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Everything posted by Pokechu

  1. Yeah! I completely agree that children, while fun to some players, were pretty redundant in Fates. I too feel Fates went a bit overboard with fanservice. It kind of sucked having the Awakening trio and Gaius, Cordelia and Tharja because those could have been new characters. It felt really shoehorned. I do agree that Camilla's cutscene was too much. I do agree with you that, although it would be disappointing imo to not have any post-game activities, children do take up a chunk of time the devs have, and the time may be better used on upping the game's overall quality. It's nice having something to do post-game, and having extra characters/maps in Conquest, but they were pretty wonky in Fates as a whole. It'd be really cool if IS added a new activity that people could enjoy, even after they finish the game, but kids were right in place in Awakening due to the story, not so much in Fates. I can see why people were deterred from Fates having a 2nd gen.
  2. Yeah, like if it was just me I would choose Paralogues but I can perfectly see why a majority would choose having a high quality cast and story. I can agree with you on Fates' kids being implemented really poorly and there not being very many good supports. But I really did enjoy having there be some kind of after-game activity for Fire Emblem, like in Fates children gave me something to do because I saved them for after I beat the last chapters. In a FE game without kids, there wouldn't be anything to really work for or achieve after the final chapter, you know?
  3. Uhh, sorry people are different? I know others share my mindset. But children can take up a lot of time if you want them to. I do like grinding though, so that may be part of the reason; when I grind, I can grind for experience and supports. I just really like seeing characters interact with each other. Not necessarily bang and make babies. The children are a small bonus, yes, as they open up the option for more supports. Seeing characters interact with each other is just one of my favorite things and one of the reasons why I can't really get into the older Fire Emblems as much as I want to. There doesn't have to be children, but I think children is one of the reasons why I had 180 hours in Awakening, yet I never completed one of my files. I had a speedrun I finished and then a mainfile that I never completed, I had a few hours on the former and a LOT of hours on the latter. I don't know, call me strange but story doesn't really have an impact on gameplay, and Conquest is a shining example of that.
  4. I gotta agree with XRay. The children didn't interfere with the plot, and their implementation was certainly wonky to say the least, but I spent so many hours reading supports, deciding who I want with who, taking hair colors into account, etc. I wouldn't be too upset to see them go, but it would certainly be disappointing because nothing they could add would replace all of the time I spent on the children and marriage. Children don't take away from the strategy Fire Emblem offers, but rather they add to it, especially considering how useful they are in Awakening's Apotheosis. Also how in Conquest, they unlock paralogues which can really help you level your units, and they get you a superpowered character who you can use. That's really helpful. I'd honestly prefer Paralogues over a better quality story because with children comes hours you can put into the game, as I said at the start of the post. A better quality story will take the same amount of time to complete as a poor quality one. But that's just me. I, along with XRay, enjoyed child units' customization, with their hair color and stats. It'd be cool to see what they'd do if there were no children (I haven't gotten Echoes because I have a Switch and don't want to downgrade lol, considering on getting it later), but I really would miss the hours you can sink in them.
  5. Now that we're (probably) limited to characters who appear by Chapter 6, I think Gunter has an albeit small chance. It'd be tricky though, because he fell off the bridge a few chapters prior. You don't see him in Birthright, and while you see him immediately in Revelations, it's a few chapters until you see him in Nohr. It'll be exciting what they decide to do with him if he is in, because in the interview Usuda said that they didn't want to pick a route because it'd be different from what some players chose, and and one route doesn't get you Gunter. To be honest, Fates is probably going to be the most exciting game because it's at the split It'll be so weird seeing the royals not being familiar with each other, you know? Lots of potential for bond conversations!
  6. Yeah, I posted something to this effect! I wasn't sure if anyone else shared my opinion though because no one else was talking about it I think maybe it'll be split by Rowan going in one route and Lianna in the other, maybe? I saw someone make a theory like that. Or maybe you're given Corrin, Azura, and the two siblings and you go against both kingdoms, basically Revelations? It'll be really interesting how they go about it. I think Ryoma and Xander would be late recruits as well. I feel that, if they get in, Elise and Sakura would be the first royals you get, similar to how Elise is the first one you get in Conquest and Sakura for Birthright.
  7. okay I know I'm really biased towards the royals but In the interview, it mentioned how the Fates characters come from around Chapter 6; that's when they cross over. I feel like this makes all of the royals a bit more likely because you haven't met any retainers by that point (sorry Oboro :^( ), you've really only met the 10 royals, the 3 servants + Gunter, Kaze, Rinkah, Garon, Iago and Hans. Also Mikoto. I might be missing someone but that's basically all of the characters you meet by chapter 6. We know none of the servants have a chance besides Felicia and Jakob, Iago and Hans are lol, I could see Kaze, but I don't think Rinkah would make it. We can't forget Mikoto is bye Felicia lol. So imho, the only candidates are the 10 royals (3 of which we've already gotten), a servant, Kaze, and Garon, and I really don't find Garon to be likely at all. The point/time the Fates characters cross over probably means nothing of course, but I do feel like it could hurt some characters' chances. It'd make the most sense if they were all, somehow, connected to the characters we know of by Chapter 6. This just seemed really interesting to me and I haven't seen anyone mention it.
  8. Yes. I did read your post. That's why I took so long to respond. I wanted to make sure I covered all parts. You only explained how Ike would fit in, that being a surprise after filling in all 5 orbs. You didn't explain Hector, Ephriam, and Micaiah. And while Ike doesn't have to shove everyone else aside, it would feel that way if everyone's fawning over him like "NO WAY! IKE, THE STRONGEST HERO, HAS COME TO HELP! HOLY NAGA!". And about the royals, all of them are liked. Sakura and Hinoka are certainly at the bottom of the 10, but imho it only seems that way because the others, such as Camilla, Leo, Takumi and Elise are more popular than them. To be honest, I haven't seen much love for Ryoma but that may just be me. At the end of the day, I feel that Ike may be in, Ike might not be. But the game is focused on Awakening, Fates, and Shadow Dragon. It would be nice to see characters outside of those three, but I think that we should be content that FE Warriors is even a thing. Who knows? The next may focus on Ike's game and Lyn's game.
  9. Those three you mentioned are popular requests who aren't swordies, yes, but I've seen many request the characters I mentioned. However, I fail to see how Hector can get in without Lyn and Micaiah without Ike. Not to mention once again, how would you fit them into the story? And Celica could use magic, but considering how her artwork/amiibo was her with a sword, I'm more inclined to say her main weapon would be a sword and she'd have magic on the side. As for cool characters, I don't know about you, but all of the royals from Fates seem to be liked (they all have haters but they have huge fanbases as well), the FatesAwakening trio are some pretty cool characters (but I wouldn't want them in this), Nowi's kind of popular (10th for females on the Heroes poll, surprisingly!), etc. Just look at the top 10 male/female on the Heroes poll. IIRC, 14/20 are from Awakening/Fates. While that's 6 characters that are not, that's still quite a majority. And I think what you said in your second paragraph is more than a stretch. I get how Ike's pretty strong canonically and in Heroes, Anna said he was the strongest hero in all the worlds, but there can be many cases that can be made for all Lords, not just Ike. It wouldn't be fair for Ike to steal the show like he's the main character of this game. I honestly don't see how it would work. I'd much rather the "strongest of all heroes" just be the people with the 5 orbs. And that, I can imagine. Marth, Chrom, Corrin, Xander, and Ryoma are all formidable Lords with their own strengths and weaknesses. I'm not saying Ike isn't formidable, but it'd be really lame if he just pushed all the others to the side because "he's the strongest" (not quoting you, just quoting what the game would probably tell us). You're right, Ike does have Ragnell, but there's plenty of characters that have a weapon/niche unique to them. That doesn't mean they should all be in. I wouldn't put it past them to mold a character into a different niche, similar to how Robin can use dark magic in here (he's seen with Nosferatu) and Smash Bros. Salt isn't a reason to include a character. Ridley's been the most request character for Smash Bros. for years but he isn't likely to see the light. While Lucina is very popular, I doubt that she got in purely from it. She's a main character from Awakening, alongside Chrom and Robin. It would be very noticeable if she wasn't present while side characters were. As been mentioned, Ike is a very popular character but his series didn't sell well. That's why Lucina gets a pass while Ike doesn't. Ike may very well be in, we don't know, but Lucina wasn't a surprise. And I wouldn't mind seeing characters from other games get in. It's a new Fire Emblem spinoff, though, so I'm not surprised that they're using their most popular games; Awakening and Fates, and using the game the FE mascot comes from, Shadow Dragon. If I was making a new FE spinoff, I sure wouldn't use unrecognizable games such as Genealogy. Not saying you would, but it makes sense why they chose to have three games, and make those three be the ones they are. Arthur isn't very biased and he said "two biggest" as in you should include both, you shouldn't leave one out. How I've read it, he isn't acting like someone said neither should be in at all. Saying "don't worry about him", "he's super biased" and "he takes bias to another level" is very rude. I haven't talked to Arthur much but from what I've gathered, he's pretty impartial.
  10. I honestly would prefer not having anyone outside of Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates. Ike is pretty cool, but most characters everyone wants outside of those three all use swords for one (Lyn, Ike, Roy, Eliwood, Alm, possibly Celica, etc.) and there's already so many cool characters from SD, Awakening and Fates. I also feel like any characters from other games would kind of stick out, partially because HW only chose characters from OOT, SS and TP at first, but also because they wouldn't fit into the narrative. I know that HW had some characters be unlocked by Adventure Mode, but those characters were still a part of the story. This would make adding Ike strange because how will he fit in? The story is about meeting characters from SD/Fates/Awakening, so Ike can't just appear. I'd much rather a character from the three games said rather than a swordie from outside the three games. We already have what, 8 swordies? And if the roster's about 25 characters, I'd hate to get another swordie and or a character outside the games they specified.
  11. Ryoma dual wields??? Wow! I never knew! But judging from this video, https://youtu.be/O8KQp71d5OU?t=578 it doesn't seem like Ryoma dual wields. He's only shown for a bit though so it could be just in some moves? Could you show me where you found out he dual wields? Because Raijinto is only one sword, I know you know that () but it'd be a bit strange in my opinion, like would he dual wield Raijinto + some random sword or does Raijinto split into two? Since I just found out Ryoma dual wields I feel Navarre isn't very likely now. Hm. A slow powerhouse would definitely fit Ogma, though, you are right. I just think that since SD already may be shafted on reps, they'd try to squeeze out Tiki, Caeda, Hardin, Camus, and Linde/Merric and maybe save the rest of the swordies (if there are any) for Awakening, maybe Fates/both.
  12. I don't think Ogma has any chance tbh but I do also feel Navarre has a (albeit small) chance. Building off my last point, I don't think Ogma has a snowball's chance because Navarre can dual wield. That's rad. He's also pretty popular, while Ogma is kind of a nobody and would be just another swordsman. If we're getting any more swordsmen past the 8 we already have, they better be well worth it. And imho, Ogma isn't.
  13. I believe all the Fates royals should be in because they're all diverse, unique characters. I could see if some had the same class, yeah leave them out, but they're all completely different. One of the reasons they chose the 3 games they did was to represent all of the classes, get the most variety, and the Fates royals do just that. You ask if we need both Elise and Sakura, but they're completely different. Just because they're healers doesn't mean they can't both be in. One is mounted and magical, the other is foot and an archer. There's so many ways they could have a moveset unique to them. Once again, if one is redundant if the other gets in, we wouldn't have 3 Falchion users. And they know that each royal has sizeable fanbases. And while Hinoka and Cordelia could end up being pretty similar, they could just as easily be unique from each other. Those 3 royals might not seem all that grand and important, but they're main characters, which is more than what Virion, Gordin, Jeorge, and Cordelia can say, and they're not much less important story-wise than the other siblings. None of them are really all that important in the story, save for Ryoma and Xander. Maybe the two little brothers too.
  14. It isn't all about popularity and Virion isn't competing with Tharja and Cordelia to be an archer, of course, but there can only be so many spots for a game. We have all of Awakening's core cast; Chrom, Robin, Lissa, Frederick and Lucina. If we add in 2 popularity picks, those being Tharja and Cordelia, that's 7. I don't think we'd need anyone else besides those, unless they want to put in Gangrel for a villain. Awakening has a small cast of main characters, you're right, so it doesn't need as much representation. We get the point, the focals with the 7/8 I mentioned. Now I'm not saying there couldn't be anyone else from Awakening, but there's not many picks you could go with. And for your point about Lissa, you could say the same thing for Sakura. While Fates has 10 royals, Sakura needs a weapon and her status as a royal, it could make her a prime candidate for a 2nd archer. I see no reason why they would see Sakura and Gordin, Jeorge, Virion and pick one of the latter 3. If we get Marth, Tiki, Caeda, Camus, Michaelis, Draug, Navarre, that's already 7. You could toy around with that a bit but I don't see the first 3 going anywhere. My money's on SD having the smallest cast and Gordin/Jeorge don't make exciting picks at all. With how they've been stating "Oh yeah mhmm girl this roster over 20 characters biggest crossover collab Warriors game mhm that RIGHT" I have some faith they could squeeze in the 10 royals from Fates, esp. with how the 10 are so diverse.
  15. Uh, are you sure about that? In terms of popularity, Sakura is Lucina when she stands next to the three you mentioned. Those characters don't even have that big of a fanbase and SD might already be strapped on characters because the devs said one of the games has a smaller cast compared to the other 2. And we know Virion isn't getting in over Tharja and Cordelia; Virion isn't relevant nor does he have the popularity he needs. I'd see Gaius and Nowi getting in before him. It makes sense to have all of the royals, especially when each one is so different. You could say there's better options for a foot axe user, like one who starts out using one but no, we got Lissa.
  16. It's entirely possible that there'd be an archer besides Takumi and because he can overshadow most of the candidates, you might as well make it Sakura, who is a royal. She also has magical abilities and healing to set her apart. If it'd be redundant to have Takumi and Sakura, then it must be redundant to have Marth, Lucina, and Chrom. They all use the same sword!! If they don't want another bow, have her use scrolls. Would be way different from tomes. The same case can be made for Hinoka. While there may be Cordelia and Caeda, Hinoka could have harder hitting attacks with her naginata; up close and personal. I kind of imagine Impa from Hyrule Warriors, with horsey attacks added in. And a case could be made for Elise using staves like Freeze. The point is that if the developers felt that they couldn't put in every game because they would need to put in the main characters, then they might feel the same way for the three games they chose; they'd have to put in the main characters. I don't see the two kingdoms being uneven.
  17. I don't see why everyone's putting Garon on their roster. He isn't even the main villain of Fates and no one likes him. If you want a foot axe user, we already have that with Lissa. It'd be much more interesting to have Anankos' human form in the roster, but even he isn't really cared for. But please do not put Garon in it, especially when competition is already fierce due to there being 10 royals. Plus, I really don't want that hideous thing on my character select screen
  18. I don't think Wrys has a chance at all. They already stated that one of the worlds will seem a bit smaller than the other 2, and that one will likely be SD (they wouldn't limit Awakening and Fates) and while Wrys can use light magic IIRC we'll likely have Linde to do it anyways. And I don't think they'd give one of Ninty's biggest franchises a joke character. Like, Agitha from HW wasn't a joke character, she was the developers' favorite and they wanted her in. No one really wants Wrys when we can have Camus, Caeda or Hardin.
  19. They said in one interview that they chose the roster from a fan perspective, like which characters would make sense. It'd be dumb to miss out on Hinoka because they wanted Caeldori as a surprise. No one Not many favor Fates' 2nd gen.
  20. Here's the thing, though. Gunter isn't close to being popular. And there's already 10 main characters for Fates. It'll be hard for him to squeeze in when he faces competition from that, Camus, and all of the Pegasus Knights (other mounted lances). I'll actually be disappointed if he gets in; he isn't relevant at all. All he did in Fates was fall down a cliff and betray you.
  21. No. Second generation units aren't really all that popular aside from Severa/Inigo/Owain. Those three were less liked in Fates and not many enjoyed Fates' second generation or how it was handled. Plus, many of them face competition. For example, why Cynthia when we can have Caeda, Hinoka or Cordelia? I don't expect (or even want) any second generation character besides Lucina.
  22. Am I the only one who thinks Virion has no chance at all? He doesn't have many fans and while he was in that Fire Emblem crossover on the Wii U, if they put in Sakura and Takumi that's already two archers. I don't think we'll need more than that. I think Awakening is getting Cordelia, Tharja, and someone else, maybe Nowi. But I really don't see Virion getting in.
  23. But Felicia is clearly marketed as THE servant. It doesn't matter what gender Corrin is because they got both servants regardless. If there was only one servant, it'd be Felicia. They likely still do check the worldwide polls though, because in one interview they called Donnel a "fan favorite", when in Japan I don't think he's even close. There also is the fact how the Warriors poll results was in February, and the game releases in September, so I think they could do a SMALL revision of the roster if need be. Of course they'd look at the Japanese polls too, but popularity alone won't ensure a character; I could see if Jakob got 1st and Felicia dead last like yeah that girl ain't got a chance but when Felicia scored fine (11 out of 35 isn't bad, 10th excluding Nina who has like no chance) then it's pretty negligible.
  24. Shoot, just checked the wiki and you're right. It's on the soundtrack book right? Even so, IIRC Felicia had hers waaayy before he got one though. I can't believe I just found this out
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