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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Hmm. Craving chocolate now... Like in general?
  2. (o・ω・o)ノ+++++ Good Morning Iceflare +++++ヽ(o・ω・o).
  3. Lucky. Even if you only gave them water... Hmmm and the hen didn't peck you? I always imagined hens being kinda crazy. idk >.> Poor baby chickie was rejected by it's mama ;__; There are tons of farmland up north from where I live so if I start talking about feeding cows some day don't be too surprised :P You remind me of those squirrel things
  4. nightey night Silva! I should have stated that I was playing a game first ^_^; Little chicks are so cute and fluffy ;.; Did you ever get to hold one? T___T I want to play Frontier so bad but I can't find it anywhere
  5. It's Fall right now. Works just like RF. Hey that reminds me. I should start a playthrough of Tides of Destiny soon I approve of your food choices. No haha. Just harvesting the moons over here :P
  6. Pretty good. Bringing the chickens in for the night and preparing for the morrow. Hope you're doing good too.
  7. I'm still looking for the right circumstance to use this ˓˓(ृ  ु ॑꒳’)ु(ृ’꒳ ॑ ृ )ु˒˒˒ Hmmm oh well.
  8. Σ(゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ heehee (☉ε ⊙ノ)ノ
  9. Guh. They say people get used to it after a while but it seems like that's untrue. We're one in the same
  10. Hi PK Haha no I don't live on a farm. In fact I think I would die from the smells. I'm playing Harvest Moon right now :) And over here it's 10:20pm
  11. I'm glad to hear that! We can't have too many gay threads :P I'm good! Pulling some weeds, feeding the chickens... the usual :)
  13. I'll admit, I'm missing out bc dat soundtrack
  14. I've only played superstar saga. I have BIS but I just haven't gotten around to it.
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