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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Have you ever done an illegal thing? classic cartoons like Tom & Jerry, The Flintstones, Looney Tunes and Disney stuff like Darkwing Duck and Chip & Dale
  2. [spoiler=You may guess one time]Julian, of course! Favorite drink on cold days?
  3. Favorite thief in FE? best game mechanics in FE besides FE5 and the most story maps of all parts
  4. FE5 is an amazing game, if you can really get into it. It's supermodern for its time. It features the most game mechanics besides FE10 and introduces mission objectives like defend or escape. The major downside is that it can be very frustrating for a first time player in some points since it has some traps. This game has the most fug of war maps of all game (almost each gaiden is FoW). Guarantee hit and miss don't exist and get hitting by 1% and missing with 99% happens more than you might expect unfortunately. Some tactical tricks like "warp skipping" are required to save a lots of trouble and end chapters fast and easily. I haven't played 3 yet, so I can't argue.
  5. Beam Sword: 10 Fire Bar: 8 Golden Hammer: 25 Hammer: 10 Home-Run Bat: 25 Ore Club: 10 Star Rod: 10 Cracker Launcher: 10 Drill Arm: 10 Fire Flower: 10 Super Scope: 10 Beetle: 10 Bob-omb: 10 Bombchu:10 Boomerang: 10 Cucco: 10 Deku Nut: 10 Gooey Bomb: 10 Green Shell: 10 Hothead: 10 Killer Eye: 10 Mr. Saturn: 25 Unira: 3 X-Bomb: 10 Bullet Bill: 10 Lightning Bolt: 10 Metal Box: 10 Super Mushroom: 10 Super Star: 10 Superspicy Curry: 10 Timer: 0 Bunny Hood: 10 Rocket Belt: 10 Food: 10 Maxim Tomato: 10 Heart Container: 10 Fairy Bottle: 10 Assist Trophy: 25 Master Ball: 10 Poke ball: 25 Sandbag: 10 Warp Star: 12
  6. Her avatar avatar wears glasses which should be added into the custom options in FE13.
  7. soda and (ice) tea peach Which videogame would you say did you make smarter in term of knowledge?
  8. history and nature documentaries and a very bit science-fiction Have you ever watched a movie which is based on a videogame (Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider...)?
  9. Brave axe and especially Pugi are fucking amazing. And FE4 axe users are still more accurate against axes and lances than the ones in FE6. I didn't get the brave axe for Lex in my first FE4 run and he still was usuable, way more usable than any FE6 locked axe user.
  10. Favorite mechanic in FE? Kinda bad... to say it in a very moderate way. Home WLAN fucks up multiple times lately and I'm unable to fix it. *using internet illegally right now* I just noticed it was for SNES already, so then FE2 maybe (if I'm feeling it).
  11. Beam Sword: 10 Fire Bar: 10 Golden Hammer: 25 Hammer: 10 Home-Run Bat: 25 Ore Club: 10 Star Rod: 10 Cracker Launcher: 10 Drill Arm: 10 Fire Flower: 10 Steel Diver: 3 Super Scope: 10 Beetle: 10 Bob-omb: 10 Bombchu:10 Boomerang: 10 Cucco: 10 Deku Nut: 10 Gooey Bomb: 10 Green Shell: 10 Hothead: 10 Killer Eye: 10 Mr. Saturn: 25 Smart Bomb: 10 Smoke Bomb: 10 Spring: 10 Unira: 10 X-Bomb: 10 Bullet Bill: 10 Lightning Bolt: 10 Metal Box: 10 Super Mushroom: 10 Super Star: 10 Superspicy Curry: 10 Timer: 10 Bunny Hood: 10 Rocket Belt: 10 Super Leaf: 7 Food: 10 Maxim Tomato: 10 Heart Container: 10 Fairy Bottle: 10 Assist Trophy: 24 Master Ball: 10 Poke ball: 12 Dragoon: 3 Sandbag: 10 Warp Star: 12
  12. Why do you have such problems to sleep? Actually I have played two maps of FE2 but I got pissed and bored when one of the villagers died (Robin iirc). If ever I'd play book 1 + 2 of FE3.
  13. Also Sophie lost her savefile of chapter 2 and asked me to play the arena for her. [spoiler=Chapter 2 arena] unknown!? These duded must be taken down. Actually not everyone. Eldigan is going to pay Chagall a visit. Probably not a great idea... However he has an "emergency plan" and leaves three "bad" allies with her in the castle. On the way to Begging to be listened to. This reaction is clear... too "kind" Now he has the goldern opportunity to overrun Nordion. He has more plans! More douchiness appears. We will see! She gets the sad as expected news. But it becomes even worse. She has two enemies right now. I like her temperament. These four have to withstand now. With Eldigan's absence they're going to take their chance. Sigurd will come to rescue them. Even his pearl is allowed to fight. However I can understand his worries. Arena sweet If you have beaten all seven opponents of the arena of chapter 2 for the first time, this guy will join: He's the seventh opponent when you play the arena in chapter 2 the first time. After that he'll be replaced by some generic. Holyn is another myrmidon who's almost as awesome as Ayra. He has pursuit and luna. If you want to have broken children, then pair him with Ayra. Jamka is still great. He also could beat the arena. Ayra's levels ups aren't bad either, although I miss strength. I skipped a res. point in her third level, so she has 3 right now. She could complete the arena too. Holyn disappointed. Not only with his level up, but also that he exploded. Lex got typical levels except that he got luck all the time. His speed is still stuck unfortunately. He could beat six opponents including this myrm!!! He hit three times with 30%. It happens rarely enough that an axe user can beat a sword user. However this RNG was only the tip of the iceberg. Alec has nice speed but nothing else unfortunately. He could beat at least four enemies. Now the RNG thingy: As if it's not tedious enough already to send Dew in the arena because his battles last forever due to his ridiculous low damage output, it's even more digusting if this happens: He got hit twice by 2% in like 15 attempts. Tbf it's not the first time that I was hit with this low hitrate. In FE5 I was hit about three times by 1% because the RNG worked differently there. But this was utter bullshit. [spoiler=Indeed!]Dew + screwed = Dewd Attempt #2 Again he died by the tenth or eleventh hit. (Idr the exact HP of the fighter 40-42) In this case he was hit only once because an unit starts with 1 HP whenever it died in the arena. Attempt #3 ONCE MORE Attempt #4 CONGRATULATIONS!!! He made it! It took me like 5 minutes to survive the first round with him. The reward is a pointless defense stat. He'll be oneshotted sooner or later anyways. Back to business, I guess. Azel got an average level. His low speed hindered him to come far in the arena. Not the stats I wanted to see on a bow user. FAIL II! Fin couldn't even beat the first opponent. If I could give the shield ring to him, he could survive. I'll try it again with him later after the first castle has been seized. Good level! Finally he gained speed. However he didn't come too far. Ok, I guess. I'm guessing his last level. Even Deidre could get a (good) level which is hard enough. With the aura equipped she has -8 speed!!! Even the first opponent, the steel axe fighter attacks first.
  14. At least it's "sword emblem" against the bosses. Most bosses are made to be beaten by Rutger. Since they have ridiculous high evasion, axes and lances don't work on them in most cases. I'd say Miledy, Alance with support and a high skilled Dieck are the non sword users who have decent hitrate against very few bosses. Tbf I haven't played this game yet. The low base skill is the problem of the fighter / bandit class in general. That's the reason why it's my second least favorite class after knight. Low skill combined with low accuracy makes it superhard to be trained. . Also it's rarely to see >80% hitrate with any fighter or Gonzales unless the enemy is a knight, peg. knight or a soldier. And soldiers only appear till chapter 8 and pegasus knight mainly appear in Ilia which requires to use Thany / Tate more (which isn't a bad thing though). As for chapter 21 Lugh with aircalibur is your best friend. Letting him in the thicket works to solo all the dracoknights / -lords. Also I found Lex and Master Knights way more usable with steel axe than in any FE6 locked axe user.
  15. Tbf I forgot to mention that Ilia is ok for axe users since the pegasus knights have lots of AS penalty.
  16. Yeah, steel lance and javelin soldiers will get doubled for sure. As for iron lance soldiers I think they can have up to 4 speed in HM (probably not in ch. 2 + 3. yet), so they still have enough AS despite penalty not to get doubled by Wade with base speed.
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