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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. ;^; do I get a star for trying and adorable plushies ^.^
  2. I'M NoT CUTe *angry face* Dangos on the other hand >.> When the dusk fades the shadows take over. ...That sounded better in my head >.>
  3. Thread-> http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48530 Good evening naughx :D
  4. I can't stop laughing at that broken thread. I mean it's not even funny but here I am, laughing away.
  5. Yaaaaay another Chrom lover! Welcome to this wondrous forest you cute little unicorn you :)
  6. Started summer school... T____T *whines about it being too hot and not being able to sleep in and having to studying*
  7. @Lux You live around some humble Ontario-naters :D That's good! I wish I could say the same for myself >.> @Knee That's news to me O.O Maybe that does happen and I'm just not aware @Karaszure Yeees. Join us Ontario-naters >:) Nooo stop typing faster than me peoples :P
  8. The US healthcare is definitely in the billions. So expensive >.< Probably the most
  9. Oh yeah! Forgot about Alaska :P French is mandatory in Ontario. Not too sure about the other provinces >.> lol idk why I keep thinking Toronto is the capital. You should meet some Ontario-naters...? They think Ontario is the most important province just bc Ottawa is in it :P I think I saw that movie in my course! I think... Anyways if we were more like England, Norway, France and especially Sweden, in terms of healthcare, we would be doing better. I think Sweden even has free post-secondary education.... I'm super jealous. >:( Learned that the hard way...
  10. God. This is why I hate politics. Injustice, oppression, whatever you want to call it. Makes my head hurt.
  11. The bordering states were doing better at the expense of profits in other states. So change wasn't something they wanted... I understand why The"Pseudo-independence movement" sprung up in regards to that situation. Ugh, I used to think the equalize affect was the best idea for a lot of things but yeah that thought clearly doesn't work all the time :( Economy is crumbling huh. Sorry to hear that. :( Hopefully it picks up in the future.
  12. Hmmm... Meant more of protesting for a province/state to separate from the country. That's a pretty big protest. Bad working conditions and wages are seen more within states, that the state government needs to address. Don't take my word though. I slept through most of civics in high school.
  13. Yes! How could I forget Isaac? I really hope he makes an appearance. Not as a dang assist trophy.
  14. Good golly :/ I wonder what makes states/provinces strive to protest. Do the laws of their country or the economy push them in that direction? If Quebec managed to separate, Canada would look pretty weird on the map. I'd end up taking option #2 if we went down that path :P I guess mandatory French from grade 4 to 8 is not paying enough respect to the French language, huh. Omg "best Country in the World" xD They'd have some serious competition to beat. A major issue in all of our provinces is the wait times in emergency rooms. I mean spending 8 hours waiting to see a physician, just for the physician to send you home because your problem is "minor", is not fair :( Privatizing health could be devastating, especially since it took a lot of work just to get the health care we have now. Ooo. Aiming for Masters! :) Good fortune to your grades in the coming years :)
  15. Quebec isn't leaving Canada as long as my name's Hashuni Mei!!11!1 I actually can't believe something like the Separatist movement exists I like Health Studies :3 Although in my second semester we were talking about problems with emergency departments in Canada. Some of the examples given made me sad :( How did you like studying Biology?
  16. :( I hope specialized Uni was good for you. And nitey nite!
  17. That sounds rough :( They didn't even help you prepare for exams? lol was it Quebec that tried to be independent from Canada once? xD I started at 17 because I was born late in the year. Most of my classmates had already turned 18. you are welcome
  18. You're so lucky lux (;v;) The transition from high school was okay at first but then it got real hard. aw if i was in your high school i would have been your friend
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