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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. That was quite the dramatic tease. No big epic trailer like Book 2. Instead, it's rather solemn. I'm intrigued. I doubt it's Fjorm dying though, since this "light dying" seems pretty dramatic and I doubt it would be from her "ritual illness".
  2. I imagine they'll show off Book 3, unless they plan on having yet another Feh Channel soon enough to show that.
  3. At least there's a silver lining to this. This means it'll likely not be in tomorrow's Feh Channel. Imagine how much more disappointing it would have been had they wasted time on this.
  4. Looking at the like/dislike meter on YT, I feel this is the first time it's actually deserved.
  5. What....the.....hell? I honestly thought it was a prank video when I first saw it. Guess it's an easy skip at least. No good characters.
  6. Curious theme. I can say I like most of these characters. Ophelia is probably the one I like the least but she's not terrible. I think I'll support Ishtar.
  7. Yeah, Thracia has been royally screwed over so far. It's only had one banner and half of it was two units we already had.
  8. I....fail to see your problem. Does it really matter if Kliff or Owain come in a banner specifically focused on their game? This is basically Farfetched Heroes 2 which I believe most expected Kliff and Owain to be on anyway. I'd say them being in the game at all is far more important than the type of banner.
  9. Great. Feather fodder incoming. Never really liked her. Another bland Awakening character.
  10. It's almost hilarious how they're now handling out the OC villains like candy.....but still no Veronica or Bruno. :D Looks like I've be going for Owain and Loki. Kliff looks nice. Won't mind if I get him but he won't be a priority.
  11. Shannan and Altena would be nice at least, to get their holy weapons in the game. Can only get Travant as GHB to get Gungneir as well. Given Tailtyu's in the game, I imagine one of her kids would get in eventually, and I imagine Tine would probably get prioritized over Arthur. Just my guess on that. Other than that, I don't really mind who else they put in.
  12. I don't really care who specifically, as long as we continue to get more of the Holy weapons.
  13. 1. Affinities were a nice way to vary support bonuses as opposed to the generic ones we have now so yes I'd like that. 2. Honestly speaking, I don't. Or at the very least, I want platonic endings to return. Sacred Stones was my first game and the reason why supports became something I loved in that game was the variety of relationships between characters it had. Now a days, it's all shifted towards romance and I really don't like that. 3. Don't really care. I like them either way. 4. Absolutely. Echoes showed me just how much charm voice acting adds to the characters. 5. This question is sort of vague. If you mean limited in the sense like characters could only have 5 conversations like in the old games, then no. If you mean limited as in characters don't support every other character, than I agree. Characters should only support with those that make sense. I dislike the "support anyone" style as character personalities are often dummed down to compensate for it.
  14. Absolutely not. I want this to be its own thing, without shoving in fanservice from other games. Anna is pretty much obligatory at this point, but that's it.
  15. As long as Nina doesn't win, any of the others are fine by me. Julia will be my first choice.
  16. There's really no rhyme or reason towards how the dragons are colored. Might as well just accept it that way.
  17. So Mystery of the Emblem Tiki? That's pretty sweet. And I just so happened to finally get Laevatein, which means I'm done with the Muspell banner and can take a shot on this Legendary banner.
  18. I'm honestly not surprised. I began to think that might be the case when they were put in the last update along with all the upcoming quests but with no new chapter.
  19. Yeah, I'm thinking January too. I don't see them interrupting Smash or Pokemon Let's Go.
  20. He might be. He didn't even come back for Theodore in Persona Q.
  21. We just got one recast. Patrick Seitz is now voicing Garon. Guess he's taking over Travis's roles now.
  22. Welp, definitely going for Flora now. Don't really care for the others.
  23. Well, this is interesting. I wonder if Travis is coming back to voice him.
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