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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. FE13 hard mode is not FE10 hard mode. It is probably the best balanced difficulty in this game. It can be really challenging without pairing. On lunatic mode I never would do that. I never have reclassed the manaketes and taguels yet and I do not know, if this is a good decission. They are the only ones in this game, which can use beast-/dragonstones.
  2. My life was boring as well, when I left the school. No work, no friends, no motivation... Then I started to study one year ago. My best decission in my life so far! Learning, getting and meeting new friends, gearing up for a real work. It really made my life so much better.
  3. A life in the city or in the country has its advantages and disadvantages. Here a few of arguments: For example in a city you can contact people very easy, have a good mobility through a good traffic infrastructure and you manage your workings (shopping, school, doctor) in a distance and in a short time. But therefore you have to deal with a higher noise and enviroment pollution. In a country you have silence and much nature. And the hires of houses and flats are cheaper. But you have a poor mobility and flexibility. You do not have means of local transport. Without a driver license it is almost impossible to manage all your workings. So I would like to ask you, if you prefer the life in the country or the life in the city.
  4. No, my haircuts only take 5-10 minutes. If my hair are dyed, I would close my eyes, because it takes much more time.
  5. Give bexp. to Ike. Even if he cannot reach level 20, he can max strength, skill and speed very fast. Ike only needs speed of 25, so Bezerk Ashnard cannot double him.
  6. Nolan is not a classical fighter. He has less HP and strength, but more speed (similar to Othin) and resistance growth. He is pretty balanced. He always turns out very good (mainly his speed). I like him better than Boyd. Eddie is good, but especially on hard mode very hard to train, because he is very fragile. An average Nolan can take two hits.
  7. Thanks! I did not even know that in the US the seatbelt law only exists to front seat occupants! I am shocked.
  8. NOlan is awesome! He is the best of the shitty Dawn Brigade. And the axe is the strongest physical weapon, although with the lowest hit rate.
  9. In Portugal you have to wear seatbelts as well. If you don´t, you have to pay 100 €. I think they are not obligatory maybe in some African and Asien countries, which have a bad traffic infrastucture.
  10. In which countries is it legal to drive without wearing seatbelts? Anyway I never would do it.
  11. , but also close on the border to
  12. In my childhood my parents listened to 80s music and techno (Faithless, The Prodigy). Most of the songs from the 80s were by Depeche Mode. My parents and me got every studio album except for Exciter from 2001. It is the band, which influenced me the most. And it is great that this band still exists and makes fantastic tunes.
  13. If my birthday is not in the weekend, I am going to school, work or university, that´s it! It´s the business life. It is an usual day, so there is nothing much to celebrate. I always celebrete it later the next weekend. I usually invite some friends to a special restaurant (japanese, chinese, mexican). This time I spend two of my friends and me a trip to Paris!
  14. I hate it to kill Mustafa. One of the most tragic bosses in the entire series. He has to be the martyr to spare his family. He does not deserve the death. I really wished, you could get him.
  15. No, I meant electric hookahs without tobacco. You inhale aromas like fruits, vanilla etc. They are legal for everyone, so teenagers are going to use them. I do not know the English name of this hookah.
  16. I have never played a Mist solo and I will not do it. But I can give these information, because it is the only one way to train her. And I can give these information, because these are the FE parts, I have played the most. Maybe, I would recommend to bring Jill and/or Marcia to chapter 13 to arrive the houses in time. It always worked in my solo playthroughs.
  17. I tolarate smoking as well, if smokers are considerated. It is passion and some people need that. Electronic do not cause steam, but the smoker exhales aerosol, which can be dangerous. I do not know that much, so here is a link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_cigarette BTW: I never have seen someone, who smokes a electronic cigarette. I have heard about a new trend. A hookah, you can inhale aromas. It is legal for children. I have no idea, what is the name and how it works exactly. I only watched a short report on German TV.
  18. There is no masterseal you can get before chapter 10 (boss).
  19. Another point I hate about smoking is the group pressure. In my schooltime around (five years ago), you were an outsider, if you did not smoke or/and drink alcohol on parties or festivals. And the fact that neither I drank alcohol nor I smoked, I was an outsider for many people. I had very bad experience with alcohol and second hand smoking in my past so I will complety ignore any sort of drugs in my life. And I do not care, if other people expel me for that. To my mind my health is more important than this "kind" of friends. True words! I have nothing to add! I think cigarettes are only still exist, because of their historical tradition and the fact that many people need them to work off stress. PS: I never started to smoke, because my parents were the perfect example! Thanks them I am asthmatic! So true. And that is the reason, why I prefer the train. And I will never understand, why a car has to need a max speed 150 mph, although you do not get the possibility to reach this speed anyway becase of speed limits and traffic jams.
  20. He is playing on hard mode and is doing a Mist solo. I think, he has unequipped his units in chapter 9, so she could heal enough to promote. After the promotion to a valkyrie she can use swords.
  21. I eat way too much of that stuff in my life, because I am just too lazy to learn cooking.
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