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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Xenoblade Chronicles Were you introduced into new videogame series by playing crossovers?
  2. I don't even know what that is. Have you ever gambled in real life?
  3. No big fan of it tbh. Started playing II, VI and IX but I lost the motivation after a bit. However my motivation to continue DQ II is still higher than to continue Final Fantasy VI. My self-set target is to beat one part of this series at least. Opinions of random encounters in RPGs?
  4. Hah... this was the case for all the Tales of games I own for the PS3. I own them for almost two years. Most parts weren't touched for more than one year and I still haven't started Dawn to the New World yet. It took me more than a year to finish Vesperia. After that I played all the other parts. Thankfully I became much faster in finishing them. Of the seven Tales of games "only" three are left I have to finish.
  5. It's tasty. (I never have heared of this term before.) Opinion of Dragon Quest?
  6. Beam Sword: 10 Fire Bar: 10 Golden Hammer: 16 Hammer: 10 Home-Run Bat: 10 Lip's Stick: 10 Ore Club: 10 Parasol: 9 Star Rod: 10 Cracker Launcher: 10 Drill Arm: 10 Fire Flower: 10 Gust Blower: 10 Ray Gun: 10 Steel Diver: 10 Super Scope: 10 Banana Peel: 10 Beehive: 10 Beetle: 10 Bob-omb: 10 Bombchu:10 Boomerang: 10 Bumper: 10 Cucco: 10 Deku Nut: 10 Flipper: 10 Freezie: 10 Gooey Bomb: 10 Green Shell: 10 Hocotate Bomb: 5 Hothead: 10 Killer Eye: 10 Motion-Sensor Bomb: 3 Mr. Saturn: 14 Pitfall: 10 POW Block: 2 Red Shell: 10 Screw Attack: 10 Smart Bomb: 10 Smoke Bomb: 10 Shiny Shell: 10 Spring: 10 Unira: 10 X-Bomb: 10 Bullet Bill: 10 Lightning Bolt: 10 Metal Box: 10 Poison Mushroom: 3 Super Mushroom: 10 Super Star: 10 Superspicy Curry: 10 Timer: 10 Back Shield: 10 Bunny Hood: 10 Franklin Badge: 10 Rocket Belt: 10 Super Leaf: 10 Food: 10 Maxim Tomato: 10 Heart Container: 10 Fairy Bottle: 10 Assist Trophy: 10 Master Ball: 10 Poke ball: 10 Daybreak: 10 Dragoon: 10 Barrel Cannon: 10 Blast Box: 12 Sandbag: 10 Soccer Ball: 10 Special Flag: 10 Warp Star: 12
  7. To finish my study or find a well paid job and move with my girlfriend together. (I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly) What has been the most expensive thing you have bought yet?
  8. Knows now that my previous profile including UN caused confusion.
  9. Also Subaki is one of the worst units in Birthright without question. The only good thing of him is that he has a good personal skill, which saves him in the beginning at least. That's less unpopular than true. Lyn is indeed the best if you play "Lyn mode". Hector is slow and Eliwood has the worst growths all around.
  10. Probably was rather thinking about "light" hair.
  11. If you're going to get Vesperia, then I highly recommend the PS3 version. It includes lots of stuff the XBox version does not. (two more characters, more optional bosses, extra dungeons)

  12. #74 What would you do, if you met your personal idol in real life? (it can be actor, singer, athlete, politican, scientist...)
  13. UN includes magic element which doesn't exist in his favorite FE part anymore.
  14. http://t15.deviantart.net/EsNuGsyMsErP8cIE_LyQVxdlgt4=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre07/8e75/th/pre/i/2016/216/6/8/alola_vulpix_by_yamio-dackkng.png http://img03.deviantart.net/9967/i/2016/238/6/6/alola_vulpix_by_snilaze-dafdgma.jpg Gaius from Tales of Xillia 2
  15. Beam Sword: 10 Fan: 0 Fire Bar: 10 Golden Hammer: 14 Hammer: 10 Home-Run Bat: 10 Lip's Stick: 10 Ore Club: 10 Parasol: 9 Star Rod: 10 Cracker Launcher: 10 Drill Arm: 10 Fire Flower: 10 Gust Blower: 10 Ray Gun: 10 Steel Diver: 10 Super Scope: 10 Banana Peel: 10 Beehive: 10 Beetle: 10 Bob-omb: 10 Bombchu:10 Boomerang: 10 Bumper: 10 Cucco: 10 Deku Nut: 10 Flipper: 10 Freezie: 10 Gooey Bomb: 10 Green Shell: 10 Hocotate Bomb: 10 Hothead: 10 Killer Eye: 10 Motion-Sensor Bomb: 10 Mr. Saturn: 14 Pitfall: 10 POW Block: 4 Red Shell: 10 Screw Attack: 10 Smart Bomb: 10 Smoke Bomb: 10 Shiny Shell: 10 Spring: 10 Team Healer: 0 Unira: 10 X-Bomb: 10 Bullet Bill: 10 Cloaking Device: 0 Lightning Bolt: 10 Metal Box: 10 Poison Mushroom: 10 Super Mushroom: 10 Super Star: 10 Superspicy Curry: 10 Timer: 10 Back Shield: 10 Bunny Hood: 10 Franklin Badge: 10 Rocket Belt: 10 Super Leaf: 10 Food: 10 Maxim Tomato: 10 Heart Container: 10 Fairy Bottle: 10 Assist Trophy: 10 Master Ball: 10 Poke ball: 10 Daybreak: 10 Dragoon: 10 Barrel Cannon: 10 Blast Box: 10 Sandbad: 10 Smash Ball: 3 Soccer Ball: 10 Special Flag: 10 Warp Star: 10
  16. Aww... too bad I can't watch it in my country. Is there a way to fix it to make it possible that everyone can watch?
  17. recently replayed / started to replay: FE5-FE10 + Conquest Tales of the Abyss Project X Zone 2 put down: Final Fantasy VI (couldn't get into this series, random encounters were annoying and boring) Dragon Quest I + II (same reason as above, however I might continue II sometime)
  18. Are you rather stingy or generous with your money? It was Symphonia the entire time until I saw Xillia 2's opening. It's my favorite now.
  19. Jude, Leia, Milla and Elize (mainly played as Jyde or Leia) Jude, Leia and Elize are healers; Leia and Elize can revive and Jude can revive too, if he's your support unit. Never liked using Alvin in both parts, because his attacks are slow and he's a rather bad support unit. Character you play the most in Xillia 2? (but I think to know your answer already)
  20. I like having her in my team as support but I hate her whenever she's my opponent. She's my least favorite leader because she's awkward to control in the world map and dungeons due to her floating. Your favorite four (team you use the most) in Xillia 2?
  21. Brave Vesperia Opinion of Gaius / Ernest in Tales of Xillia 2.
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