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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Nighty nite Weegee o/ Sleep well Heheh So you say... And probably will cry cry ;~;
  2. I hope I get a chance to play with y'all tomorrow.
  3. It happens to me all the time tho :> I just tell them to say "howdy hey" back to the other stranger
  4. I...I'll give it a shot (;v;)7 He's definitely a character >.> Soon Sock. Soon >:) You make saying a simple hi sound like such a weird thing :P
  5. Nite nite Glac Ike >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else :>
  6. Hola amigos! With this unfortunate lack of smash I've decided to be productive and do a little cleaning ;v; Tell your brother I said hi. :P Sighhhh >:C If only he went to bed before I did.... (v.v)
  7. Good lawd I want to play smash so baaaaad T^T But my bro is such a hogging piece of poop.
  8. Swim free.

    1. Starman


      That call, my god!

      Still cracks me up!

    2. Stargirl



      Good times! :>

  9. Nah. I think you said something and I replied to you or something but you weren't even talking to me so I said you could ignore me but you said you would never ignore a person and I thought wow this dude is cool Not even your brother? :o You must be pretty influential. Heehee. I call it zombie mode. It funny how much you can do without giving your full attention.
  10. Congrats man! ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆
  11. Case 5 adds in more great characters You'll meet Ema Skye and hear some sad things from the past and stuff :< Oh, and you'll get to do science-y things 8]
  12. Woop! Not at all! You were really kind from the start. I guess it was the whole "meeting new people" sort of thing. Poor Tomba. It didn't even make it as an after thought for Sol. Yeah. My older brother. I most likely wouldn't be into games if it weren't for him. Heh, I find it pretty funny to think about. xD That may be true. But I've been having a good time with the series nonetheless.
  13. I'd like to say that I wouldn't ask for a live proposal from Matthew Mercer But if it came down to it... >.> :3 Oh my That'd be some intense fangirling :L
  14. Shhhh! I really want to play it okieeeee >:P why not both :D I am swell friend :>
  15. Yeah. I was a scaredy-cat. Lol I'd even get a mini heart attack everytime I posted. >.< I can't remember much from it either :P Unsure huh? Guessing would be a lot easier if another person introduced you to games. They could help you remember. Harvest Moon isn't for everyone. And I'm saying that because even though I love the games so much if you saw me while I was playing you would think I was dead. I always look so lifeless and bored. xD YEAH Give it a whirl. I'm still looking to play AWL myself. Sorta. It's weird. They tried to connect the games but it's not possible for the same cast of characters to be living in two different areas at the same time. I see it as an excuse to resuse the old faces :3
  16. @Sock The fanbase is really big on the older HM games. Some say that A Wonderful Life for the Gamecube was the best in the series because that game had more of a family aspect. HM: 64 and More Friends of Mineral Town are also very good, I hear. I played more of the newer games and the closest game to Animal Parade is Tree of Tranquility which I have a love/hate relationship with. :>
  17. good golly :O I guess... :> Wait, you're right! I learned a lot from...stuff and things. That sounds poetic. Possibly. It works! I can attest to that. I still get nervous sometimes yes :< From what I can remember...Tomba for the PS1. And the only reason I played it was because I liked how the pigs in the game looked. Now what was YOUR first rpg good sir? Yep. Lots actually. But I've watched playthroughs of most of them.
  18. Heehee Yeah, everyone had those "special" teachers and by special I mean bizarre ._. But I've also had some pretty AWESOME teachers that I never want to forget. But bad memories make me cringe so much! Like I'll think of something I said or did and just go "whyyyyy" (I'd love everything to be rose tainted and perfect doe) I was told that it also helps to stare between the person's eyebrows cause it looks like you're keeping eye contact when you're not. yey :D It was a lot worse when I first joined I had to ask someone if I was allowed to post here :x Absolutely! Thankies ꒰⁎ᵉ̷͈ ॣ꒵ ॢᵉ̷͈⁎꒱໊ It's really making me want to play the game again!
  19. Is that so Gregory? :> I'm probably the only one that still feels social anxieties on forums But I'm sure you have tons of fond memories mixed in with those ordeals T^T My theme? Harvest Moon: Animal Parade :>
  20. The struggle was real ...ah! don't get me started on a life without internet T^T *shivers*
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