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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. ヽ(´∇´)ノ (∇´ノ) ヽ(   )ノ (ヽ´∇) ヽ(´∇`)ノ
  2. But I like this thread HHH can't be duplicated
  3. So many chat threads popping up. :) So slooow :< But man, when you get someone with it, it feels so good >:)
  4. Lucas' up smash is pretty powerful. Not so much is ground up and A... I think up ground moves are good for continuing combos
  5. Artist is a strong word. :P I'd say I'm more of practised sketcher Do you want to be in it too? If so what do you want to look like?
  6. I'm back :> Bubblegum boybands wouldn't be very popular on a forum like this. I'm fine with that! *makes you a sandwich* Got it.
  7. Hiya Sol! I'm doing good today! hbu? OH! I want to add you to my animation but I don't know how to draw you ;_; Got any suggestions? The fanbase box is #1 in my life! I'd never give up that flat screen TV!
  8. You're so sweet! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ Heh...I'm going to see... One Direction *runs away*
  9. OMG I thought I was being mean! What a relief ( ´△`) I've been so busy. When school's done we can talk more often. Anything exciting? Well in August I'm going to attend my very first concert. I can't wait!
  10. :< It's true PMs make me nervous because of the way they're set up. People can see if you've bothered to read the message or not and anonymity is lost. Sometimes I read something and have no idea what to say, then I wish I could go back and pretend I never read it. I'm so bad... On top of that I'm really sensitive and don't want people to be upset but sometimes PM convos get depressing and I get sad and don't know what to say anymore. Being in a group helps because when I don't know what to say, someone is there to pick up where I left off or change the subject. Hoshi, and you too John, if you have something you really want to tell in a PM feel free. I won't ignore you. But I'd prefer simple greetings to be left to threads. I'm so sorry :<
  11. Oh Hoshi you're so silly :) Let's see...as a food I'd be rice :D So I could be made into dangos
  12. ˚₊*(ˊॢo̶̶̷̤◡ुo̴̶̷̤ˋॢ)*₊˚⁎
  13. If you take the fanbase box I can come with you! :D Kitty wants attention. :3 Awww cute. You named it Charizard.
  14. Perfect Go make up with your bed dusk
  15. Bonjour! Enjoy your stay in this lovely forest!
  16. Sorry about that Dusky If you get tired later on take a nap. Afternoon naps are the best :3
  17. Wild MEI appeared. NAUGHX used MATHEMATICS. It's super effective! MEI used \( #`⌂´)/┌┛ NAUGHX fainted.
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