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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Favorite attraction in a theme park? East coast of Australia (Great Barrier Reef) I'm sure I was asked this question too before.
  2. 20 Crash Bandicoot 8 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back 33 Crash Bandicoot: Warped 6 Crash Team Racing
  3. His character is hated by some people. You'll see later why. Soren is the best magic user. Has good magic, skill, speed and adept. His strength is awful but thankfully wind tomes are the lightest in this game.
  4. Tbf I dont like Takumi much either. Most of his supports annoy me but at least he's not as creepy as her. I agree so much.
  5. In general: It's one of the few FE games everyone is usable. However mounted units are the most useful.
  6. Do you play games in JP if no good translation patches exist? sure
  7. 20 Crash Bandicoot 10 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back 32 Crash Bandicoot: Warped 6 Crash Team Racing
  8. Time to finish Graces f. Actually I would have finished it already... if I didn't come up with the glorious idea to visit an optional dungeon. I stuck with the puzzle in Sandshroud ruins for almost one hour.
  9. Ouch... I guess my bad chosed words betrayed me once more. I know she doesn't die in the story unfortunately; I just meant defeating her as a boss. It angers me even more that the two characters of Nohr die I actually like the most. I mean who wants to see Elise dying, the sibling of Nohr's royality who turns her back on the plans of her father first?
  10. She's the main reason why I sympathize Hoshido. I hate her appearance and her personality. The support with the avatar is just creepy. Killing her is one of the most satisfying moments in Birthright for me. Unitwise she's very good, no question.
  11. Oh ok. I didn't know it. I only heared that he wasn't a strict Muslim. He drank alcohol and didn't celebrate Ramadan.
  12. Leaf A thing you would like to do badly but you couldn't yet?
  13. A thing which can annoy you in videogames very fast? First question: yes (Idk who else Pascal shall get.) Second question: Haven't unlocked / done that one yet.
  14. Ilia is easier, because the enemies are slower in general. In Sacae you fight myrmidons with maxed speed and nomads who have >=20 speed too. (in hard mode; never played in normal) And there's a very annoying FoW map against enemies with bolting and ballistas. In Ilia you fight mainly pegasus knights who are fast but have massive AS penalty due to their low constitution. The other generics aren't too bad.
  15. A stamina bar could be added but the consquences shouldn't be as bad as in FE5 with being busted in the next chapter. If the stamina bar is full you'll lose stats instead. The stamina bar should recover (discrease) a bit after each turn. Edit: The length of the bar should be proportional to the unit's level. I know it's kinda dumb because it disadvantages lower leveled units but it's more realisitic in my eyes.
  16. I'm probably the only one who would like to see MP as a new stat. By using MP you can use class skills like astra, luna or sol etc. That means class skills won't be activated randomly. A bit of the MP (certain number) recovers after each turn.
  17. I find it a bit strange that a discussion about Islam is raised since the motive of the culprit of Nizza isn't even clear yet. He was a petty criminal and mentally ill (according to the statement of his father), but never was known to be an extremist. This terror attack doesn't seem to have a religious backround. It's not comparable to the terror attacks in Paris from the 13th November 2015 (although both were tragic equally). But so much more it's tragic that it happened in France again. My condolences to the family and friends of the victims.
  18. The worst part besides the losses by the coup attempt is that Erdogan will strengthen his power even more by weaken the military.
  19. Hasn't answered all questions in his interview.
  20. Favorite theme: The battle for everyone's souls from Persona 3 Other games with great soundtrack: Tales of the Abyss Devil Survivor 2 F-Zero series StarFox 64 almost each Kirby game
  21. Thinks to know what other people think about SF members. Oh damn... of course. I mean it would be obvious for me if the word "air" was added.
  22. 24 Crash Bandicoot 16 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back 27 Crash Bandicoot: Warped 6 Crash Team Racing
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