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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I never could beat mission 5 "Save Jody". I was too slow in the corners, or I crushed into cars, so that the damn bomb always exploded.
  2. I would say Soren, because he has huge backstory and character development in FE9 and 10.
  3. It was my favourite of the Mario-series too and my second favourite N64-game behind Conker´s Bad Fur Day. My first game for the N64 and I spend many long nights with my friends and parents I believe it was "F1-spirit", which had pitstops. I only played the other F1 game "F-1 Race".
  4. Hello everybody What was your first videogame you played? My first videogame was Kirby´s Dreamland for the Gameboy in 1993. It was a very short, but an absoluty classic game. This intodruced me to the world of videogames and platformer-games (Super Mario, Donkey Kong). Today, 20 laters I still play this genre of games. Maybe you got an interesting story about your first videogame. Please share, if you want. Your story would interest me.
  5. I have the PS3 only for two weaks. I only got Uncharted 3, Dark Souls II, Kingdom Hearts 1,5, Tales of Xillia and Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, yet. I started to play both "Tales" games. They´re fantastic, if you like JRPGs. But PS3 has in general a huge range of great games.
  6. Try normal mode, if you got time and pleasure. It´s harder than PoR on normal and Awakening on hard, but it´s really fun. You also got the battle save option, so you can try out each turn.
  7. I only could baby characters like Leo or Meg on easy mode. Meg comes underleveled in a chapter, in which the enemies hurt you like trucks and Leo has pretty poor growths except for skill and resistance. Bexp. doesn´t equal his strength and speed deficits. Ok, he is pretty useful in part 3, because Lughnasadh gives him +5 speed, so he can double at least the tigers.
  8. Eddy is very fragile, but his speed saves him. He doubles many things. Give him the cancel skill and a support with an unit with earth affinity (Nolan, Zihark, Volug) and he will be fine.
  9. Yeah 1-F and 3-6 were annoying as hell, but I managed it. I´m already in part 4 and I think I´ll finish it tomorrow. I´m not a huge fan of Lyn either. She´s really overrated. Eliwood has a cool persoanlity, but statwise he´s pretty eh like Roy. Soren is probably the most important sidecharacter in the FE series.
  10. Hello and welcome to SF I´m doing Radiant Dawn on hard mode currently. Unfortunately Micaiah and DB give me some trouble in lots of chapters. But that does not mean, that I do not like her.
  11. Strengh is a very huge problem, because it is not grown even once! That is really unusal. He only can use iron swords without speed penalty. I recommend to forge him an iron sword. I would not give him items at this point. The other stats look alright.
  12. Ashera is unique, because she´s the only one goddes you face. And also she has a whole map attack, which can rape everyone. She´s also the only one boss, I have not could beat in one turn (I have only played FE7-13 yet). Medeus´ atmosphere is very dark and it´s really tricky to recruit Nyna, Lena, Maria and Elice, because your units are in Medeus´ attacking range, so you have to beat him in the same turn. Grima´s map theme is my favourite, but the boss itsself is lame even on Lunatic. I can´t even enjoy the theme, because I can beat him under a minute. Dragons (except for Medeus) as final bosses are kinda boring. Berserk Ashnard is cool, but Ike can take him with wrath and resolve in one turn. But I love challenging the "Mad King" too. Yes, he is a challenge if you do not give skills to Ike or Nasir/Ena. "Beserk" Ashnard almost impossible to beat without skills. But if Ike gets wrath and resolve, he can take Ashnard and even "Berserk" Ashnard in one turn. That´s true. The final fights against the dragons are kinda boring, because they are just living fossils without a personality. I didn´t get any emotions, if I fought them.
  13. My favourite storyline is in FE4. Intense, emotional and tragic. 5 and 9 are also great.
  14. Hello everyone, who´s your favourite final boss, you have faced in Fire Emblem? And maybe why? (boss theme, difficulty, design of the boss/level, atmosphere etc.) I look forward to all you choices :)
  15. 15. Ross My favourite trainee and axe-user in FE8. As a beserker he´s a killing-machine. 14. Rolf One of the most underrated characters and overlooked by Shinon. My favourite archer and better than Shinon, if I add FE9 and 10. 13. L´Arachel She´s adorable conversations and my favourite healer and magicuser. 12. Cordelia A cute and nice character and a fantastic unit. 11. Elincia One of the most improved units in Fire Emblem. Terrible in FE9, but in 10 she ownes everyone with Amiti and is one of the best healers in the series. Great personality. 10. Soren Character with a huge backstory. I love his objectivity and he´s the best mage in FE10. 9. Ayra Badass swordmaster, who ownes everyone with astra and criticals. Lakche and Shannan are awesome as well. 8. Lilina My favorite mage and character in FE6. Nice, cute, adorable and a great unit. 7. Jill Story-based character in FE9 with a great character development. And she´s a fantastic unit, in my opinion even the best in FE10. 6. Mia She´s meh in FE9, but a machine in FE10. Nice, cute, hot and badass. She can do solo maps easily. By far my favourite swordmaster. 5. Marth He´s meh in FE11, but great in FE12. Great personality and made Fire Emblem famous for being a character in the Smash Bros. series. 4. Lucina My favourite female lord. Love her personality and she´s a fantastic unit. 3. Ike My favourite lord. Great character development, best unit in FE9 and the best lord in the whole series. 2. Marcia Just read her conversations. She´s a great unit and has the best character design in the whole series. There´s no reason not to like her. 1. Levin Awesome character and OP with his speed and Holsety.
  16. Ilyana Before the battle: "I´m so hungry." "Feed me." Critical hit: "I´ll eat you all." After kill: "I´m full." "That was tasty."
  17. I have considered to put Excellus, Oliver and Jarod to this list. But I wanted to put max. 2 bosses of one FE game to this list, because otherwise the list would be too long. So I excluded some important bosses.
  18. Hey everyone :) Who is your most hated boss in the whole Fire Emblem series? The boss, that you would kill first, if you could. I made a list, but you can leave your own suggestion(s) maybe with reason(s). Maybe I misspelled a few bosses, because I don´t know every FE game 100%. But I hope you can identify them. I look forward for all your suggestions :)
  19. My favourites: FE6 Lilina FE8 Ross and L´Arachel FE9 Rolf FE10 Micaiah FE11 Est (explains "Est-character") FE13 Donnel
  20. My favourites themes: - boss theme 1 - against Alvis - against Julius - recruitment theme - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - final chapter - theme of Thracia´s dracoknights (don´t know the name of the theme); it is really catchy
  21. When I played PoR the first time I put Marcia in Makalov´s range. I thought, he would not attack her and join automatically the Greil´s Mecenaries. But he attacked her and she critted him to death with a slimlance. This was the most hilirious thing, which happened in all my Fire Emblem games. I laughed so hard. I think Makalov was so drunken, that he did not realize her sister... But the sad thing: I missed Marcia´s rage.
  22. Hello everyone :) I would like to ask you, which is your favourite conversation of recruitung a new unit in the whole Fire Emblem series. It´s hard to poll you, so I think it´s better to make your own suggestion(s) maybe with the reason(s) for your choice. For example: funny, story based, character based etc... I look forward to all your suggestions :)
  23. Yes, they will get random weapons. If you disarm Geoffrey in 3-9, he´ll get a (second) bravelance in 3-10 just for this chapter.
  24. My favourite theme is against Julius in Genealogy of the Holy War. It´s crawly. Unfortunately I don´t know the name of this theme.
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