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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Not that I could find. BABY LUIGI fans could always make a playlist of his cry and just let it play... on and on
  2. If you can't make it through a 10 hour video of him crying... being a true fan isn't for you
  3. But can you say that you are a true BABY LUIGI fan? ooooooooh
  4. haro everynyan! how are you? fine, thank you <(*ΦωΦ*)> not too sure why i made myself sit through the whole video
  5. Heh Summer school is dreadful :( I wouldn't have to do it if I only took my senior math course seriously. Uuugh Hmm, that's unfortunate... At least some family can make it to the concert
  6. Hey there May! :) Doing great! I'll miss it too bc summer school T.T Concerts are fun! Good luck to your sister.
  7. I'm in a colourful mood WE NEED MORE EPHRAIM
  8. (o・ω・o)ノ+++++ Good Morning +++++ヽ(o・ω・o).
  9. *✲゚*。✧ Congratulations to Captain Duck ! *✲゚*。✧ May he traverse the open seas with much glee, spreading joys wherever he be. Now all he needs is his parrot Poly (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
  10. I'm doing good May ^.^ Heheh fill that belly sol I recommend ice cream
  11. Good to see everyone is doing well/better... :)
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