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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. I finally got smash for the Wii U... ( ;v; )

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. N7隊長ジョン



      add me meiii

      it's on my profile.

    3. Stargirl


      I will once I get back home from my vacation.

      This year's holiday is going to be fun =)

    4. N7隊長ジョン
  2. I'll look out for your post tomorrow Good night ⋆。˚ (¦3ꇤ[▓▓]⋆。˚✩
  3. Thankies. I can relate to that. Yes it is. :)
  4. It was. And I'll do just so. My sleep schedule, amongst other things, have been screwed up since school started. Time to fix things! >:) At least you're able to figure out the problem x3 Haha, aww sorry about that... I seeeeee :O If you're too tired you don't need to push yourself. Heh, a festive car.. :3
  5. You lucky ducky! I would be free too but my co-workers want me to come in and support them everyday next week. You got those amiibos? The only ones I saw irl were Samus and Mario.
  6. If I'm around, I will remind you Breezy
  7. I'll probably head to bed early today. Heehee. It's okay. ^_^ HELLO SHOCKY FRIEND I am stuffed! >w< ok typos I had a lot to eat.. Sooo, how was work today?
  8. O: I just had a decaf coffee. Good to hear that you are enjoying yourself!
  9. BUBU! /glomps And hello there Aceeee o/
  10. Hello again o////// I didn't... Couldn't get myself to doze off. >: We went to a restaurant. The food was okie. The exam is on the 22nd. Ooooh and I just realized but our avis are assuming similar positions. Idk... I think it's kinda neat :3
  11. Dinner time.. Enjoy the rest of your day thread
  12. Okie dokie Right. I was thinking of taking a nap but my family is planning on going out for dinner soon. Plus I really need to start studying for my exam.
  13. But I have so much to dooo I can't sleep now :c
  14. Hey Soooool and hello thread I spent a lot of time on the road. And idk, long car rides make me tired (-_-)zzZ
  15. aw you're so sweet :) see you later o/
  16. Okie dokie! o7 Haha the craving is strong <: After the 22nd work and school is officially done for the year ^_^ I agree! oooooooooo:
  17. April is a fantastical month Not as nice as November lololol
  18. /cries for you...and me Nice! I hope you work hard on that essay :D Ooo... yummy!!! ^_^ I'm going to sleep a lot then head to work :3 He'll probably play more videogames
  19. ...Me too >n> He was shivering so bad. It was kinda funny to watch. Aw, thankies.
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