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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. To my mind in FE13 the support conversations have more importance than the strategical / tactical concept, which is the major downside. It is too much fanservice. The story is not very impressive, part 2 is almost a filler. Many tactical options are missing, which make this game kinda boring to play. And another important point is, that many features existed in FE12 (avatar, baracks). The only one really new feature is the "pair up". FE13 is a great game for newcomers to this series. But for veterans like me, who likes the tactical part, it is a little disappointment.
  2. 2. Which skills are you thinking? Skills like shade, provoke or inbue? It would be good, if they are removable. 3. Intersting idea with the command. It exists in many RPGs. I would like to add a bar . If the bar is full, the skill be activated. I give an example, what I meant in my comment In FE12/13 I could put a (dark) mage with nosferatu (so can attack back) and a swordmaster, who cannot attack back in range of archers. The archers would attack the mage, although it can attack back and heal itself. Yes, the enemies would do more damage and get a better hit and maybe critrate, but they would not always kill my unit. It is a method, which I really could use in FE12 at least in maniac (never played higher difficulty yet). I can put Linde in range of dragons, they all attack her and Linde could do easily "Nosferatu-tanking". To my opinion the A.I. in FE9/10 is the best, because the enemies with long range weapons always attack your units, who cannot attack back except if they can kill your unit with a long range weapon. 1 +2 Yes, daggers have to return. Mazes would me fun and they are useable for healers in many RPGs, but I doubt, that will implemented in FE. 5. Yes, we really need more of them like in FE5 or FE10 2-F. 6. A very good point. Espacially useful to avoid bonus damage. 7. Seriously I do not know it in FE5, but it sounds good. 1. The "blind" staff and "weakness" staff sound good. The blind stuff reduces the hit rate (like in Bravely Default) and the weakness stuff reduces your attack power. 2. I do not know. This would be a little bit cheap for me, if archers get canto. At least you got rangers, who can use use bows. And they should use longbows. But I totally agree with bringing back "canto" for mounted units!
  3. This topic might be a sort of similar to the topic "How to improve Awakening". But this topic only relates to strategical elements (tactical options etc.) and NOT technical elements like graphics and sound etc. What are your ideas of strategical elements for the next Fire Emblem game? Maybe you have an entirely new idea of a feature, which does not exist in the FE series yet. Here are my suggestions for the next FE game: 1. Weapon triangle like in FE9 + 10 If you got the weapon advantage, you cause +1 damage and the enemy causes -1 damage. The opposite happens, if your unit has a disadvantage. It is fairer to my mind. 2. Better A. I. Enemies should get vulnaries and use it. Enemies with long range weapons (archers, mages) have to attack units, who cannot attack back. In FE11-13 the enemies always attack the unit with the worst defense/resistance - regardless - if your unit can attack back. 3. Sleep, silence, restore, bezerk staff should return 4. Different types of missions Defense, escape etc. I really miss the defense missions in FE11-13. In the escape missons the units, who did not escape, got captured (= death) like in FE5. 5. Light magic and bishop class should return 6. Stat boosts Stats boosts, which are removable and raise a few stats of your unit (f. e. rings in FE4 or spheres in FE12) 7. Challenging final boss, which you cannot kill in 1-2 turns Your ideas, corrections and improvement suggestions are welcome
  4. I don´t care for any of the newcomers except for Megaman. I just hope, that Captain Falcon and Yoshi will come back and another Fire Emblem character will join. I have an open mind about anything else.
  5. Jarod is not really that douchebag like the senators. He is a cruel and proud soldier, who has to just follow the orders of them. Even after he was betraied by Numida, Jarod fought to the bitter end. I really like the character design of a cruel, proud and brave soldier, who fights for the honor.
  6. 1. In FE9 + 10 if you have a disadvantage in the weapon triangle, the enemy deals +1 damage and your own unit deals -1 damage. It does not exist in the following games. So it is kinda cheap and unfair to me, that the weapon triangle only gives you advantage boosts in damage but no penalties. 2. Weapon weight kinda punish some units, but it exists in almost every FE game. The thing with the constitution in the GBA-games was really shit especially for mages and female units. But that the strength influences the attacking speed is fair. 3. In the magic weapon triangle the hit rates are not really different than the physical weapon triangle. 7. These staffs are another classic part of Fire Emblem. They are not an instant death, if you have a restore staff. Most of my suggestions are tactial options and weapons etc., which exist in most of the previous FE games.
  7. Jill has a really bad strength base for a level 14 dracoknight, but a forged iron axe can equal this problem. Her strength growth 45% is not that great either, but her growths are more similar to a pegasus knight. If she has maxed magic, speed, luck and resistance, give her bexp. to raise her strength and defense. She can easier play a solo than Haar. A good example is the desert chapter 4-3: Jill as dragonlord with speed 35 can double and kill everyone. Moreover her resistance is high enough to dodge sleep staffs. Like I said in my previous comment, Haar is better in earlygame, but Jill is much more useful later and becomes to the best flying Beorc in FE10.
  8. In FE8: Cormag as wyvernlord is probably the best, but Tana as falconknight is awesome as well. In FE9: Tie between Marcia and Jill. In FE10: Jill without a question! In FE12: Minerva is promoted with only average stats. Michalis is pretty good stats for his level except for luck. The pegasus sisters belong to the best units in the game (including Est). In FE13: Everbody can be the similar, because of no limit training. However wyvernlords have better caps. Tanith´s and Haar´s only one good point are their weapon levels. Tanith has a very good sword rank and Haar a very good axe rank. Both can use bravewapons. But they join late in this game and statwise they will be outclassed by Marica and Jill at this point. But I agree that Marcia and Jill are both equal awesome. In FE8 Tana starts with lower level, but her bases are pretty decent and she has better growths (especially strength) than Vanessa. In FE10 Haar is the best in the middle game, but in the finale his poor resistance and low speed cap are a major downer. Jill herself has pretty low strength base, but her growths are insane. She is like a pegasus knight with high speed, luck and resistance growth, but also good strength growth. Her only weakness is her defense, but bexp can equal it. She has a defense cap of 36! Jill is better than Haar, because of her speed. In my opinion Jill is even the most all around unit in the game. In FE13 Sumia is a classic pegasus knight with high speed and luck growth and poor strength and terrible defense. Cordelia is pretty much a dracoknight with great strength and good defense. Cherche is similar to Cordelia, only she is a real draconknight with low resistance. Cynthia and Gerome have the big advantage that they got insane base stats, because they are children.
  9. 1. Weapon triangle, how it works in FE9 + 10 2. Weapon weight, which in influences your attacking speed like in FE9 - 11. If the unit´s strength is lower than the weight of the weapon, it will lose speed. 3. Magic weapon triangle 4. More different missions: Defense, escape, seize etc. 5. Feet for the characters 6. More tactial options like in previous FE games: shove, rescue, take, drop etc. 7. More staves: sleep, silence etc. 8. Anima long range weapons: meteor, bolting, blizzard In FE13 and in the DS-games there are some tactial options and weapons missing, which exist in previous FE games.
  10. Yes, I forget about Medeus´ 30 speed on H5, so it is impossible to beat him in one turn except for a lucky critical hit. I do not know, if it is possible to crit him on H5. I have never played H5 yet.
  11. I meant, that I prefer big maps with many enemies, because you cannot rush to the boss so easily. Of course it is shorter in FE9 on hard mode, because Ashnard moves and you can ignore the left and right side, but Bryce and the dragons can seriously hurt with high hit rates. And I know, that is possible to beat (Berzerk) Ashnard in one turn with wrath and resolve. But where should the final battle take place to your mind? In Crimea Castle? In FE8 + 11(not on the hardest modes) you just need to teleport once or twice to reach Lyon and Medeus and beat them. In FE13 you just need a forged brave weapon, (maybe) a skill, Lucina or Chrom with their exh. falchion and Grima is defeated.
  12. I like the map against Ashnard, because it takes place in a regular place in the world: In a huge garden. Not unlike in most FE games in a close room of a huge tower or sth. like else, you can reach the boss in one or two turns and finish it in a couple of minutes. You really have to fight a huge number of (strong) enemies to get to Ashnard. FE9 has not an own final map theme, but it is alright. It´s not great, but not bad either. It is the theme of the previous three chapters and it fits to the final map. Anyway I agree, that FE7 has an excellent final map. You have to fight bosses, you have defeted yet. They really have great stats and holy weapons, which make them very challening to fight.
  13. Welcome to SF You are really a veteran in the series. I have played games of the Fire Emblem seires for only two years. Have much fun on SF!
  14. I asked you last week, who is your favourite final boss in Fire Emblem. The intermediate result shows, that Ashera and Ashnard from the Tellius-series are your favourites. Ashera is probably the toughest boss, because of her map range attack and her total HP of 840, so it is almost impossible to kill her in one turn except on easy mode. Ashnard hisself is an easy final boss, if Ike got wrath and resolve, but the atmosphere makes this bossfight great. Only very few people have voted for one of the dragons in the GBA games. And no one has voted for Grima from the latest FE game yet, which really has surprised me. I think the mainreason is, that the dragons can be easily killed in one turn. And I have to agree with this. Grima has an awesome map theme, but I can easily beat it under a minute even on lunatic (I have not play lunatic +). So that is reason to ask you, how the creators have to improve the next final boss? What do you expect for a fun and also challenging final bossfight?
  15. If you got bad luck with your level ups, you should forge weapons, use items or make good supports to equalize weaknesses. For example: A slow unit should support a fast unit (myrmidon, thief, peg. knight), a physical weak unit should support with a physical strong unit (fighter, knight). I recommend in general to use the children, because they have better base stats for their levels and better growths than their parents. All the children are great WITHOUT an exception. Dark mages have bad luck in general. Give her a support with a cleric or fast unit (myrmidon, thief) or use goddes icons to raise her dodge rate. All the children got better base stats and growths than their parents.
  16. The conversations are similar, if someone else is her father. True.
  17. Cynthia has the "Makalov-Syndrom": In my very first playthrough I put Chrom unarmed in Cynthia´s range, but she attacked for some reasons her mother, so her mother killed her daughter. It fits to her character. That shows, how dumb Cynthia is.
  18. I live next to a farm, so I have to deal with many MANY cats. There are all together more than 20. Most them are cute but also can be sometimes very annoying with this huge number of cats.
  19. Characterwise: Lucina (great personality, my favourite female lord in FE) Gaius (likes sweets, funny patters) Owain (funny, talks like Darkwing Duck) Statwise: Morgan (f) (best unit, because great base stats like every child + veteran skill)
  20. I think, that Gamestop does not know, how precious FE9 and 10 are. In Germany I bought both games used for each 30€ = 42$. If I sold them, Gamestop would give me for each 8€ = 11$. I do not know Gamestop works in other countries, but you should try your luck there, first.
  21. I think the difficulty is the main factor, which FE5 splits into two camps. The one side loves the insane difficulty and the extrem RNG and the other side hates it because of the very high factor of frustration. The fact, that every unit has to escape might be annoying, but it makes storywise absolutely sense. Captured units are captured and cannot return. This feature should have return in the escape missions in FE9 + 10. The story is great and I cannot see any fanservice in the conversations unlike in FE13. The only thing, which hinders me to play this is the RNG. I would freak out, if enemies hit me with 1%. But I have watched enough LPs to say Thracia 776 is a fantastic game.
  22. For me: NO to alcohol, cigarettes and any other drugs It ruins your health and your pocket!
  23. I am not kidding, if I say, that my first Pokémon games are x + y. I have never played one single game of this series before , because I hated these creatures (Pokémon) in the TV series. But I never knew, that the Pokémon games were great RPG games. After watching a review of x + y, I bought them. And now I am so impressed, that I want to play more Pokémon games . Godthanks my taste of videogames changed over time.
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