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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. It would be turn 3, exactly the turn when the enemy Laguz could reach the spot left and right of the central ledge, so perfect. Volug with S strike and 24 AS can ORKO all the cats. Volug with S+ strike can ORKO all the tigers iirc; have to check it out later. Only issue is that more enemies could attack him in ememy phase, but earth support and resolve fix it.
  2. You have access to olivi grass in the shop of 1-8 and by an enemy in 3-6. Volug could even take a hit by a 16 AS tiger in hard mode untransformed. It's a bit early yet for me, so I'll catch up the FE10 talk later. Anyways good to see it made a comeback in the competition.
  3. I mean Edward and Zihark have their uses in 3-13. With wind edge / storm sword they can do some stuff placed on a ledge. Even Leo can be good depending on his speed. Volug is technically the best tank in 3-13 if he has at least B with an earth unit. PS: I always use Eddy in hard mode because he's 😍. He has a hard time in part 3, but if he reaches part 4, he kicks ass and also can get the evasion by benefetting from authority stars. Anyways save the master crown for part 4 unless an unit of the Dawn Brigade has maxed out some stats yet and has a long way to reach third tier Not gonna lie, ignore Sothe in part 4. His third promotion will come too early and he will miss pretty much a chapter; you'll see why. And his SS weapon is a hidden treasure in a not very friendly chapter for foot units. In the endgame his only purpose is to shove (what he can't do well either) until he can be replaced. This is better than something bad, I suppose.
  4. I'm positively surprised about Sakura Wars's gameplay. I thought it's a round based RPG, but it's action based. It's a cross of Tokyo Xanadu and maybe Warriors because masses of enemies do spawn. (never played a Warriors game) Ah, good to know! How are you otherwise aside of having become more wise? The bridge in FE10 is more annoying since trapped allies can't counter anymore. Still 3-12 and especially 3-13 are harder challenges. If you have beaten 3-13, then you have done the hardest part of this game.
  5. Oh, sorry! I never knew. I will keep this in mind from now on.
  6. Started Sakura Wars. Interactions have to be decided within a timelimit and the answer affects the bond between characters. It's nice to see this back; gives me good Tales of Xillia 2 memories. This game also features a Sumire. This name is really chasing me right now, but I doubt Yoshizawasan can be touched in terms of awesomeness. 👍
  7. Alright, it's done! Persona 5 Royal made its entrance in my history books for becoming my longest videogame of all time (93 hours). It was only about one hour longer than regular Persona 5, but it has to be taken into account that I skipped some dialogues. Otherwise it would have been +100 hours for sure. As I said before it's a great game, but the main flaw is to replay pretty much regular Persona 5 first to get into the extra story stuff. Still it was worth it imo because I could start / improve supports I failed in my regular run and very most of the gameplay changes worked very well. It was a somewhat tedious - because long - but also nice experience playing this game. Sumire is definitely an enrichment for the game, not only because she has the darkest backstory of all playable characters. I don't know how Persona 4 Golden is, but I have too little motivation to play through regular Persona 4 to discover the extra stuff. Anyways this was exhausting journey I have to recover from. I guess I'll take a break and playing a familar and shorter game like a rerun of FE10 or Echoes first before I'll continue with Persona Q2 and Sakura Wars. I also have to continue Tokyo Xanadu Ex which I also might will do first. Next days won't be made to play much since summer is going to return to its greatest. Good time to recover myself.
  8. Honestly I don't hope it will be a banner of the Crimean Knights because it would feature another lance cavalier (Geoffrey) and infantry sword unit (Lucia). Though Kieren (axe cavalier) could make it who could become a rare archetype depending on his stat spread. A fast axe cavalier is not very common; can only think on TT reward Marth. Unfortunately Kieran is not supposed to be fast in both Tellius games. Bastian could become the forth unit most likely. Infantry green mages are also quite common with pretty much each represented class type right now. Idk what could be done to him to make him outstanding. I could also see Volke being in the banner instead of Kieran maybe because he has a connection to Bastian and Geoffrey in FE10 and with his existence all colours would be represented in this banner. On the other hand Dawn Brigade would represent also a sword infantry (Edward), an axe infantry (Nolan) - also a kinda oversatured class recently - and Leonardo (infantry bow). Infantry colourloss bows have been kinda rare recently by making them coloured (which I dislike anyways). Leonardo could become interesting. Nolan is fast with a good resistance and not so good strength in FE10. He could become a mage tank maybe, although this would not be a new unit type since Orsin exists. Fourth unit should be Aran because of representing each colour to make sparking more valuable, but I'm afraid it'll become Laura, and I have literally no interest in foot healers regardless what they bring to the table. Then again Aran would be strong and tanky infantry lance user with low speed and low restistance. I can't even think on one single infantry lance user with a good resistance. Funnily the only unit who comes in mind (Nephenee) is already in this game who has a poor resistance actually. Though it was FE9 Nephenee who was a way better physical unit than in FE10 by giving her a higher strength and defense but lower resistance growth.
  9. Wait, this was yesterday. Happy Late Birthday, Annie! (if she should read that) Unfortunately I don't check out the calender nowadays. At least above user was barely in time; exactly three minutes before deadline. Anyways time to finish the longest videogame in my history books. Just have to buy flowers for Sumi, and then it should be done. I'm not really certain what to play next. I grabbed Persona Q2, but I also have Sakura Wars, a series I always have been interested to play sometime. Maybe I can handle somehow both simultenaously.
  10. I celebrated too early, but now it's certainly done. If people like a tedious +90 minutes final boss with tons of cutscenes, they should definitely play this game. Joking aside this was a fun game. Even if most of the story was repetitive the gameplay was improved. Still if people haven't played Persona 5 yet but are interested in it, go with Persona 5 Royal instantly. I see no reason anymore to replay regular Persona 5 unless you have trouble with Okumura in Royal. BTW the best character in Persona 5 exists only in Royal.
  11. Beaten Persona 5 Royal! It was not only the longest game I've ever played, but it also featured the longest boss fight. Actually it was not the longest because I needed actually longer for regulat Persona 5.
  12. Now it's the best time of the week, the weekend. I'm really looking forward to. Today I will finish Persona 5 Royal today hopefully and tomorrow and on Sunday I can finally cruise with my bike because weather will become splendid, even hot next week. I made up my mind and decided to buy a cosplay costume and wig of Kasumi because she's so incredibly adorable 🥰. Thankfully I'm thin - although a bit large - so I hopefully I will suit in these clothes. This wasn't even all that expensive. It will make up for my missed conviction this spring. Technically it will be caught up in two weeks from today, but going into crowds - even if safety rules exist - is the last thing I want to do. Cosplaying at home is nice too even if I'm not watched which might be for the better anyways.
  13. In my >200 playthroughs Micaiah never used nosferatu one single time seriously. However I made a funny Sanaki build with vantage and resolve because it had a superb synergy effect with shine.
  14. Resire and wrath on Linoan are so much fun against the Loptian mages. In 24x she could solo all the crap inside the cell after she had warped there in turn one. I used to use Olwen with vantage before, but Linoan could save more weapon uses with having wrath equipped.
  15. If I have finished an ironman run of FE5, I can say to myself I'm a hardcore FE player. Aka it will never ever happen.
  16. FE5's first map is my favorite because the plot comes to the point at once and it's not just an axe brigands plundering village chapter.
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