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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Technically I can post whatever I want here which meets the rules, but if people feel annoyed by me talking about more serious stuff - which should approach everyone - then I do their favor and don't do it just to prevent any unnecessary conflict potential.
  2. Persona always has had my favorite kind of support system since answers influence the speed of ranking up a support. In Persona 3 you could even destroy certain supports by giving extremely bad answers. Kinda sad this was removed in 4 and 5.
  3. I have no idea how it was in regular Persona 5. Phoenix was changed from Hierophant to Faith (new) arcana.
  4. The only thing what has changed to old and new class VII was their clothes. Working on the worst social link in Persona 5 right now: the twins. Finding the right Persona is such a mess. It took me more than 30 minutes and 30 fights to find the right Persona to fuse Flauros, the Persona to get level 3. And for the next one it looks like pain too since I haven't faced the Persona yet to fuse Phoenix. Edit: I checked up the fusion chart and I should be able to summon all required Personas to get Phoenix.
  5. Banner gave me only greens and blues - RIP Got a 3* Est which is still shove fodder for an armor unit.
  6. Tbf I could say the same about some of class VII like Gaius or Laura. Laura might have a very cool and story relevant father, but her personality in all three games remains to be the same. I never could get Soleil in Fates (since his father sucks), so I can't argue here. But still no Trails character, even the worst of the worst, is less likable than Corrin, Ganon and the majority of the Royals for me.
  7. Mentioning Alisa first feels like a declaration of war to me. I understand disliking her because she gives a bad first impression to most people (I actually like her tsunderish behavior), but at the latest in III she's an absolute fine character. Also I don't see an issue with Angelica. And I personally dislike McBurn simply because his main intention to work for Ouroboros is to have barbecue with his opponents. I loved Lechter's fun personality in the other games, but he lost tons of points in my books because he pretty much tolerated
  8. Whilst I'm not fond of Rean in CSI and II (I tolerate him in III though), Corrin is leagues below him in my books. The most bland protagonist in videogames I've played yet. Good morning......... and goodbye! Work is calling me...
  9. I usually don't change avatar's / protagonist's name either. As for Persona 5 Royal I made an exception which was a reference to an old Dragon Quest run of mine.
  10. Shrimperors disgust towards Rean is about as much as mine towards Corrin. Means I'm offended too.
  11. Beaten Shido. The boss was less intimidating than I remembered, but it was a long fight which cost me several SP and buff items. Seriously I think Joker could solo the game if the opponent has no healing skills. Shido is pretty much the more assholish version of Osborne, or rather to be more precise the more obvious assholish version. The only good thing about him is his theme.
  12. This banner is perfect food for bringing back all the Corrin memes. I don't want to go into this month's legendary hero choice, but from the gameplay aspect I have zero interest in her, unlike in the other two, at least Bramimond. Red has distant counter and Ike's A skill which would be cool to have too.
  13. I would nominate myself, if I had the awareness a videogame with me existed. Seriously the general rule is that only the player gets the waifus, and no one else!
  14. Someone voted Junpei x Chidori. The pairing is the reason Junpei is my least favorite playable character in Persona. He is such a naive fool. Yeah, I even like Ken more. Gameplaywise he has been the worst character in P3-5 for me too. I could vote Joker x Kasumi, but I think no one aside of me really knows her. Overall the competition looks really lame because of so many pairings from Fire Emblem (Three Houses). I didn't intend to vote anyways since I don't care for waifu wars at all. Just curious to see how well Musse will duel.
  15. That's how I would see it too, but I have inferiotity complexes in this regard. People at my age have wife and even children whilst I care for some childish stuff. I don't care what person does which hobbies has, but I'm certain people of my family would see it differently. I was almost embarrassed when I played LEGO with my cousin's kids who made a dumb comment towards me regarding it. Anyways I will reply tomorrow since I'm feeling busted and should catch up some sleep from past. Though I think it will turn out badly since I have to think at night for whatever reason again.
  16. Because showing a foreign my collection of videogame girls would make them think that I would be some kind of freak or pervert. I feel absolutely uncomfortable to share anyone this kind of hobby of mine. If I told my aunt that I spent multiple hundreds of € just for figures, they would shake their head and teach me a lesson.
  17. That Pyra and Mythra profile picture reminds me that I still haven't let fixed my figures of them, and I have had them for almost one year already. I am too embarrassed to ask someone fixing my videogame figures.
  18. Akechi fight was a fun surprise when all my units had single digit SP. Quitted instantly since I already used tons of SP items for trying to beat the dungeon in one day. I didn't remember this fight comes pretty much directly after a bossfight without giving the opportunity to get to a safe room. This is what I call "bullshit" design.
  19. Shipping is a hard pass for me, not gonna lie. The only shippable character am I, no one else. Anyways I let the others do this kind of thread. Starting a thread right now would be bad anyways since I will be on a business trip next week and not able to update it daily, so this deal works for everyone's sake. Edit: Still found something.
  20. I was thinking to start a competition about best videogame with the same rules as in the round for best (fe)male videogame character. Though I have to figure out how to make this shuffle. Apparently Steam can do it, but I must figure it out first. I never used Steam for anything else than for buying games so far. Maybe other programms exist which can create a tournament table too. Done with the ship dungoen. Was very long and tedious, but not too annoying. Definitely more bearable than the space rubbish. I like the puzzle because it was easy for me to memorize. Still took me more than three hours overall. Need a little afternoon nap right now.
  21. It's a fun game overall for someone who likes Shin Megami Tensei's gameplay. Only reading through the text of wall is a bit awkward sometimes. A little less break between the dungeons would be cool.
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