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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. Howdy hey! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  2. ;___; But I'm not food Eat a biscuit you poopie
  3. I'm fine this lovely morning. You're rhyming well, from what I can tell .
  4. Welcome to this luscious forest! Enjoy your stay!
  5. sigh John feels brushed off by everyone...ignored? idk the word. Getting rid of the thread isn't the answer tho :(
  6. We shall wait patiently for the day of her return shush Was worth a shot
  7. ebonics translator isn't working huh? :P
  8. watch out fo' me brace yo-self foo #thuglyfe4lyfe Skipping is a must. Unless we want to end up like poor Silva who is lost within the pages of the thread.
  9. Yippee! Yo yo' not ready fo' dis here Don' make me come ova there
  10. if anon is a pirate can i be a gangster
  11. No need to thank this lowly landlubber. You keep doing your thing :D
  12. Ice tea, apple juice, and water. ...Can't go wrong with water :3
  13. Goodness. This thread moves so fast ;^; We just need to hang in there Ace. HashtagKeepingUpWithTheHHH Ahoy Capt'in Anon! You're fitting into that role nicely.
  14. ;___; I'm probably the only one that attempts to read them all just incase I miss something big. Or at least I used to. #TheStuggleIsReal
  15. My bias for the Greil Mercenaries makes me favour this idea. FE9 provided the standard information on its members but further details that could have been added to FE10 weren't there. The story/support system in FE10 didn't leave room to go in depth on the side characters. Much to my dismay ( ;__;). Oh well, fanfiction here I come! In one of Shinon's support lines he mentions how his mother never hugged him. There's something for a Shinon back story in a support! He could also talk about why he hates the laguz so much idk :3 Anyways a game like that would deserve my money.
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