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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Honestly I'd just ignore opinions if I don't agree with them aslong they're not too biased or include wrong facts. I learned my lesson in this forum and stopped ragging on things I don't like (like FE13). I'm not going to do hate comments about this game anymore not to piss other people off who like this game. Yeah. Furthermore complaints about stuff other people like just to take their fun of it.
  2. I mean it's not like the first time that someone else has an opposing opinion to me. Opinions are fine, aslong they include true facts. I only get tired, if people spread their antibias towards people over and over again to take any fun of things they haven't tried out yet.
  3. Tbf Roger's recruitment is the most hilarious moment in FE to me besides Marcia slapping Makalov in FE9.
  4. The script was fine. I guess you're more complaining about the missing support conversations in FE11, which is understandable. But it's still a remake of a very old game so it's also understandable that IS didn't add them.
  5. Favorite historical person? I've played a bit Mother 3 about a year ago, which I should continue sometime.
  6. [spoiler=Tales of the Abyss] Ion's death The reason why I fucking hate Anise. Also I was a bit depressed about Elise's death in Birthright because she was the only one of the Nohrian royals who reopposed Garon and supported the avatar for Hoshido. Favorite videogame cutscene?
  7. 3. Ristelle 2. Luke x Tear 1. Anise x Miasma (tbf someone brought me to this) Have you ever cried in a videogame?
  8. Marcia x Makalov Gatrie x Lyre Shinon x any other laguz same question
  9. Indirecty asks for that in his member title. mhm
  10. I only watched the latest Star Wars part which was pretty good but not as the charming as the old ones. Favorite Star Wars movie?
  11. Honestly I never really have done it. However I enjoy walking while clear sky in the darkness. same question
  12. His location fits to the avatar of his above poster.
  13. Yeah. Are you interested in figures of videogame characters at all?
  14. Do you collect amibos? Honestly I'm not interested in this stuff at all. Well if any, then a character from Devil Survivor 2 (if this game was supported) Airi Ban, Fumi Kanno or Jungo Toril.
  15. Actually the PS2 version costs like nothing in my country (15 $).
  16. Which FE character has the best voice(actor) of the parts which have voiceacting? First reaction: Umm... who or what? After looking up: She voiced one of my favorite characters from FE14, so somewhat interested. Oh, fuck! I'm really embarrassed right now that I couldn't identify him.
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