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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Spellcheck just isn't delivering. You know you've made a really bad typo when spellcheck can't save you
  2. Yeah, I laughed way too hard at this. xD This too. Gosh. Having one of those weird laughing fits xD Well to add to the topic again I also didn't really use Ricken, Anna, and Say'ri.
  3. Let her enjoy her wondrous games :> I feel your pain there. It's tragic.
  4. Nightey night sleep tight glac I'd support that. The finger slip strikes again.
  5. Hiya Comet why don't you try "wasn't to my liking"? :>
  6. Waluigi you shall enjoy PoR down to the last cent. This isn't an opinion, it is a commandment. :>
  7. Oh my poor Libra got left behind. (;__;) I wanted to use him but meh. Also I eventually stopped using Vaike, Tharja, Sully, Miriel, and Gregor. To name a few.
  8. Gosh. Why am I writing fanfiction when I could be studying for my test tomorrow? ;__; Just dropping in to say hello! Hope the day is treating y'all well.
  9. Stargirl


    Hello, hello! Welcome to this forest! I hope you have a great time here!
  10. :3 looks like this has already been answered
  11. Don't remember what I got PoR for but RD was around $70 Got my mom to chip in too because I told her it was on "sale" for Boxing Day
  12. RD was really expensive when I got it and its price never dropped. But I'm glad I snagged it when I did.
  13. The crotch chop is always good waluigi
  14. huh... so that's how you check replies. thumbs up
  15. That's HASHUNI Mei to you! *slaps* Hey there Naughx! :D
  16. GASP! How dare you sir! *slap* that was not something to laugh at Meatballs, cheeseballs... oh. Silly Aki :3
  17. ahem, that's small RICE balls on a stick to you yeah ive never tried a dango either
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