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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. :L Glad to hear that you're doing better! Yay!
  2. It's almost gone (*'v') By the way that chocolate ice cream avi is superbe
  3. So sending mods pictures of bananas wouldn't help me? Tragic Its very hard to say no to ice cream.
  4. Me too :( I'm doing better than I was 10 minutes ago >.> Your welcome.
  5. Based on that commercial I am made to believe that bananas can solve all problems I ate too much ice cream and now I feel like barfing. Other than that I'm alright :> I hope your day has been great
  6. Heya Kitty! underline strikethrough italic bold
  7. Pasta and alfredo sauce is delicious
  8. Apple pie and vanilla ice cream >>>>
  9. Speaking of magical girls, Sailor Moon is coming back! Squeeee >.< '^' Sigh. They look so good...
  10. Good. Your avis are making me want ice cream
  11. :3 i'd say so eh heh, she's even from my province
  12. Then good afternoon to you *googles* Sure! My hair was that colour once.
  13. Gosh. Now you've exposed me in this thread :P I'M NOT SHY! At least not any more...I think. I'm good. How about yooou?
  14. Heh, you've got a twin. Now I want ice cream... Tired >.< Yesterday was kinda rough but I'm better now :> How is glac this morning?
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