics give you like no exp. ... but I find Mikleo x Edna funnier.
  10. lol water shrine [spoiler=The only thing I liked about it.] It took me like 20 attempts to understand how to pass the eyes. Fire shrine was my favorite, even it it wasn't great designed either. Anyways I ship Edna with Mikleo.
  11. ^ Only voting once each day! Oh... wait... I guess it was 11:45 PM when you voted before... so ignore it.
  12. The good thing about this game is that holy bottles were buffed. [spoiler=It was a good decision because you'll need them in the dungeons.]Otherwise you'll die to boredom because most of the dungeons are lazy designed ruins and caves. Only the shrines were made decently.
  13. Edna is fun to use because she's so goddamn slow. She moves like a 90 year old person.
  14. Idk. Even if I was, I couldn't buy it because it won't be released for a console I own, I don't own the newest generation and I don't tend to buy anymore consoles in the future. Shoot: My question was worded wrong. I meant favorite Kirby game which isn't a platformer.
  15. Favorite non Kirby platformer? Actually I wanted to play it one year ago but sth. went wrong with the download iirc.
  16. I'm not very experienced with SMT. I only have beaten Persona 3 + 4 and the two Devil Survivor parts this year. Persona 3 won't give you a hard time, if you play on the lowest difficulty. Important things Try to get player advantages by hitting the enemy from behind. Always check out the weakness(es) of each enemy by pressing L2. If you hit the weakness, you have a larger chance to get into shuffle and get a boost. As for shuffle I highly recommend to pick demons or experience (green plant). Buffing and debuffing is really helpful. Fuse as many demons as you can. You won't lose any fused demon, if you registerer it in the Compendium. As for fusing try to inhale (de)buffs, nullifies, drains, repels and element attacks better than the base spells (zio, garu, agi, bufu). Multiple attacks like mabufu or stronger attacks like bufula or bufudyne cost more SP but make battles faster and easier. I'm not a fan of status affecting skills. Never really used Posimudi or similar skills. Don't waste any time of a day. If you can't do any social links, then go to the game store or to the café to increase your stats.
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