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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. #41: What would you do if you're unable to sleep in? What about things like asthma, some people in this forum (including me) have? Anyways if it's a deadly illness, I'd take any medicine because I've nothing more to lose.
  2. 73% introverted 65% observant 64% feeling 55% judging 69% turbulent
  3. OMG!!! The FE14 Special Edition was available again for the regular price on Amazon. Preordered it immediately. I'm so happy right now.
  4. Only one more week till FE14's release... but I still have other games to finish first. Switching between A Link Between Worlds, FE2 and replaying Devil Survivor 2. I can't decide what to play now. Guess FE2 is the only game I could finish till next week, but it's also my least favorite by far of these.
  5. It has been my last white post. Promised! Equality should also be a thing in terms of text color, jk! Oh, I forgot about issuses on phone. Life's a bit better now, I guess.
  6. Because Idk. Actually I wanted to delete my original post. Since I couldn't I had to hide it somehow with white text. But I forgot about the grey quote boxes, which can show white text. :<
  7. My new method of communicating from now on.
  8. Hi! Apparently you figured out how to identify this.
  9. Literally the easiest and cheapest way how to beat this chapter.
  10. Are you rather a calm videogamer or do you tend to ragequit if sth. bad happens? US Canada Australia Japan Rainforest in South America
  11. 5 Symphonia 25 Abyss 12 Vesperia 6 Hearts 17 Xillia 2 4 Zestiria I voted wrong accidently yesterday. (Used top 5 rule, although 6 were left. So my corrected vote after giving +1, and -2: 5 Symphonia 25 Abyss 13 Vesperia 4 Hearts 17 Xillia 2 4 Zestiria
  12. #40: What would you do if you suffer on an incurable illness until now (dementia, aids...) but there's new untested medicine out which could heal you? (Since you were the first person who tried out this medicine you don't know about success and any side effects of it.)
  13. After watching the gameplay: maybe I'm not fond with this genre, so Idk yet. Could you give me three reasons to play this series?
  14. I guess I revived sth. again. From the eyes looks cooler. Would you like to see a fighting game à la Super Smash Bros only with Fire Emblem characters?
  15. I almost forgot about this thread... Favorite subject at school? Because ayama wirdo!
  16. favorites: freshly cut grass, eucalyptus, oranges hates: cigarettes, alcohol, exhaust gases, butanoic acid
  17. Olwen has crappy base stats for her tier and level, but she has dimethunder, an awesome brave tome. You can make her a beast, if you give her ambush and some scrolls which increase her HP, magic, skill and defense. With ambush and dimethunder she should be able to ORKO almost everyone without getting any counterattacks. She'll become a very useful sworduser, when she gets the holy sword. Eyrios is better in the beginning because of his bases, but Olwen is better later on because of dimethunder.
  18. 1. What has been the happiest day in your life yet? 2. What has been the funniest situation in your life yet? 3. What's your primary target you want to reach soon? 4. What's your opinion about the Devil Survivor series? 5. How did you get / make this awesome theme you sent me?
  19. I was referring that you get twice as much exp. in easy mode as in normal mode unless for overleveled units.
  20. This thread becomes cute and cuter. :D Back to the topic: 2hou is alright but I don't have that much fun with it as someone who's not good in this genre unlike a pro. I'd agree with the people who say it's a bit overhyped.
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