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Everything posted by FurryYunSeong

  1. Stealth IPS patches more than 1 file. It's usually bundled with the Zips I make.

  2. Test 29 is almost done: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gymqjtzzznz - GhebSaga v380.7z http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?yn2wqnydywl - GhebSaga v380.zip Patch contains a completed Test 28 and a peek of Test 29. Enjoy.
  3. It goes up to Chapter21/Test26.
  4. Test 26 Vids: The module is for FE7 only.
  5. Well, I haven't been here in forever, and I'm not sure what's worse: Making a new topic or necroposting (and doubleposting) in this perfectly good one. You can plainly see what I chose, if it is inappropiate then my bad, but, I bring an update: http://www.mediafire.com/?ymm2qnjhvmm - v.370/7z http://www.mediafire.com/?mzng02dddmz - v.370/zip These fix Test 8 and add Test 26, which is full custom. 26 chapters, 4 with custom events, 2 with custom maps. If you don't recall, this is a hack for FE7. And here's a small gift for the fellow hacker: http://www.mediafire.com/?m2tmziewooz - Palette Pointer Editor module for Nightmare. The address for the palettes you assign on the Character Editor was thrown a long time ago, but I never saw a module for it. I took an hour to compile and it works quite well. With this, you can relocate palettes and add new ones without having to overwrite anything. Pics and video will come shortly. Cheers!
  6. I'm currently on family vacation, so you can understand the lack of updates in this area. This is just an announcement that I will resume work in August. Toodles!
  7. Twilight is so freaking emo. It's interesting nontheless.
  8. http://www.mediafire.com/?mvdgmwz1gcx - Patch Freya's an OC, Battle Sprite, Mug and all, inspired in the movie Outlander. Vector's an user that asked to be in the game a looong time ago, let's see if he notices. I'm being criticized by my flawed choices in graphic/colors. Don't hesitate to join the party, or even help, for that matter.
  9. You are disrepectful by acting quirky and having Nightmare as an avatar. Your soul should be properly consumed.
  10. We shall see, and at that time, we'll enjoy it, yes? But enjoy this other thing! Next patch tomorow (Batta's final polish with a hint of Gheb's route).
  11. Writhe in disgust then. I shall enjoy myself.
  12. You're afraind of his half-nakedness. Or perhaps disgusted.
  13. I'll be looking forward to that.
  14. I like portuguese. That's an even more original idea.
  15. O lawd, portuguese. You know portuguese?
  16. Canas reminds me so much of Knoll... I think they'll both end up talking in spanish.
  17. Texting's meh. I did get into it once, but it was short lived. When you're dealing with someone's who's always busy, it's useful to give a heads up.
  18. Depends on the people mostly. As long as it doesn't involve me, it's hawt. To me, Sex = Relationships I did have a few friends+benefits going on, but, never got to liking them. You really have to love that friend.
  19. Death, you win for being a fighter. I agree with you on most accounts. It took me some time to realize that everything that happens to you is mostly influenced by your choice. You choose pratically everything. A friend of mine said that your choices only affect 10% of things. Untrue. If you take the time to think about your situation, and work on it, you can go over that, and dominate your life. Frist step to success. Planning and working. It's never easy. And some people get lucky. Just don't get your hopes up. I can't speak for myself. My choices arent the best, and as a result, I'm not in the best situation. But I know what to do, and more than anything, I believe I'll get a better life. By working on it. The only thing I have to add is that sometimes, where you are, where you live, who's around you, it's probably dangerous to take risk. Dangerous as in losing your life dangerous. To fight, you actually have to be alive. I dunno if I'm making any sense, of I'm just repeating what has been said, but seriously. I agree with the dead person.
  20. FurryYunSeong


    Meh, don't mind me. I had a cat that was just a demon, using me as a scratch post. It had to be done.
  21. You play SC4? Any good at it? Moreover, if you make a full animation of her (Sword and Spear), you DO deserve to be bowed as a demi-god of sorts. I'm sure you're very proud and jealous of this one, aren't you? I would be too. Hilde, sincerely, is meh, but her design is just so lovely. And you managed to almost perfectly whittle it down to GBA scale. Lastly, try making her 2P outfit? That's the best one.
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