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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. I am actually really thirsty too... *runs to the kitchen*
  2. hey there nobody I used to ship them >< I see. So you're leaning more towards self-defence. Handy. I wish you luck in learning to master Muay Thai :D You definitely need a measure of confidence and skill to perform it. >< I tried it once too and I had one of those stiff and lock moments. Not fun.
  3. Ouch. A lot could go wrong when taking a heavy hit to the joints. I read that hitting a pressure point in those areas can also cause a lot of pain. And backflips do seem really scary. When I see them I always worry that the person will fall on their head. ;_;
  4. I am very much existing :) The pain tho T___T Everyone, where I live, hates on my jiggly and I have to silence them every time. In smash of course ^.^ Yay! I'm so happy. I'm not the only one who loves jigglypuff! Aw, thank yoooooou! I was nitpicking at it so much I felt like hiding away >///<
  5. That looks tricky... It's just a Harvest Moon game. How boring of me... :P Are you able to do backflips and stuff? I know nothing about the different techniques but Muay Thai sounds very intense. It sounds like something people should take note of before a fight. Like, "watch out for this one, he knows Muay Thai oooooo"
  6. True. I find mechas really difficult because of the details. They are separate. The story is based off a video game and [spoiler=Here is Silva] Woah. Martial arts huh? Don't give up. Like most things, it will take time before you get good. I assume you slept so much from being so tuckered out :)
  7. Robots are cool and really hard to draw. >.< Well, for me anyways. I'm pretty good. Got a lot of work done today and now I'm working on the HHH animation and also writing a story. How are you doing?
  8. I main with Jiggly so seeing her leave would be sad. Falco too :(
  9. Long time no speak to you. Well in this thread at least... Yes! Jigglypuff, please!
  10. Hey-o I forgot how nice afternoon naps feel
  11. My first avatar married Chrom because I liked the idea of being married to a Lord. Plus, I think Chrom is cute.
  12. *✲゚*。✧ Congratulations to Fre the Parrot and Anon the First Mate ! *✲゚*。✧ Close to the Captain, second in command. Always there to lend a hand. Bird of mimicker, flying high. Protected by a watchful eye. (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
  13. Have a good night/day everyone! I'm off. Hashuni away!! ヾ(*´∇`)ノ I know... unnecessary. I'm sorry Anon. I believe you have good morals (at least from what I've seen). Some people don't take kindly to having such opinions in their face. If you want to have high standards in your way of life, then by all means continue. Good night.
  14. I want to say something but I'm afraid
  15. I don't judge you for being honest. The counter argument to that would be that people can choose to do whatever they want, despite you not liking it. Just as you can choose, if you had the power, to stop them. Power may corrupt you since you have those feelings... Ignoring the things that bug you could help. Maybe...? :/
  16. Seeking power to have something over others would be heading in the direction of a tyrant. I'm kinda curious as to why you want so much power. You don't have to tell me
  17. The great Waluigi has taken ill. Rest easy purple one.
  18. Hi Kim Nope. I wish I had a little more power myself.
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