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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. tis okay i didn't know you had trouble sleeping. :C i hope you're able to get some rest tonight
  2. I didn't :( Go back. I wrote you a story.
  3. He's pretty built. Especially for his age. But I've never seen him workout so I have no idea how he got that way. I wish I got his stomach too. :( Let me take you on a journey. I was hungry and couldn't find no foodz. But instinctively I lifted up the family griller and low and behold delicious looking pieces of salmon were sitting on it. Now note, people in my house make separate dinners sometimes if no one feels like cooking. I thought I'd might as well help myself to some since there was a lot. My dad took some too. Little did we know that my mom made that salmon days ago and had forgotten it in the griller. *heavy sigh* A few hours later I felt like garbage and thus the vomiting ensued. Worse I've had so far... But my dad was totally okay lol
  4. For me too. Considering that I don't have much time to being with. The topics in this thread change a lot. I guess I don't want to miss the funny/crazy moments 'v' I asked him if he at least had a tummy ache and he said no. This isn't the first time this has happened too... He can eat pratically anything and go unfazed
  5. :3 You got this! Smooth cruising to ya! ;_____; So it's still just me that attempts this. Sometimes, on the current page, I have no idea what everyone is talking about. Then I keep linking to previous posts and before I know it I'm reading through half of the day I'm a lot better. Thank you for asking ^.^ Funny enough my dad also had some of the nasty fish but he never got sick. He's got a strong stomach O.o
  6. Catching up with this thread is so hard ._.
  7. @Duck I'm so happy for you! The first time on the road is scary for many. Did I tell when I first started driving I was so nervous that I almost went into the wrong lane? You'll get used to it after a while. Building confidence is key. Have you been to driving school? I think I'm set. My fingers crossed for a good mark!
  8. !!! How was it? Were you nervous? How far did you go? Do you like driving now? Did you make sure to check you blind spot and mirrors often? Who was with you? Aw yay! Duck's a big man. Driving around and stuffs ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ
  9. DUUUUCKIE ヾ(。・ω・。) I have a unit test for math tomorrow. Nope! I'm feeling much better. All the nasty fish is gone from my body ^.^
  10. I've had my nose in my textbook for soooooo long Studying hurts my brain ;__;
  11. Aw I'm flattered that you even care Sorry Hoshi ;^; I've been drowning in homework and evaluations but thankfully this will only last until the end of July.
  12. Welcome! Welcome! You're a pretty tall guy (o.0) Into any other sports? Perhaps basketball? :3 If you're on a desktop there should be "Report" "Multiquote" and "Quote" at the bottom of each post. Not to sure about mobile. Anyways, enjoy this luscious forest!
  13. Hey there! Welcome to this forest.
  14. :C Headache has returned. But I think this is due to a lack of sleep. Good night to all! ( 'v' ) Except naughx :P
  15. But it's trueee. Honest. Stress? Lately it's been school and making sure that my grades are up to par. Usually I worry about life in general and that can get pretty stressful. :( Youz welcomez :3
  16. The difference between us is that I'm shy ;__; a she could probably draw better than me Drawing is a good stress reliever, I find. Ooo your career objective is exciting! Best of luck! :D ლ(ಠ益ಠლ
  17. (; ̄д ̄)My typos will forever be an issue. I've learned to be more careful and, on the occasion, accept when I make an error
  18. @Naughx: That sounds like such a bother... >.> >:( So you were tricked. Sigh, well you live and you learn. Just greeting people has started to become a habit >.> Sorry about that. Let's see... I like to draw, write(somewhat) and swim. Edit: I'll throw in singing too. What about you?
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