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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. My walls haven't been blank for years And I keep adding stuff to them so it's starting to look cluttered
  2. Speaking of posters I should probably take a couple down...
  3. It's time to get that One Direction poster you've always wanteeeeed
  4. Emotes save lives.

    1. Aryabug


      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    2. Stargirl


      ⊂(´・◡・⊂ )

    3. Starman



  5. What are your thoughts on sushi? OMG WHAT hatt as in the HHH hatt or and if so where did you guys meet up?
  6. Not too long ago I tried out a creamy garlic pasta sauce recipe It was pretty okay (at least to my parents...my brother thought it was horrid) Though I'm ngl I overestimated the flour a bit... and the salt ;n;
  7. *crab walks into thread* same for me too I already have a job but not for the summer term and he keeps bugging me to apply and stuff
  8. .3. "YEAH get out there and enjoy the summer sun before it gets cold and crappy!" she types from her bedroom with all the blinds shut Twas nice~ Clearly! ^_^ I know that pain too ;n;
  9. My wallet was sobbing pretty hard after the purchase ^^; AND I got a lecture from by brother. Yikes.
  10. nah it's okay my conscious helps me break away at times (like right now) yeah i've been relatively okay recently all around okayness huh? if your summer is getting too boring perhaps you can mix up the day go for a walk OR GO FOR A SWIM idk also it's good to hear nothing major is bringing you down I'm good. Yesterday I went to a dinner party (and funny enough before we left I threw a successful dinner party for my sims hueheuheheueeu) Ya so the dude who was barbecuing was AMAZING. He prepared these hot dogs that blew me away. Best dogs I've ever had. Also, the day before yesterday we went to a picnic and it started to pour really bad. Unfortunately there was no shelter nearby and we were in the middle of this field. So imagine like 30 people running for their lives to the nearest shelter that was housing another 30 people. It was fun(ny) : )
  11. the pain thanks! hey what's up? perhaps not
  12. IT'S A DANGEROUS PITFALL Though living vicariously through my sim makes me feel kinda dandy ;u;
  13. omg why did my dad have to fart in my vicinity >:(
  14. i heard the shadow realm has ice cream so it can't be that bad
  15. Ahhh Xenoblade... ok Tristian pls don't have the sads but I haven't touched that game since my silly self decided to purchase Sims 4 and Sims 4 is my life atm
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