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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. What has been the last decision you have regretted? What has been the most memorable day of your life?
  2. ^ a creation by myself A question people should ask you (more)?
  3. It could be my line! Actually cute fictional girls are my second biggest weakness behind cats. same DeSu 1 has some pretty hard chapters, mainly the bossfights. If you feel underleveled or have no money to buy good demons, do free battles. DeSu 2 is easier Imo.
  4. ^ Oh, ok. I was in a hotel in Side (Anatolia) with my parents. Only can really remember when I played Tetris while the flights. Have you to deal with freak weather?
  5. ... DeSu 2 has cute girls too. It's ok. Finish DeSu 1 first.
  6. @ Yari Play Devil Survivor 2 (if you haven't yet).
  7. It was rather a joke question. I never would let my units die in my very first playthrough.
  8. Good job! This chapter looked great. Finally a good defend chapter after eight years.
  9. Which city or state, if you can remember? I'm pretty sure it was Turkey when I was 4.
  10. ^ Nothing exciting happened, so unchanged. First foreign country you visited?
  11. How was Conquest? Did chapter 10 work better for you afterwards? Seriously it's one of these days again I wished I had classes today... maybe not till 6PM... but still.
  12. ^ SInce it seems to be similar to Civilization I'd have a bit interest. What was the last thing you ate?
  13. Holding a cat on the one and holding a phone on the other hand is really tough. :P So sry for the poor quality.
  14. My usual top 5: 1. Jill 2. Marcia 3. Haar 4. Ike 5. Mia
  15. I see. Probably I got a wrong impression by following only one section. Assumed the entire time that new topics were created to prevent any necros in aged topics.
  16. because of necro These topics are >1 month old. Tbf I mainly noticed it in the FE9 + 10 section because it's the section I'm active most. And in FE14 but it's more understandable because of massive number of new topics in a short time
  17. Merging wouldn't be necessary if generalized topics existed. Since it's an eight-year-old forum it wouldn't make any sense to do it now. Way too much work. An excellent example for a generalized is the Pairing Thread in the FE13 section. For example in the FE14 section are many questions about who to promote to what. It'd simplify the overview and save questions if a thread like the Promotion thread existed. As for me there's forum clutter, at least in the FE section. I see the one and the same question quite often. Why? Because the people are too lazy to check out all the pages if this question was posted already. Honestly I'd do the same. The FAQ thread should reduce it. As for pinning videogame reviews: My original idea was to have a subforum in the videogame section for people who want to discuss or get introduced. Honestly Idk why I came up with pinning. My bad! Only would like to see a subforum.
  18. Depends what the person has to say. First thing: I can't become a mod. Not only because of my awkward language skills and low internet time, but also because there are too many things in this fourm I'd like to change and I never could establish my ideas. Since this forum exists for already eight years, it's not possible to do a revolution. There are lots of topics in the FE sections, which exist multiple times. Merging topics with similar content would make the overview for the members much easier. If they're common, they should also be pinned to prevent necros and starting more topics with a similar content. It'd save work for the mods: No locking of topics, no merging (if topics are pinned). If a new forum was made, these mentioned points should simplify things for everyone imo. BTW I made a suggestion about pinning videogame reviews, but I never have got a real answer. Edit: I'd volunteer for doing a FAQ thread for FE10, but only if it'd be pinned and anyone could add stuff despite they're not the OP. However it'd take some time to do it and I'd add more and more stuff after the time.
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