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Everything posted by MrNight48

  1. This 4 turned out really well in lunatic birthright to add, will perfect them in lunatic Revelation. Sakura- Falcon Knight (when you don't have shining bow access) Final skills: Miracle/Renewal/Rally luck or speed/Darting blow/ Paragon then warding blow or filler why: paragon completely fixes exp gains for healers (sakura got up to 20/15 before the final chapter) but I went falcon knight because she absolutely wrecks with the Bolt Naginata. She can take a hit due to her stupid levels of bulk but don't push your luck in lunatic if it's physical. Magical enemies had no chance against her because she 1 rounded so many malig/dark knights. So what you have here is a aura bot who can hold her own while supporting the front lines. Hana- Swordmaster with Silas as a husband Final skills: Miracle/Renewal/Astra/Vantage/Luna why: If you ever see the pleasure that is great knight hana you can quit FE a happy player because it was hilarious to see that girl rock 31-33 str. Great Knight also helps her gain some needed def so mine could actually take 2-3 hits in lunatic. provided they hit her of course. Not perfected however. Silas- Paladin with hana waifu Final skills: Sol/Luna/Astra/Vantage/Aegis why: Unquestioned monster. He wasn't Xander good but holy fuck he was close. Swordmaster got this boy some speed but unfortunately he got str screwed so will be experimenting with this some more. Last one that shocked me was Rinkah, I know I'm shocked too. Rinkah- Oni Chieftain as Ryoma's backpack/wife. Final skills: not important except seal resistance. why: rinkah doesn't have physical abs, she has magical abs. the kind that can wield the bolt axe to kind of scary levels. once I figure out the right skill set, she would be a speedy/tanky magical axe killer. Imagine that.
  2. ugh I am so tempted just sending it in with no story. do I have to give you a story or would you be cool with just sweet gameplay? edit: nevermind, I'm just don't feel like finishing it. Or even hacking lately due to other stuff. will release it when I release. in the event I never do my submission idea was the player could break snags to make bridges fall apart and who ever was standing on them become stranded. Both the player and enemies could use this mechanic to their advantage by cutting off access points.
  3. for whatever tank you choose, I recommend bringing rally defense.
  4. Actually, I can't believe I'm saying this, I found 26 to be fun once I tried it and DF! odin could actually hold his own well against that many sages. The only real dumb luck part is the hero room because you really do have to rush the maid once you get the door open. my strat was let the backpack jakob open it from range the first turn and char eats the rod, then corrin breaks the door the second turn while xander 1 rounds the maid. he should then get wrapped to the maid and murder the sages while corrin baits the heroes back to your squad and its downhill from there. also entrap hans. inevitable end really is bullshit, I would most likely never touch lunatic CQ again because of those fucking skills. which is a shame because up to 25, the game was giving a really damn good challenge. like 24 was hard but man was it the good kind of hard. The gimmick really made that map shine. I can't either, DF has never failed me this hard before. I am honestly starting to think it is possible to manipulate RNs in this game because I kept doing things in the exact same way and kept getting the exact same results. I also don't mind the derailing, in fact if its fine with the mods I open this thread up to being a CQ venting thread. because some chapters just piss you off and you need to let that anger go somewhere.
  5. finally, I fucking beat it. I beat lunatic conquest classic. never again. casual mode from here on out and I don't care. ok so here is what I did. I tested just soloing chapter 27 by low manning with corrin, xander and their backpacks. This went infinitely faster because y'all was right, the entrap maids won't do shit. Ironically xander could not deal with the ninja but could double the sage to oblivion. Corrin on the other hand could take any room so it didn't matter that she couldn't reach a corridor from her spot. Once they got to the stairs they could almost 1 round garon slime consistantly. So I backed out, reclassed xander back into paladin, had effie cook meat and beans thinking it would last to endgame too (it doesn't) and stocked up on str tonics. Once I did this they could 1 round the boss just fine as long as corrin attacked first for hex and xander to finish. All of this usually in 4-6 turns so yeah this made restart far more bearable and boy did I need it because the next part took some tries. So I committed to the rescue chain cheese. Niles had pass and I happen to have a ejin corrin with pass, I don't think this is cheating because I actually had a pass falcoknight prisoner from chapter 24. It was taking awhile to make her join so I was fine using this staff using corrin. The hard part was 1 rounding takumi and after a few tries, it was clear master ninja with the str cap of 26 was not going to cut it. So I reclassed to great lord because noble dropped my skill and speed too low and use str tonics. This still wasn't enough. I tried pairing corrin with keaton for +5 str but it was like 24 dmg x2 so I decided to whip out gunther, reclassed him to wyvern lord just so my corrin could get +3 str and +3 dmg dealt. I also hilariously whipped out laslow for the clutch +1 str. So to recap I gave corrin +4 rally str, +2 tonic, +1 footwork, +3 pair up, and +3 dmg from a personal skill for a grand total of 42 raw power. I was doing 26 dmg x2 on takumi. All I needed to win was dragon fang. it never proc'd. when I needed the skill the most, it never came. so I was like fuck it, not moving all these units because now that I got this down I am camping this fucker out. I end my turn and waited for the restart because you never know. >elise dies >azura dies >laslow dies >rally man dies then something magical happens, takumi attacks before the staff users I'm at 1 hp from all the salvage blow and wave bullshit. he has 41% hit. triggers vengence and misses! my jaw hits the motherfucking floor! corrin straight up kills him because he has 23 hp left. I couldn't believe it, my favorite strat is counter killing and that is what won. Awakening skill op! and that is how I finally won. Gots to say, mad thanks to everyone for hearing me out and giving out solid strats because I was really just about to say fuck it and quit.
  6. ah I see. cool, it did give me some ideas on c27 so thank you for that. cheers. I probably should have made a thread earlier instead of letting the rage flow through me.
  7. Unfortunately I am working with 3 uses of rescue staffs. My biggest problem it seems is I can't find a way to bring in another heavy hitter. I still have a shit ton of gold saved for worst case scenario re-classing but my Xander is already lv20 and committed to char. He is amazing with sol and has 32-50 speed after char + speedtaker. although the video is nice (wtf was is paladin corrin that strong), it doesn't help with my execution. I have no problems getting corrin to takumi, it's just corrin can't one shot takumi without dragon fang procs because as soon as it's his turn. My corrin eats 2 enfeebles and a hexing rod and it all goes down hill from there. Also takumi able to hurt you through full shield points fucking sucks. also I didn't unlock most of paralogues. only corrin x jakob and xander x char. was too busy trying not to die to focus on being a ship master. ok this is awesome news and I will see if I can abuse this. If I can get it down to like five minutes then I can accept the resets. I was under the impression that once you drop down, you can't go back up in difficulty. Is this not true? because if I can go back to lunatic after dropping down to casual I would do it in a heart beat. I have already proven I can beat that chapter on lunatic so I don't care.
  8. On the dragon fang thing, I see your point and may try again later. However as far as 27 goes, I have to ask how are you doing it in 2 minutes? Because I just don't see that happening when 4 maids have infinite range entrap staffs. Oh trust me, I am right there with you brother. That's fine and all but none of that tells me how this game is bullshit proof. I love auras but they are a pain to get naturally. My leo got rng screwed in levels and got quickly left behind because just about any unit in the late chapters could double him and double him hard due to his very poor weapon triangle coverage. I don't care what anyone says, relying on healing to level fucking sucks and can't be relied on so my elise could not level to 15 fast enough for it. As far as rallies go, they can be amazing but that also means units have to positioned well to receive them which sometimes goes against what is needed to deal with the enemy units. However all of this means so little in the face of maids who have infinite enfeeble staffs with huge ass range. There is also nothing you can do against the hexing rod as well. somebody is getting hit with it and you just have to take it and hope for the best.
  9. Already know, Beat all the paths when the game came out in the states.
  10. I was going to say I already beat hard mode, but I honestly can't remember if I did it iron man or lowered to normal mode due to me just soloing with corrin. All I know is I am taking a break for at least a week because my family got scared from the look I was having on my face. I let them confiscate the game because I was very close to smashing my 3DS in pure rage after takumi survived all the hits just to 1 round my corrin. After the about the 8th time and 6 hours hoping corrin proc'ing a dragon fang just to win, I realized how dumb that sounded. That this rescue chain strat was clearly not going to work like it did for others and i was going to have to come up with a more legit strategy. Which meant sitting for even more hours playing a game that constantly tells me "want to beat the game? fuck you nohrian scum, keep redoing chapter 27 forever." Stepping up my game at this point is completely restarting. So many units I wanted/needed got rng screwed, didn't get to train, or just fell behind. Xander, Mozu, and DF!Odin can't carry everything. Honestly, I would have enjoyed every bit of conquest and it's if it wasn't for one fatal flaw. They don't allow you to save before the final chapter. Where you needed it the most. IS fucking knew better. I get they didn't want the player to break immersion by visiting your castle but there were ways they could have let you save or create a fucking checkpoint. Sure the first part is easy enough to get back to takumi's part but after so many times of restarting right at that point, you begin to wonder just how much of your time you are wasting. Then I begin to wonder if they expect you to rely on the dlc/dlc bonuses or my castle skill buying abuse just to get through lunatic because if so, that absolutely disgusts me. That would make lunatic the excuse for dlc instead of the reason for it. An excuse to get more money instead of more options to pad out the rng screwage. I believe in voting with my wallet and I vote no to not being able to save before the final chapter. In a time consuming game like this, not being able to finalize key progress is not okay. I would rather have two balls to the wall hard chapters than one okay chapter that transitions to a unfair one and you always have to redo the okay chapter just to get back to the unfair one.
  11. I am so done with this game. after the 11th reset from fuck boi takumi and his gang of fucking enfeeble cheaters, I am done. I have wasted 6 fucking hours on this bullshit all because corrin can't proc dragon fang once. This was my first attempt at lunatic just to give it a try and now I know I was right to never ever touch this mode on fire emblem because IS have no fucking idea on how to balance harder difficulties without going too far. GG, fire emblem will never see a cent of my money until I hear from others instead of just buying everything day one because I shouldn't have to rescue chain and pray for a dragon fang just to win.
  12. ARGH! OMFG I HAD IT! bruuuuuuuuuuh ok so like I decided to trust odin to not die and attempt the chapter. I did some scout runs and odin with a niles backpack can actually handle the sage rush with corrin. So here is what I did. 1) soften up the doors with jakob while char is ready to eat a hexing rod. 2) break down the door with corrin while xander rushes the maid on turn 2. everybody else is at the far back because corrin bait whatever heroes is left alive to the ambush 3) xander should have gotten entraped and eaten a sage attack to the face. there should be one mage left. if full dual guard points do nothing, if not, kill the maid and get full dual guard points. if this messes up for whatever reason, he should die and restart. if he somehow survives cool. meanwhile corrin runs up to the group with heroes behind them ready to attack stance the shit out of them next turn. 4) dogpile the heroes and pray. It's either they all die/ they miss on EP/ or reset. 5) almost out of the woods here, the next part is getting ready for hans. wait out turn 4 and get ready to pounce on turn 5 or 6. While xander is chilling, I reclassed him to paladin because he gets a lvl and sol with it. my plan is to attack the general room through the door and once he gets aegis switch him to lodestar as his final class on this chapter. Might not need to if he ends up killing all the beast killer threats through the door. 6) entrap hans and one round him with mozu/niles/filler if he is somehow still alive. 7) moved everybody to the sage room. wait out turn 8, res rallied corrin/odin and then send them to break down the door like swat. 8) they actually tank it extremely well but here is where everything went wrong. 4 sages spawned at the stairs. >be me >whut.jpeg >this didn't happen before, what the fuck! panic ensues >See xander and mozu, calmed down and used them. >sweat a little, mozu can get crit by 3% >have elise rally everyone needed >send xander first and he kills 1, go xander! >send mozu, she crits the another 1, that's my girl! >have azura danced xander >xander kills another one like a motherfucking beast >send benny to chip, could also get crit by 3% but he doesn't and chips just fine, benny the wall! >beruka brings it home and finishes the last one >I celebrate >only to see azura die through the wall from the sage group corrin/odin was dealing with >die inside I was fucking there man. I see the light in the tunnel so I'm not giving up but I need some time to heal. dammit!
  13. My biggest problem is I did make mage killers, I have a really well trained niles with like 30 res but he is a bit frail and I do not have a dual yumi. In fact I did not abuse hoshidian shops mostly because my budget is shrinking fast and I'm trying to keep cash available for seals/tonics. I also have a lv30 Dread fighter odin but I can't really be confident in him. Although it seems DF is meant to tank EP not for attacking. Jakob is the only one with tome breaker but he is a dedicated corrin backpack. although together they may be able to handle it. Not to worried about Xander, once I get him sol and aegis which is two levels, I can switch him to lodestar and he can just solo hans room. I plan to entrap hans but if they fail, xander and corrin are going to have to do it. What really just depresses me about this chapter is the stupid hexing rod and the bullshit staffs. there is one in the beginning which forces me to throw out a unit to kill it. I know lago's order but it's still fucking stupid because the doors to the sages puts you in range and what makes this shitty is the maids will lock the door opener in lago's range and they can't do anything but eat the hexing rod and cry. What makes this so damn bullshit is there is absolutely nothing I can do to counter them. I couldn't get the silence because chapter 25 was full of bullshit on it's own. My niles just was not ready for it and the reason why leads me to what really ticks me off about lunatic CQ. There is no mid game to train decent units into good units. 1-6 is just corrin spam, 7-14 is the early game when you are getting all the units. 15 is more corrin fap,16-17 is triangle abuse and then 18 is about it for mid game. Because after that 19-21 is nothing but gimmicks that are so annoying, you can't waste time training people because the gimmicks are such time wasters. 22 and 24 are the true endgame to test what units are good while 23,25, and 26 are just so fucking cheap and so damn time consuming that anyway to cheese that appears itself a player will just take it. On top of this, some units you wasted so much exp on turn out to be so bad you have to drop them. Leo is one of them because the end game screws him so hard with the weapon triangle and his craptastic speed. IS should have at least made a skill called staff breaker. I want more options in dealing with this shit. I also hugely regret taking the witch mark instead of the sighting lens because beating the shit out of most of these units long ranged would have come in handy. That witch mark is just sitting in my convoy because I do not have a candidate for it. If only leo was a girl. thanks, really needed to see that because I actually feel like trying the chapter.
  14. duuuuude. I just I don't even.... my only good units that even hope to tackle this is corrin and xander like, why are staffs so fucking overpowered. how do I even deal with this shit. why can't I reduce staff hits to 0. why I am forced to just eat shit and die. why is the only good mage killer is kaze? I fucking hate using him and don't like him but its like the game is like fuck you, you don't get a mage killer then. fuck this I'm going back to xenoblade.
  15. abusing xander is what I pretty much ended up doing along with corrin. posted how I beat it here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=66173 What hit me the hardest was entrap missing. I used a 24 skill jakob paired with S rank corrin and he still missed both of them. I am happy I got lucky with my back up strat but man it really could have gone either way. thanks man, going to need it I feel like.
  16. 1. this is lunatic so most have either lunge/counter or both. this also means the stairs were blocked and i had to deal with oboro. yes I used entrap staffs and they failed. 2. Most of the resets were caused from the fucking reinforcements when dealing with the first group or getting rally man early. 3. Other resets were caused by units I am ashamed to say couldn't take hits and dish them out. Notably leo, benny, and keaton. Leo kept dying on EP (I have ep skip turned on so it took me a long time to realize he is fucked by the weapon triangle and has no way to deal with lances/daggers as a dark knight. combine this with his already problematic skill, he just couldn't do much. Benny is a straight up disappointment. Even with wary fighter and rallies, he can't take any kind of magic to save his fucking life. Also his defense is like 34 so he was taking some damage that would snowball enough for a magic basara or life and death user to end his ass. Keaton is just...ugh. His skill and speed are just getting fucked over to the point he is falling behind really fast. 4. Trying to feed eilize a kill for a quick level for the much needed rally resistance. her skill of 6 is also terrible (promoted her at 10 thinking it help her get skills early because she fell off hard in my hard playthroughs and boy was that a mistake) so she kept missing which caused me to miss a key heal when I thought the unit could survive without it. (apparently surviving with 30-35 hp is too much to ask *stares furiously at benny and keaton*) 5. Forcing Corrin and Xander to tank too much. There is only so many dudes they can handle on their own on top of weapon triangle advantage. 6. Couldn't skip the bottom and hinata's part because I needed the experience very badly. A lot of my units are getting left behind like odin/niles/elise and leo and they need to catch up. So by getting Corrin/Xander the exp, they can hopefully be tanky enough to not only bait groups properly but also severely damage them for the rest to get kills in later chapters.
  17. yes managed to captured rally man and another rally bot who belonged to hinata. honestly the biggest problem was capturing them because aggoring rally man across the ravine is what sets off the reinforcements and they always someway somehow broke through and killed someone. Also feeding a kill to elise for rally resistance which plays a key part in the wall. As you can imagine, I had a panic attack when the entraps failed but came up with really good back up plan. Send a full rallied def/res corrin/jackob backpack who was a master ninja with awakening/hex/ather with the nohrian blade equipped so her defenses was like 32/19. Once she survived EP, I then send my rally girls to beef up Xander and he went through the newly opened staircase to kill one of the blockers that went after corrin. Xander was then safe enough to tank out the other basara and oboro was out of range and couldn't be lunged to her. Corrin was either able to exit through another stairs or I sent her next to xander, can't exactly remember, but once they survived the second EP, I had access to stairs to get them out and healed up. Waited to oboro reset and then send rallied xander back up near the chests to kill even more lungers. He did it but got blocked off so I sent rallied/nearly recovered from all the weakens corrin back up so they could one round oboro. The rest was downhill and they came out on top. Takumi's part was the easiest because I already scouted his part in failed runs. Send rallied corrin up, she will murder everything without being lunged to takumi if put 1 tile under the stairs. I tried to activate the snipers counter to activate corrin's awakened state but she killed him so I had to let takumi ballista a weak unit so corrin can get hit with the blast and get lowered into the skill. Once it was on, takumi was doomed. He tried to use rend heaven but 0% hit denies all his cheap skills.
  18. Testing them out so far but as of right now, I am amazed enough to document my top units and their skill sets. The idea is not wasting resources and it's easy to naturally get them these skills in lunatic mode. FeCorrin: Str +/Luck- Final Skills: Awakening/Dragconic Hex/Ather/Dragon Fang/ Lethality Class progression: princess till 20 -> great lord for free master seal -> nohr noble for hex at 15 -> Master Ninja Backpack - Base maid jakob why- The idea here ultimate bait unit/soloist. With access to incredible speed/skill, avoid should be +90 so corrin dodge tanks everything until she gets hit. So when player phase comes, all enemies should have been debuffed to oblivion with hex + daggers. When she gets knocked to half heath, she awakens and can murder anything that attacks her in both 1 and 2 range with few exceptions while any unit with less than about 130 hit will never hit her. Which you can control depending on weapon triangle abuse and stat debuffing. Once you get enough hp, speed tonics for life for more obscene avoid. Xander: Final Skills: Defender/Dancing Blade/Speedtaker/Aegis/Sol Class progression: paladin til 5 -> lodestar immediately till 15 -> hero from backpack till 19 -> paladin for aegis and change to want you want. (high skill cap) Backpack - Berserker Charlotte with S rank support. why- Immortal Xander. raw power + fixing his missing speed = dead things. few hoshidian peasants can hope to stand in the presence of true royalty. Avoid + Aegis will help deal with magic units. Sol to recover the damage. Mozu: Final Skills: Quick Draw/Certain Blow/Bowfaire/Profiteer/Aptitude (underdog/filler) Class progression: Archer at lvl 1 -> Sniper till 4 -> Merchant till 6 -> Sniper Backpack - Whatever she needs to survive, otherwise keep her open for attack stances. why- her one and only goal in life is to hunt her target like a bear. Killer bow helps her achieve this. I usually don't worry about her dying because they are dead from her one (sometimes 2) strikes. If I need someone dead, she is my girl. she is the specialist, the one true sniper of fates. Also mozu will make you some money thus making her investment a return one and helps you get extra cash to fund other endeavors. Beruka: Final Skills: str +2/ hp + 5 / Gamble/ Lunge/ Sol Class progression: nothing really defined. pulled her off the bench and she happened to turn out pretty good. Hero right now. Backpack - whatever she needs to survive, otherwise keep her open for attack stances. why- I usually don't use her due to having camillia but i thought "she doesn't have to be like camillia" and started her on the path to berserker. turns out she doesn't need it because her crit rate is off the charts due to her amazing skill. She can off tank pretty well but she is not a tank. she is your dps and if you treat her like one by giving her the killer axe, she, like mozu, will usually hit once and chill with the new corpse. Her only problem is speed and resistance but i am thinking about putting her in dread fighter to pick up some resistance skills so will get back to her. Those are the only units that are turning out solid. Camilla and elise are my rally girls right now and I am still working on them. elise is kind of screwed up though. Leo is a handful and needs a lot of work done on him. Niles is actually turning out well. DF Odin also needs work. Keaton/Benny/Felicia have failed me and might be benched or become backpacks.
  19. Mine is more simple (to me anyway), female corrin is cannon to me on nohr because it explains elise/camilla's obsession with corrin better. she choose nohr due to her nohrian bonds and also takumi was too much of a dick for blaming me for the death of my mother. Hoshido painted me as the villain and a villain they shall get. Meanwhile investigate garon on the side while gaining his trust so I can be in a position to betray him if I must. After talks with leo and azura, my resolve is stronger and i go through with the invasion of hoshido killing no one....until I meet takumi again at the wall. corrin makes that place a blood bath and personally spartan kicks takumi off the wall. sakura will be spread but now people will die!
  20. It was, it truely was. everything that could go wrong did. I decided to let mozu back into the action when I was trying not to because she is way ahead of the other dps units. Corrin and Xander had to do the heaviest of lifting because even benny failed me. I had to feed elize a kill just to get rally magic. Leo just had to sit this one out despite being desperate for exp because I realized Dark Knights have been secretly nerfed. They are completely shit on by the weapon triangle and have no counter to lances/daggers so he had to take a back seat. Also his speed is terrible so he pretty much always got doubled. Starting to feel like most of my units got absolutely rng screwed.
  21. I don't recommend this, I don't recommend this at all. That being said I suggest odin as owain but as a dread fighter. better disguise, twitching sword hand, and access to a magic sword. good luck
  22. I finally, FINALLY kicked that bastard off the wall. kudos chapter 23 lunatic CQ. now if you will excuse me, I am off to take a nap! also shout out to my healers for pissing 4800g down the drain by missing both uses of the entrap staff.
  23. I'm fine with the move. and I lost 4 hours to it already. My 3ds is charging in it's charging dock because the original charge port is gone(which means I have to wait till it charges to play) *sobs*
  24. +8 losses later. another day. another fucking day. I'm this close to saying fuck it and just let corrin solo the wall while Xander deals with the outside forces after capturing rally man.
  25. Fuck that punk ass bitch with the lame ass pony tail. I have been trying to get through this motherfucking chapter 5 mother fucking times now and that son of whore can eat a DICK! Choke on the bitch for all I care. Hating ass bitch mad I keep trying to kidnap rally man not once, not twice, but 4 motherfucking times now due to his cheating lunging ass units. He don't even know what the fuck to do with rally man except be a bitch. And for what? I'm trying to save the world and shit and this motherfucker wants to sit on his wall and be a hater. "oh look at me, I'm fucking takumi and I'm mad because you killed my mom." fuck you takumi, that wasn't even your mother, that was corrin's mom motherfucker. Didn't even like her and he sure as hell didn't like corrin but now he want to be humpty dumpty with a mother fucking attitude. Once I get past his cheating ass army, Imma make him like the real humpty and knock his ass off so he can splatter his hating ass all over the wall. Fuck that piece of shit. and you know what? fuck his bitch oboro too, that bitch needs to get off my nuts with all that nohrian hate bullshit. making me solo with corrin wasting precious already limited experience. Also, this slow ass hinata. Don't think I forgot your stupid ass. sitting there trying to turtle me using rallies and shit. you lucky I want to steal your rally boyz otherwise I would just leave your ass there. Fuck Intelligent Systems too, misleading with false advertising and not letting me start a real conquest because I want to burn hoshido to the motherfucking ground just to send takumi a message! Sorry for the rant and swear words but I am so fucking mad right now. phew. Ok I feel better. time to get back and DO THIS!
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