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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. The steam... the heat... I'm uncomfortable just thinking about that
  2. Omg THIS. The pool/beach is a good substitute for day time activities
  3. Apparently it was "too much work to think". The malls were packed because of the free AC. oh canadians...
  4. (O.O) You must live somewhere really hot! Lol you could probably do some damage :P But when the temperature drops, watch out
  5. Congrats Nobody! No AC? I feel for you :( The last time it got to 40C everyone in my neighbourhood was not able to function. We all looked like zombies Oooo neat. :D
  6. @Anon Sometimes I forget about Brawl with all the hype for Smash 4. It's nice to go back and play it once in a while. :3 @Lux LUX!! How are you surviving?! I can barely take the 29C over here. 34C would kill me >.<
  7. Earlier in the day I was talking to a neighbour outside. I was ROASTING in the sun but my neighbour wanted to keep up the long discussion. So now I'm a burnt/hot mess :(
  8. I'm pretty good actually. Just had a really good discussion with my older bro, then we played some brawl. Now I'm here! \(^▽^)/
  9. Good afternoon y'all :) It's so hot over here. I'm dying Dx
  10. Hi Lann! Welcome to the forest! Take your time and enjoy the scenery :)
  11. LIES didn't mean to embarrass you. (>///<) Forgive meeeeee! lol kitty cat cult
  12. I'm just overly sensitive :'< Hee-hee. Aw, you're so sweet kitty :D
  13. *dies bc of a previous typo* Once she was talking to my teacher then she put her hand up and was like "yeah I'm going to faint, see you later lolz" I couldn't believe it! :O Heh, I was fine ^_^ Except for my pride ( ;.;)
  14. Hee-hee. She was so proud that she could tell when she would faint. :P Well, as long as you're okay we it happens (;.; ) I typically freakout seeing someone faint. Once I dived to try and prevent the person from falling but ended up falling on my face
  15. Wow. :O I met this girl before who said she can tell when she's about to faint and she'd let everyone know before doing so Suddenly blacking out sounds so scary >.<
  16. I'm relieved to hear that it's almost gone! The experience must have been so strange. Have you fainted before this? I'm pretty good. Trying to be more productive before I become busy again.
  17. Lists are fun ^.^ how are you kitty? Feeling better? Morning Lux!
  18. Aww, Koneko. :( I hope you get back to 100% soon!
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