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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Both of them are pretty bad. In terms of racking in unit deaths D: Spending 2 hours on a beginning Ch. is not fun I need to go back to hard mode. My love for the game is fading away D: Tis okay. I tend to fade into the background anyways :P ( ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞ Hiya Sol It's almost expected for one to die at least once Sigh, such is Loonytic mode.
  2. (⑅ ॣ•͈ᴗ•͈ ॣ) so purdy
  3. Don't blame you HK Those Risen don't hold back at all :C
  4. Guuurl you know the struggle (>;__;<) The Prologue of Lunatic felt like a slap to my face compared to my hard playthrough. Ch.2 was even more of a nightmare. But I'm pushing through. Basically with Chrom, Avatar, and Frederick
  5. (O.O) I swear I read lunatic in your post. My bad (>///<) I'm trying not to grind on my Lunatic playthrough but the restarts ;__;
  6. Hooray! I'm wonderful for reading :D Enjoy your stay in this radiant forest of wonder! Watch out for road signs
  7. Howdy hey! Enjoy your stay!
  8. i'd probably chicken out anyways because i'm also shy. twas a passing thought you'd like it even more in the winter. the giant icicles are so pretty
  9. Sigh Lunatic mode. You're ahead of me at least... I got sick of losing units and put the game down for a couple of months We could have met up!! Actually Niagara Falls is too far. Did you enjoy the majestic flow of water?
  10. Dusk! Yeah, today has been pretty good for me too. Chillin right now but later I'll be off to beat FE10.
  11. its knee! :D i haven't seen you in a bit hiya knee
  12. They are dangos! :D Taken from the first ending of Clannad
  13. D: Does my stealthiness bug you? I alternate from time to time.
  14. Good afternoon to all Being anonymous makes me feel so stealthy :>
  15. You mean to tell me that glac is GLAC??? :O Gasp. I never knew.
  16. hi hoshi! im gud :) ( ゚Д゚)<!! Down with pulp!! Yes, there are tons of other things out there to supply us with the nutrients we need was fun while it lasted. so lon-- ꒰✘Д✘◍꒱
  17. The buffness tho...don't get me started on that naked arm Jaw line... whew! Let me rest _(:I 」∠ )_ *pulls out wallet* *fly comes out of wallet* *gets sad*
  18. We've got murderers and speeders oh the humanity _(:I 」∠ )_
  19. :D Same. I've heard that there are more health benefits with pulp but no, idunwant. ;___; *police siren plays*
  20. :D This is going to be good.
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