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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. maybe not Then they should bring torches. You should be prepread for situations like this anyways.
  2. [spoiler=I guess it gives you the answer] definitely Flynn Sciffo I'm glad that I played the PS3 version. Also Yuri is the only main character of the Tales of games I played yet I didn't bring against the final boss. I guess it speaks for itself. same question
  3. His avatar looks too similar to one of the chicks of my signature.
  4. Final boss in Xillia 1 and the second phase of this. I haven't understood (till today) how the attack of this Jessie guy works. same question
  5. Mistakenly thinks that the person on the left is a guy. She has even a male name but is still female.
  6. Posted a fact about the wrong person as me at first.
  7. yes Oh that's the problem?! Isn't it already bad enough that Nintendo releases different versions for certain areas?
  8. I don't mind personally. What can you bore you very fast?
  9. Even they might be oldschool, they're just annoying to me. They cost lots of times (bad for speedrunners). They screw you, if you're on low health and you almost have beaten the dungeon. It's really a pain in the ass in Dragon Quest II since I can only carry a limited number of vulneraries in early game. In one single dungeon I run out of them. Whenever I want to return to a town to restore my supply, a random encounter gets me. If it was a custiomized option (as it's the case in BD apparenty), it'd be fine for everyone.
  10. Which has been the longest bossfight for you? magic Markets where you can buy fresh fruits, veggies, cheese, fish or flowers directly by the manufacturer.
  11. Do you go to weekly markets? Actually I was ninja'd. (should be for Shinpichu) I thought you're working in a museum. Or is it already passed? Sry, if you feel uncomfortable to answer it. sure
  12. Sry, I needed a longer break to think about new questions. #72: What would you do, if you came back home exhausted from school or from your work?
  13. Eh... not today anymore If you asked me this 15-20 years ago, then I'd answer with maybe. Idr if I asked this already: Have you played Rogue Squadron for N64, and if so, what was your opinion of it?
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