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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I'd say Bavarian for a generic German person (who doesn't live there of course). I can understand it a bit because I spent some holidays there. It's also my favorite German dialect. I like the language in the alpine region anyways. As for me saxon is probably the hardest to understand. Which American dialect is the hardest for you to understand?
  2. Who's Graf Zeppelin? (I meant the girl in your theme of course) She looks cute, so it has my pleasure. Wut... her name is Graf Zeppelin!?
  3. It depends on the difficulty. In easy mode you can use almost everyone since it features elite mode (doubled experience). If you play normal or hard, you should focus on not too many units. This is a little guide for hard mode, but it also includes tips you need on lower difficulties. Making good supports is one of the most important things. Front units need often need earth support to get higher evasion. The chapters with Micaiah are the hardest since she's a very fragile and slow lord. It's possible to lose her, even in easy mode. Ike's chapters are much easier because you have lots of high leveled units.
  4. If I had the time... maybe. But currently it's impossible. Prefer playing and criticizing them honestly. Why no more Halloween theme?
  5. If I had the time... maybe. But currently it's impossible. Prefer playing and criticizing them honestly. Why no more Halloween theme?
  6. Knows I can post the exact same phrase as he did... just without the question mark.
  7. Not reaching my self set targets. Something you're excited of?
  8. Honestly I can recommend all of them to a newcomer. Xillia 1 has the easiest skill system of these three because you can give skills to your units individually. Also Xillia 2 is, as the name already said, a sequel of 1. It takes place in the same world. You would have an easier time to understand the whole story, if you have completed 1 but it's not absolute necessary. Gameplaywise I prefer 2 more than 1 because you have more party members and there are some new and unique features in this game. However the major downside is that like 90% of the world is familar. You won't see many new dungeons and cities in 2 at all. Graces f has the most interesting battle system of these three. The only downside might be the beginning. The characters start as kids... and this game only becomes really fun if they have become adults. Honestly it features my favorite character cast in the entire series, but that shouldn't really influence your decision with which part to begin.
  9. Has an avatar avatar I'd like to see in FE13.
  10. Are you rather a calm videogamer or can you become very salty if something goes wrong? for generic
  11. 6 Dreamland 2 10 Dreamland 3 16 Adventure 14 Super Star 10 Amazing Mirror 10 Super Star Ultra 22 Return to Dreamland / Adventure Wii 4 Triple Deluxe 4 Robobot
  12. @ TrueEm Favorite theme of the videogame you're playing atm?
  13. Oh come on! How can you not like the hairstyle at least!? Sry to you, guys... but 80s is my favorite decade, nk! Also forgot to mention one thing about the 80s: ME!
  14. 80s were the BEST music, hairstyle... and the most important thing: VIDEOGAMES
  15. I got the copy of Graces f with Symphonia 1 + 2 for 15 €, so it was even a better offer than this one. However the Xillia's are very favorable. I understand why 1 is cheaper than 2. I can recommend these games.
  16. Favorite videogame of the latest game you've played / still play? I haven't played any other Bandai Namco games besides Tales of and Pac Man. Soul Calibur is the only franchise I might be interested.
  17. I don't like Tales of Symphonia either. The 2D graphic in the battles feels clunky to me and I don't like the artstyle. Dragon Quest's gameplay is more interesting than Final Fantasy's tbh. Gamecube controller > Wii-mote...with one exception: FE10! Playing FE10 with the Wii-mote is one of the most comfortable things for me. Random encounters in RPGs should vanish once for all. SMT spinoffs > SMT main parts
  18. My favorite cover of my favorite song of all time:
  19. Probably isn't get lost in an art forum currently.
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