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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I'm rather a conservative FE player, so I prefer the older games. I liked mechanics like weapon weight magic triangle certain staves like sleep and berserk finite weapon use Also for supports I liked the system in GBA and FE9 the most. Idc for avatar and marrying in a FE game at all. Also, I find Thracia 776 is still a modern FE game to me (even 17 years after date of release), because it made the biggest jump gameplaywise compared to its predecessor. New mission objectives were introduced and capturing is one of the best - if's not even the best mechanic in FE.
  2. Yeah, I will. (already patched it but haven't started to replay it because I've so many other games I've to finish first) Would you replay FE5, if a good translation patch (comparable to FE4's one) existed?
  3. Are you going to elect? Honestly at this time I didn't know how to patch it. Tried it but failed. (of course I know today)
  4. Yeah, I'd like to... if I didn't have to go classes in a bit...
  5. Do you prefer having rather short or long hair? What my longest hair was? I always have very short hair. After a period of two months at max. I let my hair cut very short.
  6. Tbh exhausted due to watching too much politics debating in the very early morning.
  7. Yes, I could enjoy Vesperia and FE12 without understanding one single word JP. Have you played a videogame in JP yet, and if so, what was your experience with it?
  8. So you're going to teach me the anime language? (had to check out what that means) I still prefer the term "cute" which would definitely apply.
  9. Just a hype-hype. I know that this series isn't that best reviewed RPG series, but the adorable chicks were easy canon fodder to convince me.
  10. Beam Sword: 10 Fire Bar: 10 Golden Hammer: 22 Hammer: 10 Home-Run Bat: 15 Lip's Stick: 10 Ore Club: 10 Star Rod: 10 Cracker Launcher: 10 Drill Arm: 10 Fire Flower: 10 Gust Blower: 10 Ray Gun: 10 Steel Diver: 10 Super Scope: 10 Beehive: 5 Beetle: 10 Bob-omb: 10 Bombchu:10 Boomerang: 10 Cucco: 10 Deku Nut: 10 Freezie: 10 Gooey Bomb: 10 Green Shell: 10 Hothead: 10 Killer Eye: 10 Mr. Saturn: 25 Red Shell: 10 Screw Attack: 7 Smart Bomb: 10 Smoke Bomb: 10 Shiny Shell: 10 Spring: 10 Unira: 10 X-Bomb: 10 Bullet Bill: 10 Lightning Bolt: 10 Metal Box: 10 Super Mushroom: 10 Super Star: 10 Superspicy Curry: 10 Timer: 10 Back Shield: 10 Bunny Hood: 10 Franklin Badge: 2 Rocket Belt: 10 Super Leaf: 10 Food: 10 Maxim Tomato: 10 Heart Container: 10 Fairy Bottle: 10 Assist Trophy: 10 Master Ball: 10 Poke ball: 10 Daybreak: 10 Dragoon: 12 Blast Box: 8 Sandbag: 10 Special Flag: 4 Warp Star: 12
  11. Did you watch the TV-debate between Clinton and Trump? Tear, Cheria, Elincia
  12. I didn't watch everything of the debate but Trump didn't really disgrace himself at any point which is more than a personal success for him.
  13. Beam Sword: 10 Fire Bar: 10 Golden Hammer: 20 Hammer: 10 Home-Run Bat: 11 Lip's Stick: 10 Ore Club: 10 Parasol: 2 Star Rod: 10 Cracker Launcher: 10 Drill Arm: 10 Fire Flower: 10 Gust Blower: 10 Ray Gun: 10 Steel Diver: 10 Super Scope: 10 Beehive: 10 Beetle: 10 Bob-omb: 10 Bombchu:10 Boomerang: 10 Cucco: 10 Deku Nut: 10 Freezie: 10 Gooey Bomb: 10 Green Shell: 10 Hothead: 10 Killer Eye: 10 Mr. Saturn: 25 Pitfall: 5 Red Shell: 10 Screw Attack: 10 Smart Bomb: 10 Smoke Bomb: 10 Shiny Shell: 10 Spring: 10 Unira: 10 X-Bomb: 10 Bullet Bill: 10 Lightning Bolt: 10 Metal Box: 10 Super Mushroom: 10 Super Star: 10 Superspicy Curry: 10 Timer: 10 Back Shield: 10 Bunny Hood: 10 Franklin Badge: 10 Rocket Belt: 10 Super Leaf: 10 Food: 10 Maxim Tomato: 10 Heart Container: 10 Fairy Bottle: 10 Assist Trophy: 10 Master Ball: 10 Poke ball: 10 Daybreak: 10 Dragoon: 12 Blast Box: 12 Sandbag: 10 Special Flag: 7 Warp Star: 12
  14. I'll get up at 3 AM tonight just to watch the duel. I'm very excited how Hillary will react to Donald's verbal attacks.
  15. Noted your suggestions. I'm going to start this LP when I have completed an other game I'm playing right now. It should be done till next week and then I have the time to play Mother 3. Edit: I asked for closing it for now, because I have no WLAN at home anymore. Since I'm doing another LP atm I don't have the time in the university to do two LPs at the same time. If my WLAN is fixed, I'll let it reopen.
  16. Oh my gosh... definitely the graytest game I've ever played. *posts while watching the intro* You learned two German words today. I guess it's enough with education for today.
  17. Harken is like Raven with higher res., slightly better defense and higher con. He can use iron and killer axes without speed penalty. His only downfall is his speed but 18 base speed is still very decent. Definitely the best prepromoted unit in this game and even endgame material.
  18. Longest game you've played yet? I played lottery whenever there was a high jackpot some years ago. Also Poker but I wouldn't count it as gambling.
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