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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I kinda expected it was an anime series because I don't watch any of them. still Favorite videogame character?
  2. Will know I know the avi of his above above poster but only by playing a crossover with her appearance.
  3. I wished I'd be a cool gamer, but in reality I let out my anger fast and often and I even destroy things. The worst moment was when I threw away and destroyed my TV remote when Edward missed with 98% in FE10 and died by the counterattack. Situation in a videogame which angered you the most?
  4. Are you rather a calm videogamer or someone who can blow up easily if something goes wrong? Radiant Dawn Then I'd recommend Devil Survivor 2 for the 3DS. It has Persona battle mechanics with the difference it's roundbased. Well, there is a Persona game for the 3DS (Persona Q) but I only recommend to play after you have played at least one or two games of the main Persona series. Only 2 had a defend chapter, a really good one.
  5. Marcia Would you like to see more "defend" chapters in the next Project X Zone game?
  6. Are you interested in action RPGs? Haha, it's a bit like me. I also try to find other interesting franchises aside of FE. I played a bit Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest but I couldn't get into them. Well, I might give the latest DQ parts for the 3DS a chance. The Shin Megami Tensei series including spinoffs like Persona and Devil Survivor could be interesting for you. They have excellent battle system, interesting story and a bit fanservice. mk2 for PS3
  7. Elize Lutus from Tales of Xillia 1 + 2 Oh.. sorry. (tbh I just came randomly with this question since I just have started my first Neptunia game a few days ago I noticed the familarity of your avatar) What have I to expect from the Neptunia series?
  8. round based strategical RPGs Is your avatar from Neptunia?
  9. I like his hair because it's so fitting to his travesty. Also I'm surprised to see Silas mentioned. He has one of my favorite hairstyles in FE14. Hmm... I find Erk's hair ugly.
  10. Would you play a hack of FE4 which balances some things (like making foot units more usable)? I guess I'm the only one in the forum who doesn't mind any memes.
  11. Sry, I fucked up to post the submitted question because of my internet trouble. #77: What would you do if people shit on sth. you actually like?
  12. I have to because I still have to play Jude's story. Do you prefer Xillia 1 or 2?
  13. Favorite LP on Youtube? (if you watch any) Tbh my previous one.
  14. Honestly the game would be already balanced if mounted units lost canto and foot units got one more movement. In all seriousness I wished Dew would become useful in combat and Arden wouldn't be left behind anymore. Arden was way more usable in FEIV because he had a skill which didn't give him terrain movement penalty. However in this hack the maps were much smaller (only a segment of the FE4 chapter map) so it was easier for him to catch up the others. Maybe a few skills should be nerfed. Astra should work like in FE9. (5 x 0,5 damage)
  15. [spoiler=Chapter 6 part 2] He needs help. But Ragnar needs his name first... Ragnar is questioning if he shall help someone who does crime. Everglow want to become an ally of Azalia. He's surprised but also pleased at the same time to hear this words. But he still doesn't know what Feddick even wants from him. He needs soldiers who withstand the Silvaticans. If he doesn't get them, he's afraid that his comrades will fall very soon. Ragnar is still considering about his decision. But Feddick needs and fast answer begs Ragnar. He promises him that the Everglows won't do shit anymore. Ragnar is so forgivable that he's coming to Feddick's and his mates' aid. A bond between resistance fighters and brigands is built. One of the very few positive sides of this war. [spoiler=Feddick leaves the map.]You'll get a reward for talking to him after this chapter Turn 10 Another wave of reinforcements appears from the forts. Player phase Stats she doesn't need. 3/4 of his health is gone already. Enemy phase Boss changes his weapon from the lancereaver to a sword. Nevertheless Agro still hits him. Turn 11 Player phase Agro kills the boss and gets another good level up. After starting problems he becomes better and better. A captured soldier who already thought that Azalia is lost. Ragnar calms him down that Azalia still has soldiers in its hindquarter. The soldier gets the task to go to Zerenus and inform the king that this situation isn't as bad as it looked like previously. Ragnar has to come to Zerenus' aid as quickly as possible. Everything will turn out well! Ragnar still doesn't like formalities. For Azalia! For GLORY! Ragnar and his two subordinates spread optimism with their speech. Motivation for the upcoming battles. Again they have to cross a sea of corpses. All of them are Everglows. Once more they meet someone in a pathetic physical and psychical condition. He still has the "power" for big mouthing. Ragnar makes him clear that they're not his enemy. But he doesn't listen to him... or he can't. He knows Feddick. He has to be another survivor or the Everglows. Feddick died. ... With almost no power. He's totally raddled. They take him to Rinoa and hope that she can help him somehow. She could save his life. Instead of resting he plans to go for revenge for the deaths of all his brothers and Feddick. He wants to die for a "good purpose". Ragnar doesn't allom him to do blind revenge. Furthermore he also has to keep Feddick's promise not to let die out the Everglows. This brigand is the last survivor. Ragnar also does self-reproaches for sending him away and bringing him in this death-trap. His final request is to avenge Feddick's death. Ragnar doesn't want to let anymore people die (in)directly by his command. Ragnar will everything to save Azalia and to avenge the death of the Everglows. He wants to help. The Azalians are the only support partners which are left for him since they share his goal: Defeating the Silvaticans. First promise is accepted. But not the second promise... All alone he can't finish his revenge. as stubborn as determined
  16. Oh, just played this chapter yesterday. The assassin boss wasn't hard for me. Drake can attract him since he's the only one who can take two hits. (however the boss might have a low crit chance against him) Alicia, Ash and the nomad can attack him from range and a lance user (if even necessary) finishes the job. (of course it's a bit risky to beat him since the hitrates are <70%) Just a random question: Is it worth to use the myrmidon chick? I mean her base strength and defense kinda daunt me to use her. The bases of some units are pretty crappy actually. I wished Edward had more base strength with his base level. As for an axeuser I like Hawke more than Marco because of his speed. However you'll get another locked axeuser very soon. I'd guess he's the most balanced one... but Idk if he's the best at the same time.
  17. I think so too, even if they got the votes only by protest voters. I mean what's the point of a politcal system, if you can choose of two people (parties) who are on a good way to bring abuses in their country? Thankfully I'm not American (yet), so I don't have the hard choice to vote one of these (mad) dudes. However Idk anything about the politics of the third-parties... but after reading a few comments I guess they're not better than Trump and Clinton at all. If I was forced, I'd vote a third party just to express my protest towards the political system.
  18. I struggled against some elite monsters in normal already. Tbf I wasn't good at all in this game because I don't like the camera angles in the battles. Mainly prefer the classic side angle like in Abyss or Vesperia. Also generics don't bring you exp. at all in this part. You only gain the exp. by the bosses and elite monsters. In my run I used holy bottles in each dungeon because they were buffed a lot.
  19. Yeah, imgur was frozen for a few minutes but now it works again (at least for me). Edit: It's not fixed yet.
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